Psych of Ed Exam 2

  1. Chapter 4
  2. Spearman's G
    General Inteligence used in al cognitive tasks
  3. cattell and horn's views on intelligence
    • fluid- reasoning
    • crystallized- facts
  4. gardner's views of multiple intelligences
    at least 8 different intelligences
  5. Ssternberg's views of multiple intelligences
    -tiarchic theory of successful intelligences- three part description of the mental abilities (thinking processes, coping with new experiences, and adapting to context) that lead to intelligent behavior
  6. what do IQ tests tell us
    the probability of a student succeeding in schools
  7. betwen clas ability grouping
    system of grouping in which students are assigned to classes based on their measured ability or acheivements
  8. withing class ability grouping
    students in a class are divided into different groups based on ability
  9. flexible grouping
    grouping and regrouping based on learning needs
  10. IEP
    • individualized education program
    • -annually revised program for an exceptional student, detailing present achievement level, goals, and strategies, drawn up by teachers, parents, specialists, and the student
  11. LRE
    • leastrestrictive environment
    • educating each child with peers in the regular classes to the greatest extent possible
  12. teaching gifted students
    curiculum compacting- asessing students knowledge of the aterial in the instructional unit, then teaching only for goals not reached
  13. Chapter 5
  14. Head Start
    • -For minorities
    • - content based on state systems
  15. multicultural education
    education that promotes equity in schooling of all students
  16. social class
    known level of social standing
  17. socioeconomic status
    • SES
    • -relative standing in society based on income, power, background, and prestige
  18. How does SES relate to students education
    students with higher SES succeed more frequently
  19. how do racial and ethnic diferences affect students
    hispanic and african american students acheive less
  20. stereotype threat
    extra emotional and cognitive burden that your performance can confirm a stereotype that others hold about you
  21. prejudice
    prejudgement or irrational judgement about an entire category of people
  22. descrimination
    treating or acting unfairl toward particular categories of people
  23. gender bias
    different views of males and females, often favoring one gender over another
  24. culturaly relevant pedagogy
    excelentteaching for students of color that includes academic success, deviloping or maintining cultural competence, and developing a critical consciousness to challenge the students
  25. resilience
    ability to adapt successfuly in spite of difficultcircumstances and threats to development
  26. chapter 6
  27. contiguity
    learning by association; pairing of 2 things together results in those things being associated
  28. classical conditioning
    learning of involuntary responses
  29. operant conditioning
    learn to behave certain ways when we interact with an environment
  30. neutral stimulus
    thing that initially elicits no response
  31. unconditioned stimulus
    no need for training; naturally occuring
  32. unconditioned response
    no need for training; naturally occuring
  33. conditioned stimulus
    things that cause a response
  34. conditioned response
    response from a presentation of a conditioned stimulus
  35. anticedent
    stimulus immediately prior to behavior
  36. consequences
    • stimulus that occurs immediately after the behavior
    • -positive- adding something
    • -negative- removing something
  37. continuous reinforcement
    afer every response
  38. fixed interval reinforcement
    after a set period of time
  39. variable interval
    random interval of time
  40. fixed ratio
    reinrcement after a set number of responses
  41. variable ratio
    reinforcement after random number of responses
  42. cueing
    reminder of te expected behavior
  43. prompting
    secondary cue that follows the first
  44. applied behavior analysis
    • -define behavior
    • -measure amount
    • -set atainable goals
    • -identify reinforcers
    • -select teaching procedures
    • -rehearse key elements
    • -impliment the plan
    • -monitor results
    • -maintain and generalize your gains
  45. premack principle
    high frequency behavior can be a good reinforcer for a low frequency behavior
  46. functional behavior analysis
    • focused on why the bahavior not what the behavior is
    • 4 categories
    • -recieve afttention from others
    • -escape an unpleasant situation
    • -get something a child wants
    • -meet necessary needs
  47. social learning theory
    learn from observing others
  48. observational learning
    learn not only how to do it, but what happens when you do it
Card Set
Psych of Ed Exam 2
chapters 4,5,6