Sensory Stimulation

  1. Sensory Reception
    Recieving Stimulation or Data from External or internal thru the senses
  2. External
    5 senses
  3. Internal Senses
    • Kinesthesia - Aware of position and movements
    • Visceral - Inner organs
  4. Sensory Perception
    Selecting and organizing data into meaningful information
  5. Stimulus
    Agent, act or any other infuence affecting a response from the nervous system - must be present
  6. Reticular Activating System
    Part of the medulla and hypothalamus. Poorly defined network. Mediats arousal by allowing certain signals to pass to cerebrum while others are not. Common stimulus is not allowed to pass while uncommon stimulus is permitted to pass.
  7. Fully concious
    Aware - Alert - A&O x3 Person place and time
  8. Disorientation
    not A&O x 3 - Decreased awareness - Impaired Judgement
  9. Somnolence
    Extremely Drowsy - But responsive to stimuli
  10. Coma
    Not responsive
  11. Stupor
    Semi Concious - Aroused by extreme Stimuli
  12. Sensory Deprivation
    • Results from lack of stimulation - person may recieve stimuli in distorted manner
    • Risk factors - Isolation - Bed confined - Depressed - Diffrent culture - Long term care - Sensory Alterations - Disturbance of NS
  13. Sensory Overload
    Cannot manage or process intensity of stimuli - Happens many times when hospitalized
  14. Stereognosis
    Is the sense that senses the solidity of objects and the size shape and texture.
  15. What is a sensory deficit that is experienced by a patient who loses all sense of body?
    Kinesthetic disturbance.
  16. Sensoristasis
    Optimal State of arousal if the RAS
Card Set
Sensory Stimulation
For Exam 2