Drugs Ch 7 test 3

  1. dopamine
    one of the basic neurotransmitters
  2. amphetamine
    psychostimulant drug, bilogical actions is to temprarily inhibit the enzyme monamine oxidase (MAO)
  3. tranylcypromine
    • antidepressant drug
    • several thousdand more times potent then amphetamine in its ability to inhibit MAO
  4. Mescaline
    • pychotomimetic psychedelic hallucinogenic drug (P/PH)
    • elevate mood in low doses, and area capable of inducing psychosis mimicking effects at higher dose
  5. lsyergic acid diethylamide (LSD)
    (P/PH) considerably more potent then mescaline it is capable of inducing effects that are practically indistinguishable from those of mescaline
  6. optical isomers
    molecules that are identical except for their being mirror images of each other, have very different effects on the body.
  7. optical isomers
    the two forms in solutions rotate plane-polarized light in different directions ( to the left with the levo or l isomer) and (to the right with the de xtro or d isomer)
  8. stereospecific
    when two isomers display differential receptor binding propertes and therefore induse different effects they are said to be......
  9. delta waves
    depressants cause a shift in the electoencephalogram less frequently and higher amplitude waves
  10. beta waves
    stimulant cause a shift in the EEG greater frequency and lower amplitude waves
  11. at which biological level , dose
    the terms depressant and stimulant do not mean much, unless one specifies at.........the depression or stimulation is occuring, or the ..... of the drug
  12. code name
    Lilly 11014 When a pharmaceutical company discovers or synthesizes a promising new drug two or more letters and a series of numbers is assigned
  13. chemical name
    this is a complete description of a particular molecule according to specific rules of organic chemistry
  14. generic name
    fluoxetine ( this indicates its legal, offical or nonproprietary)
  15. brand name
    this is the proprietary name devised by the manufacuter ( Prozac)
  16. physicians Desk reference (PDR)
    one of the most frequently used reference books that describe psychotropic drugs according to their medical uses
  17. sedative hypnotics (depressents)
    • low doses-dedate, calm or relax most individulas
    • higher does-induse sleep
  18. sedative hypnotics
    classification for ethyl alcohol (ethanol)
  19. sedative hypnotics
    classification for barbiturates
  20. sedative hypnotics
    classification for chloral hydrate
  21. sedative hypnotic
    classification for flurazepam (dalmane)
  22. sedative hypnotic
    classification for zolpidem (ambien) most common sleeping pill
  23. anticonvulsants
    many drugs in this class (e.g. phenobrarbital) are effective in reducing seizure activity
  24. anticonvulants
    can be used as muscle relaxants although muscle relaxation is secondary to their effects on the CNS
  25. anxiolytic or antianxiety drugs
    used in treating disorders where the prevailing symptom in anxiety (e.g. neuroses -"minor tranquilizers)
  26. anxiolytic or anyianxiety
    classification for benzodiazepines (family name )
  27. benzodiazepines
    chlordiazepoxide (Librium)
  28. benzodiazepines
    dizepam (Valium)
  29. benzodiazepines
    alprazolam (Xanax) most common today
  30. anxiolytic or antianxiety
    classification for buspirone (BuSpar)
  31. psychostimulants (sometimes stimulants)
    low to moderate doses_increase altertness reduse fatigue and elevate mood in most individuals
  32. psychostimulants
    caffine (most common in world)
  33. psychostimulants
  34. psychostimulants
  35. psychostimulants
  36. psychostimulants
    for drugs in this category the use context is usually a recreational one because these drugs are not generally prescribed for theraputic use.
  37. psychostimulants
    • could be used from appetite surpressants (anoretics or anorecties)
    • and treatment for narcolepsy
    • treatment for ADHD
    • or mild depression in very special cases
  38. antipsychotics
    used in the treatment of major mental and emotional disturbances (psychoses) sometimes reffered to as "major tranqualizers"
  39. unipolar disorder
    the exaggerated mood is predominantly one of depression (clinical depression)
  40. bipolar disorder sometimes referred to as manic depressive syndrome
    the person exhibits depressed episodes at times; at other times he or she may exhibit episodes of mania (characterized by frenzied psychomotor activity excitement a rapod passing or flight of ideas exaltation exaggerated cofidence and unstable attention)
  41. mania
    the person is constantly elevated mood.
  42. antidepressants and mood stabilizers
    drugs used to treat unipolar, bipolar, and maina are usually called......
  43. antidepressants
    used in severe, unremitting cases of depression generally for those depressions for which there appear to be no outstanding causal events
  44. antidepressants
    • imipramine (Tofranial)
    • Amitriptyline (Elavil)

    block NE reuptake
  45. antidepressants
    • tranylcypromine (Parnate)
    • fluoxetine (Prozac)
    • SSRI
  46. mood stabilizers
    most useful in the treatment of manic symptoms the drug of choice is generally a lithium salt, such as lithium carbonate
  47. (PPHs)
    drugs taken specifically to severely distort ones perceptions of reality disturpt cognitive processes or induce hallucinations
  48. psychotomimetics
    for psychosis mimicking (person acts as if skitsophrenic)
  49. psychedelics
    for mind manifesting
  50. hallucinogens
    for hallucination generating
  51. examples of PPHs
    • LSD
    • mescaline
    • phencyclidine
    • psilocybin
    • ecstasy (more contempory )
    • cannabinoids (marijuana)
  52. psychotropic
    a wide variety of ........... compounds are used in the treatment of pain
  53. anesthetics
    without feeling
  54. abalgesics
    without pain
  55. psychotropic
    • narcotics
    • morphine
    • heoin
    • codeine
    • meperidine
    • methadone
    • oxycodone
  56. psychotropic
    • inhalants
    • ether
    • nitrous oxide (laughing gas)
  57. psychotropic
    many of the sedative hypnotics (large doses) cocaine (as an anesthetic)
  58. Food and drug administration (FDA)
    When a drug has been shown to be reasonably safe and effective for some specific symptoms it is approved for medical use by the .....and offically labeled
  59. schedule 1 drugs
    are those that have no currently accepted medical use in the U.S. and have a high potential for abuse.
  60. schedule 1
    heroin, LSD, mescaline, psilcybin, cannabinoids (some exceptions) are what schedule ?
  61. schedule 2 drugs
    are those that have some currently accepted medical uses in the U.S. but have a high abuse potential
  62. schedule 2 drugs
    amphetamine, cocaine, methylphenidate (Ridalin), morphine, opium, meperidine, methadone (sometimes to treat heroin addicts) are what schedule drugs?
  63. schedule 3 drugs
    are those that have some currently accepted medical use and less potential for abuse than others.
  64. schedule 3 drugs
    • compounds containing codeine
    • short to intermediate duration barbiturates
    • nonbarbiturate sedative- hypnotics
    • are what time of schedule drugs
  65. schedule 4 and 5 drugs
    are those with current medical uses and successively lower abuse potentials than those of other schedules
  66. schedule 4 and 5 drugs
    • long lasting barbiturates
    • anxiolytics
    • low potency narcotics
    • cough syrup with codeine
    • are what schedule drugs ?
  67. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
    the fact that small alterations in a drug molecule can produce minimal changes in its effects has led to considerable problems for the .... which is responsible for controlling illegal drugs
  68. designer drugs
    • by slightly altering the structure of an already illegal drugs "underground chemist" have attempted to produce new compounds often referred to as...........with the same properties as illegal drugs.
    • ex. ectasy
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Drugs Ch 7 test 3
drugs test 3