RNG 353-Midterm 1

  1. Big Sagebrush
    • Family/Tribe: Asteraceae
    • Scientific Name: Artemisia tridentata
    • Origin: Native
    • Life Span: Perennial
  2. Artemisia tridentata Habitat
    • Distribution: Intermountain West (West of the Dakotas)
    • Plant Communities: grasslands, sagebrush, desert shrub, PJ, ponderosa pine, Doug fir, hot deserts
    • Soil Types: well-drained soils (wide soil types)
    • Location: over 10,000 ft. elevation, basins, dry slopes, mountain slopes, valleys, foothills
  3. Artemisia tridentat Identification
    • Inflorescense: narrow leafy panicles
    • Alternate leaves, simple, wedge-shaped, 3-lobed apex, leaf margins straight
    • Aromatic sage odor
    • Non-sprouter
  4. Artemisia tridentata-Plant Attributes
    • •Cool season evergreen shrub
    • •long-lived (50+ years)
    • Regeneration from seed: small seed, plant producing 350,000
    • seeds/plant/year
    • •Root depth up to 9 m
    • •VAM association
    • •Climax species
    • •Nurse plant to seedlings and other species
  5. temisia tridentat-Forge Quality, Palability, and Cover
    • •Important plants for livestock and wildlife
    • •Palatable except for volatile oil content
    • •Can provide 100% forage for sage grouse in winter and 90% for Pronghorn.
    • •High consumption by lagomorphs
    • •Highly nutritious shrub but highly unpalatable
    • •Critical habitat for large to small mammals, birds, and for raising young (sage grouse, pronghorn, etc)
  6. Artemisia tridentata - Drought/Stress, Grazing, Fire Tolerance
    • Drought/Stress: Drought tolerant shrub
    • Grazing: May increase with moderate to heavy grazing
    • Fire: Killed by fire (low resistance), fire does not stimulate germination
  7. Antelope Bitterbrush
    • Family/Tribe: Rosaceae
    • Scientific Name: Purshia tridentata
    • Origin: Native
    • Life Span: Perennial
    • Form: shrub
  8. Purshia tridentata-Habitat
    • Distribution: Western North America
    • Plant Communities: Ponderosa pine, Doug fir, sagebrush, desert shrub, PJ woodlands
    • Soil Types: Well-drained soils at all aspects, tolerates rocky conditions. Does best in fine to sandy, gravelly calcareous soils
    • Location: plains, mountain slopes, mesas, open woodlands (3,000 to 10,000 ft. elevation )
  9. Purshia tridentata-Identification
    • Inflorescense
    • •Flowers: Solitary, Perfect, Yellow, 5-petals
    • •Fruit: Longitudinally ribbed, pubescent
  10. Purshia tridentata-Growth Form
    • •Leaves
    • –Alternate, 3-lobed apex
    • –Upper surface (adaxially) dark green, pubescent to glabrous
    • –Lower surface (abaxially) white tomentose
    • –Twigs gray to brown, new stems are red
    • •Multi-branched
  11. Purshia tridentata-Plant Attributes
    • •Cool season shrub
    • •Shade intolerant, prefers full sun
    • •Long-lived shrub (100-130 years old)
    • •Sometimes has nitrogen-fixing root nodules
  12. Purshia tridentata- Forge Quality and Palatability
    • •Considered an “ice-cream plant”
    • •An important browse species for
    • –all classes of livestock (choice for sheep, low for horses)
    • –pronghorn, mule deer, elk, bighorn sheep, moose, rodents (deer mice and kangaroo rats)
    • –a variety of insects (ants)
  13. Purshia tridentat -Drought/Stress
    • •Avoids water stress with extremely deep taproot
    • •Leaves produced in the spring are drought deciduous, leaves produced later in year overwinter and remain functional the following year
    • •Intolerant of soil salinity
    • •Intolerant of shade
  14. Purshia tridentata-Grazing Tolerance
    • •Grazing increases lateral branching
    • •If grazed early in the season, greater biomass is produced compared to ungrazed plants
    • •Heavy grazing can result in decreased density (decreaser species), but density is not affected by moderate use
  15. Purshia tridentata-Fire Tolerance
    Plants are very susceptible to fire, but require it for regeneration
  16. Rubber Rabbitbrush
    • Family: Asteraceae
    • Scientific Name: Chrysothamnus nauseosus
    • Origin: Native
    • Life Span: Perennial
    • New Name: Ericamerica nauseosa
  17. Chrysothamnus nauseosus - Identification
    • •Inflorescense: (disk flowers only, flowers in the fall (yellow), heads in terminal clustered)
    • •Whitish wooly stems, deciduous
    • •Leaves linear, with prominent mid-veins
  18. Chrysothamnus nauseosus-Plant Attributes
    • •Warm season shrub
    • •Deep taproot
    • •Regeneration from seed or sprouting
    • •Early seral species, declining with continued succession
    • •Tested as source of rubber during WWII

    •22 subspecies (some green, some gray)
  19. Chrysothamnus nauseosus-Forge Quality, Palatability, and Cover
    • •Poor forage for livestock
    • •Important browse on depleted rangelands, otherwise light use by wildlife and livestock in the summer
    • •Important forage for deer and pronghorn in the fall to winter.
    • - Plants have good energy and protein content
    • - Nesting cover for perching birds, waterfowl, and sage grouse.
    • - Poor cover for large mammals
  20. Chrysothamnus nauseosus - Drought/Stress, Grazing, Fire Tolerance
    • Drought: Felt-like covering on narrow leaves reduces water loss, Deep taproots allows plant to access deep water sources
    • Grazing: maintains high vigor with grazing
    • Fire: fire adapted species that is unharmed or enhanced by fire, Rapid recovery time-early colonization following fire
  21. Douglas rabbitbrush
    • Family: Asteraceae
    • Scientific Name: Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus
    • Origin: Native
    • Life Span: Perennial
  22. Chrysothamnus visicidiflorus-Identification
    • •Inflorescense: disk flowers only, flower in the fall (yellow), heads in terminal clustered
    • •Older stems glabrous, new stems (twigs) light pubescent
    • •Leaves linear to linear oblanceolate
    • •Leaves frequently twisted, glandular
  23. Chrysothamnus visicidiflorus- Plant attributes
    • •Plants relatively short-lived (12-13 years)
    • •Mid succession species, invading disturbed sites
  24. Chrysothamnus visicidiflorus-Forage Quality, Palatability, and Cover
    • •Poor forage for livestock
    • •Provides some browse for livestock and wildlife when no other forages are available
    • •Deer feed on plants in spring
    • •Provides valuable cover for small mammals, nesting passerines, sage grouse, and waterfowl.
  25. Chrysothamnus visicidiflorus-Drought/Stress, Grazing tolerance
    • Drought: well-adapted to drought, tolerance to fair salinity
    • Grazing: tolerant of heavy grazing pressure
  26. Bluebunch Wheatgrass
    • Family: Poaceae
    • Scientific Name: Elymus spicatus*
    • Origin: Native
    • Life Span: Perennial
  27. Elymus spicatus - Identification
    • Inflorescense
    • •Narrow spike
    • •Spikelets somewhat overlapping
    • •One spikelet per node that is not as long as the internode
    • •Lemmas may have a single reflexed, divergent awn (1-2cm)
    • •Glumes rarely awn-tipped
  28. Elymus spicatus- Growth Form
    • •Bunchgrass: Cespitose to rhizomatous
    • •Deep extensive, fibrous roots (over 1m)
    • •Leaves are flat to slightly inrolled
    • •Auricles: (Red, clasping)
  29. Elymus spicatus-Plant Attributes
    • •Cool season grass
    • •Growth begins right after snowmelt
    • •Germination (Seedlings emerge in spring and fall, Can germinate under a variety of temperatures)
  30. Elymus spicatus- Forge quality and palatability
    • •Considered one of the most important forage species on rangelands (livestock and wildlife)
    • •Loses palatability with age
    • •Crude protein (spring – 16.3%, Summer – 5.7%, Fall – 3.7%, winter – 2.3%)
  31. Elymus spicatus- Drought/Stress
    • •Considered one of the most drought-resistant native bunchgrasses
    • •Dormancy occurs during drought or high temperatures
    • •Tolerates moderate levels of soil salinity

  32. Elymus spicatus- Grazing tolerance
    • •Extremely sensitive to defoliation during active growth (from livestock to mice)
    • •Moderately tolerant to grazing during non-growing period
  33. Basin wildrye
    • Family: Poaceae
    • Scientific name: Leymus cinereus
    • Origin: Native
    • Life Span: Perennial
    • Formerly known as: Elymus cinereus
  34. Leymus cinereus-Identification
    • •Inflorescense: Dense spike, 10-30 cm, 2-6 spikelets per node, Glumes narrow, and awn tipped
    • •Blades flat or involute, 0.5 to 1.5 cm wide, 20-60 cm long; ligule membranous 3-7mm, obtuse to acute
    • •Culms coarse & robust (up to 1.5 cm thick)
  35. Leymus cinereus-Plant Attributes
    • •Cool season grass: One of 1st grasses to initiate spring growth
    • •Cespitose growth form, sometimes with short rhizomes (Bunches typically 2-4 ft. in diameter and 3-7 ft. in height, Extensive root system)
    • •Reproduces by seed, rhizomes, & tillers
  36. Leymus cinereus-Drought/Stress Tolerance
    • •Moderately tolerant of acidity, alkalinity, and salinity
    • •Will tolerate partial shade in more productive soils
    • •Facultative Upland Species: Usually occurs in non-wetlands, but occasionally occurs in wetlands, Will tolerate short periods of ponded soils, drought tolerant
  37. Leymus cinereus-Grazing
    • •Provides abundant forage for livestock during spring when it is palatable (Elevated growing points (10-15cm above ground) = Intolerance of heavy or repeated grazing )
    • •Unpalatable after maturing due to coarse texture
    • •High crude protein content through Sept.
    • •Low protein, but high energy value in winter
    • •Utilized in winter when other plants are covered by snow, or after softened by rain in Pacific NW.
  38. Leymus cinereus- Valuable for re-vegetation projects
    • •Commercially available seed
    • •Can establish in disturbed areas or in climax vegetation comm.
    • •High transplant survival rates (80-90%)
    • •High nitrogen and water-use efficiency
    • •High potential above & below ground biomass production = Conservation of water, soil, nutrients, and organic matter
  39. Squirreltail
    • Family: Poaceae
    • Scientific Name: Elymus elymoides
    • Origin: Native
    • Life Span: Perennial
  40. Elymus elymoides-Identification
    • •Inflorescense: Spike, spikelets 2 per node, disarticulating below the spike (entire head may come off at once), Lemma awned 5-15mm, glumes awned 2-5 (10) cm reflexed
    • •Cespitose growth form
    • •Plant may be glabrous or pubescent
  41. Elymus elymoides-Plant Attributes
    • •Cool season grass
    • •Produces high numbers of viable seed each year that germinate rapidly
    • •Long awns catch the ground aiding in establishment
    • •Can occur in early to late (climax) seral stages
  42. Elymus elymoides-Forage Quality and Patability
    • •Consumed by pronghorn, ground squirrels, cottontails and jackrabbits.
    • •Good source of energy, but low in protein, phosphorus, and carotene
    • •Palatable for sheep (especially in the winter), otherwise considered moderately palatable to livestock
    • •Is consumed by livestock and wildlife. Minor component of cattle and bison summer diet.
    • •Awns reduce palatability
    • •Provides good cover to small mammals and birds
  43. Elymus elymoides- Drought, Grazing, Fire tolerance
    • Drought: Seed dormancy during dry years allows plants to avoid drought
    • Grazing: Increases with moderate to even heavy grazing, Seed establishment favored with trampling
    • Fire: Although readily topkilled, small size and low plant production make it fire tolerant, Solid culms do not readily burn
  44. Needle-and-thread
    • Family: Poaceae
    • Scientific Name: Hesperostipa comata*
    • Origin: Native
    • Life Span: Perennial
  45. Hesperostipa comata- Identification
    • •Inflorescense: •Panicle, upper spreading, lower part inserted in the sheath, One flower per spikelet, Awns 10-20cm long, glumes 2+ cm long
    • •Cespitose
  46. Hesperostipa comata-Plant attributes
    • Cool season grass
    • Propagation by seed and tillers
  47. Hesperostipa comata- Forage Quality and Palatability
    • •Valuable forage, especially in the spring to both livestock and wildlife
    • •Preferred by rabbits, prairie dogs, and pocket-gophers
    • •Highly palatable in the spring, but decreases with awn development
    • •Awns and sharp pointed callus may cause injuries
  48. Cheatgrass
    • Family: Poaceae
    • Scientific Name: Bromus tectorum
    • Origin: Introduced
    • Life Span: Annual
  49. Bromus tectorum-Identification
    • •Inflorescense: Panicle, rather narrow, Spikelets nodding, Lemma pubescent, long awned
    • •Leaf sheath and collar very pubescent
  50. Bromus tectorum- Plant Attributes
    • •Cool season grass
    • •Plants germinate during early spring when moisture is available (sometimes since fall)
    • •Fibrous root system with rapid lateral and vertical root growth
    • •Monocultures of thousands of acres occur with 600-900 plants/ft2
    • High phenotypic plasticity (displayed with high morphological variability
  51. Bromus tectorum-Forage Quality and Palatability
    • •When green (spring), it is highly palatable and nutritive
    • •High volume of herbage is consumed by all classes of livestock
    • •Livestock gains are minimal when cheatgrass matures and may
    • cause mouth infections
    • •Utilized by wildlife (bighorn sheep, pronghorn, mule deer). Seed consumption high among birds.
  52. Bromus tectorum- Drought/Stress Tolerance
    • •Seeds germinate when moisture favorable (early in the growing season), since seeds and plants are sensitive to moisture and heat stress
    • •Drought avoidance adaptation
    • •During drought, plants produce little herbage but enough seed to establish during another germination period
  53. Bromus tectorum-Fire tolerance
    • •Plants establish from seed stored in the soil following fire
    • •Adapted to high fire-frequency regimes
    • •A fierce competitor in the post-fire environment taking advantage of high soil resources
    • •May have high seed mortality during fire, but abundant seed source in the soil promotes high post-fire growth
    • •Under increased fire-frequency regime it can significantly reduce perennial plant establishment
  54. Junegrass
    • Family/Tribe: Poaceae
    • Scientific Name: Koeleria macrantha
    • Origin: Native
    • Life Span: Perennial
  55. Koeleria macrantha- Identification
    • •Inflorescence: dense contracted panicle, spike-like and shiny, bottom branches of inflorescense are pubescent, spikelets 2 (to 5) flowered, compressed
    • •sheaths and leaves finely pubescent
  56. Koeleria macrantha- Plant Attributes
    • •Cool season grass
    • •Regeneration occurs by seed (fall ripening, spring germination)
    • •Rapid spring growth
  57. Koeleria macrantha - Forage Quality and Cover
    • •Utilized by all classes of livestock
    • •Wildlife species include bighorn sheep, mountain goats, elk, deer although use moderate due to scattered distribution
    • •Palatable to livestock and wildlife in spring and fall after curing.
    • •Because of short stature, low forage production and provides minimal cover for larger birds and mammals.
  58. Koeleria macrantha- Drough/Stress, Grazing Tolerance
    • Drought: Can persist and establish on sites subjected to severe water stress
    • Grazing: Decreases over years of more intense grazing pressure
  59. Koeleria macrantha-Fire tolerance
    • •Considered a superior fire-resistant perennial bunch-grass
    • •Small stature and coarse texture protect growing points at the crown (meristimatic tissues)
    • •Plants burn quickly, transferring little heat to the crown and roots, increasing survival
  60. Idaho fescue
    • Family: Poaceae
    • Scientific Name: Festuca idahoensis
    • Origin: Native
    • Life Span: Perennial
  61. Festuca idahoensis- Identification
    • •Inflorescense: Narrow panicle, loose, Spikelets long pedicelled, Lemmas awned from tip (2-5mm)
    • •Cespitose, basal leaves, filiform
    • •Sheaths at collar with large shoulders
    • •Black roots
  62. Festuca idahoensis- Plant Attiributes
    • •Long-lived cool season bunchgrass
    • •Common component of undisturbed areas (climax species) but can also colonize disturbed sites
    • •Reproduces from seeds and tillers
    • •Starts growth in early spring
  63. Festuca idahoensis - Forge Quality and Cover
    • •Important forage species for livestock and wildlife
    • •In eastern Oregon, it is a main grass in the diet of horses, cattle, sheep, elk, pronghorn, bighorn sheep, and mountain goats.
    • •Palatability varies by season and community type.
    • •Becomes less digestible than other species at the end of the growing season
    • •Cover is fair to good for small mammals and birds
  64. Festuca idahoensis - Drought/ Stress, Grazing tolerance
    • Drought: Tolerates low water availability, Plants are cold tolerant and moderately shade tolerant
    • Grazing: A decreaser under heavy grazing of livestock and wildlife, often being replaced by cheatgrass, Favored by light to moderate grazing
  65. Festuca idahoensis - Fire tolerance
    • •Survives light-intensity fires, but is killed as intensity increases (root crown budding zone is at or above the soil surface, exposed to high heat)
    • •Fires occurring in 10-25 year intervals have neutral to negative effects
    • •More tolerant to late-season burning
  66. Sandberg bluegrass
    • Family/Tribe: Poeae
    • Scientific Name: Poa secunda
    • Origin: Native
    • Life Span: Perennial
  67. Poa secunda - Identification
    • •Inflorescense: open slender panicle, spikelets purplish, 2-5 flowered,
    • •Blades folded, double midrib, with a boat-shaped tip
    • •Ligule 2 to 4 mm acute membrane
    • •Cespitose, leaves basal and short
    • •Red nodes
  68. Poa secunda -Plant attributes
    • •Cool season grass
    • •Shallow-rooted species that does well where light rains are common or soil moisture is limited
    • •Reproduces by seed and tillers
  69. Poa secunda - Forage Quality, Palatability, Cover
    • •Greens up early in spring where it is sought by all classes of livestock and many wildlife species (nutritious and palatable)
    • •Little production in drought years making it a less dependable forage species
    • •Because of smallgrowth form, plants provide little hiding cover for wildlife.
  70. Poa secunda - Drough/stress, grazing, fire tolerance
    • Drought: Highly drought-resistant species
    • Grazing: May increase with grazing pressure
    • Fire: generally unharmed by fire due to small plant size and low heat transfer to crown, Plant is generally dormant during high fire seasons
  71. Thurber needlegrass
    • Family: Poaceae
    • Scientific Name: Achnatherum thurberianum
    • Origin: Native
    • Life Span: Perennial
  72. Achnatherum thurberianum - Identification
    • •Inflorescense: panicle narrow, glumes 1cm long, purple, awns 3-5cm, twice geniculate, lower 2 segments plumose
    • •Leaves inrolled
  73. Achnatherum thurberianum - Plant attributes
    • •Cool season bunchgrass
    • •Climax to mid-seral species in many communities
    • •Regeneration from seed and tillers
  74. Achnatherum thuberianum - Forage Quality, Palatability, and cover
    • •Provides valuable forage for livestock and wildlife (16% of wild horse diet in Oregon), primarily in spring
    • •Seeds valuable to birds and small mammals
    • •Leaves eaten by rabbits, deer, and other herbivores
    • •Provide cover for many small to medium sized wildlife species
    • •In Oregon, sage grouse densities are high in ACTH and ARTR communities
  75. Achnatherum thurberianum - Grazing Tolerance
    •Decreases with increased grazing pressure (7 fold increase in population (density) following 30 years of rest (Study from Northern Nevada)
  76. Crested Wheatgrass
    • Family: Poaceae
    • Scientific Name: Agropyron cristatum
    • Origin: Introduced
    • Life Span: Perennial
  77. Agropyron cristatum - Identification
    • •Inflorescense: Dense spike, strongly overlapping, Comb-like, Glumes and lemmas awned
    • •Cespitose
  78. Agropyron cristatum - Plant Attributes
    • •Cool season grass
    • •Long-lived plant (stands of 40+ years)
    • •Germination in cold temperatures, strong seedling establishment (does well at high elev.)
    • •2-4 week head start on growing season
    • •Competes well with native species
    • •Competes reasonably well with cheatgrass
  79. Agropyron cristatum - Forage Quality and Palatability
    • •High yield and green period in spring and fall makes it highly desirable forage for livestock and wildlife
    • •Highly palatable and nutritious (less during mid-summer)
    • •Can be grazed earlier than other native species
    • •Low use by pronghorn and moderate to low by deer
    • •Great cover and forage for jackrabbits and grasshoppers
    • •Can decrease habitat of sagebrush obligate bird species (sage grouse)
  80. Agropyron cristatum - Drought/ Stress, Grazing, Fire Tolerance
    • Drought: Highly drought and cold resistant, Competes with exotic species
    • Grazing: Resilient to grazing pressure, Light to moderate grazing invigorates plants and extends life span
    • Fire: Above ground material burns but below ground survives, Slightly damaged to unharmed by prescribed fire
  81. Yarrow
    • Family/Tribe: Asteraceae
    • Scientific Name: Achillea millefolium
    • Origin: Native
    • Life Span: Perennial
  82. Achillea millefolium - Identification
    • •Inflorescense: flowers white, Fern-like leaves, alternate and divided, into many segments
    • •Stems with silky hairs
    • •Strongly rhizomatous
  83. Achillea millefolium - Plant Attributes
    • •Cool season forb
    • •Patchy growth form (no pure stands)
    • •Following disturbance, rhizomes can produce new plants (down to 1 ft. below the surface)
    • •Can be a good soil stabilizer in reveg projects
    • •Flowers can produce thousands of achenes
    • •An early (pioneer) successional species
    • •competitive with other species
  84. Arrowleaf balsamroot
    • Family/Tribe: Asteraceae
    • Scientific Name: Balsamorhiza sagittata
    • Origin: Native
    • Life Span: Perennial
  85. Balsamaorhiza sagittata - Identification
    • •Inflorescense: Large yellow heads, flowers on long peduncles
    • •Basal leaves sagittate, entire margins, and wholly pubescent
  86. Balsamorhiza sagittata - Plant Attributes
    • •Cool season forb
    • •Thick taproot that can reach 3 m
    • •Seed wind and animal dispersed
    • •early to late (climax) successional status
  87. Balsamorhiza sagittata - Forage Quality, Palatability, and Cover
    • •Considered fair forage for all classes of livestock and wildlife
    • •Flowers are especially palatable
    • •Contains 30% protein when immature and 10% when mature
    • •Can provide cover for nesting sage-grouse
  88. Sedges have _______, Rushes are _______, grasses have _________, maybe __________
    • a. edges
    • b. round
    • c. nodes
    • d. hollow
    • 1. Culm
    • 2. inflorescence
    • 3. collar
    • 4. internode
    • 5. Leaf blade
    • 6. Leaf sheath
    • 7. node
    • 8. crown
    • 1. Spike
    • 2. Raceme
    • 3. Panicle
  89. Rhizome
    underground lateral stem with the capacity to develop a new plant
  90. Stolon
    horizontal aboveground steam that produces roots from the nodes
  91. Seral Community
    A phase in the sequential development of a climax community
  92. Climax community
    the 'final' stage of a plant succession, in which vegetation attains a state of equilibrium with the environment
  93. Secondary Succession
    • re-establishment of vegetation following a disturbance on land that was previously vegetated
    Initial stage (climax)
  95. Short-lived annuals/ biennials
  96. Longer-lived plants
  97. Final Stage (climax)
  98. Carolus Linnaeus
    • 1707 -1778
    • father of taxonomy, binomial nomenclature
  99. Charles Darwin
    • 1809 - 1882
    • Evolution
  100. Linnaeus System
      • Hierarchical classification

      • Described according to their structure (particularly the reproductive parts)

      • For Linnaeus, species were real entities, which could be grouped into higher categories called Genera

      • Within the genus there were specific differences for each organisms or differentio specifica: Species

  101. 2 laws in biological/ ecological systems
      • All the known properties of life are obedient to the laws of chemistry and physics

      • All biological processes and all the differences that distinguish species have evolved from natural selection.
  102. Biological Species Concept
    species are groups of interbreeding natural populations that are reproductively isolated from other such groups
  103. Ecological Species Concept
    A species is a set of organisms exploiting a single niche,
  104. Phylogenetic Species Concept
    • a species may be defined by its unique genetic history as a tip of a phylogenetic tree
    • species are define by their unique derived features and shared ancestry
  105. Sagebrush Steppe
      • Occurs in the northern portions of the sagebrush
      • grassland region
      • Shrub cover 10-80% depending on site (10% dry, 80% moist)
      • Location: Snake and Columbia River drainages (N. Nevada, S and central Idaho, E. Wyoming, E. Oregon, S. Central Washington and B.C.)

  106. Great Basin Sagebrush
    • More arid than sagebrush steppe region
    • Floristic diversity, production, responses to perturbation are lower and slower
    • location: S. portions of the sagebrush region (Nevada, Utah, N. Arizona, N. New Mexico, and S.E. colorado)
    • Climate: low summer precipitation (thunderstorms), precipitation mostly as snow (10:1), arid/semi-arid enviroment, 12" of rain
Card Set
RNG 353-Midterm 1
Sagebrush, and Grasses