Belleu Wood
- -France WWI
- -Crush Germans
- -renamed woods " The Woods of the Brigade of Marines"
- - Ranked as Storm Troops [highest rating in fighting scale]
- - devil dog (Teufelhunden)
Battle of Guadalcanal
- -7 Aug 42
- -1st DIV landed and launched lan offensive in WWII
- - New amphibious combat doctrine
- -crucial point in war providing a base for future invasions
Battle of Tarawa
- - Prime objective Tarawa Atoll and Betio Island (fortified)
- - Jap CDR proclaimed : it would take a million Americans 100 years to conquer it
- -Nov 43, marines secured islands in 76 hrs but paid a price'
- -extended reef landing crafts couldnt cross over it
- -marines were offloaded 100's of yards from the beaches
- -lead to heavy loses and drownings
Battle of Mariana Islands
- - invaded for needed airfields and advanced Naval bases
- -landings on Saipan,Guam, Tinian
- -Jun/Jul '43 LG. Holland M Smith led 146,000 marines and soldiers
Battle of Iwo Jima
- -19 Feb '45 Largest/BLOODIEST ALL-MARINE battle in history
- -23,300 casualties
- - increased air support/ and bombing ops
- -Admr. Nimitz "Among Americans who served on Iwo Jima Island, uncommon valor was a common virtue"
Battle of Chosin Reservoir
- -North Korea
- -Chinese Communist Forces cut off marines after entering the war
- -10 Divz sent to destroy Marines only 3 survived
- - marines were able to bring back all equiptment/evacuated wounded or dead/maintained tactical integrity
- -Vietnamese Holiday Tet, Jan '68
- -communist forces launched surprise offensive w large numbersof troops into the major pop centers in Hue city, south Vietnam
- -fighting was house to house measured in yards
- -city secured on 25 Feb '68