cross section test 2

  1. optic nerve?
  2. occulomotor?
    cn 3: eye movement
  3. trochlear?
    cn IV -eye movement
  4. facial-
    facial muscles, anterior 2 thirds of tongue
  5. vestubulocochlear
    hearing and equilibrium
  6. vagus
    pharynx, larynx, thoracic and abdominal viscera
  7. hypoglossal
    tongue muscles
  8. trigeminal
    major sensory of the face
  9. the largest bundle of white fiber within the cerebellum is the corpus callosum
  10. cerebrospinal fluid circulates between the?
    pia and the arachnoid
  11. renal artery landmark?
    anterior to l1 inferior to superior mesentaric artery
  12. which of the meninges is closest to the brain?
    pia mater
  13. the passage of the cerebrospinal fluid between the 3rd and 4th ventricals is accomplished via?
    aqueduct of sylvius
  14. what is the function of the thalamus?
    it acts as a relay station for sensory impulses entering
  15. what are the parts of the brain stem?
    pons, midbrain, medulla oblingota
  16. the 3 parts of the basal ganglia?
    caudate nucleus, lentiform nucleus and claustrom
  17. the superior and inferior colliculi is part of what structure?
  18. What are parts of the circle of willis?
    • posterior cerebral artery
    • posterior communication artery
    • anterior cerebral artery
  19. Cerebrospinal fluid circulates between?
    Arachnoid and Pia mater
  20. The dural fold separating the cerebrum from the cerebellum is the:
    tentorium ceribelli
  21. What are parts of the limbic system
    • hippocampus
    • mamillary bodies
    • olfactory bulbs
  22. The white matter tract that connects the two cerebral hemispheres is the:
    corpus callosum
  23. what is the function of the thalamus
    It acts a relay station for sensory impulses entering the brain
  24. What produces CSF
    choroid plexus
  25. The regulation of temperature, appetite, and sleep patterns is a function of the?
  26. What structure separates the thalamus and caudate nucleus from the lentiform nucleus?
    internal capsule
  27. roof of the midbrain is made up of the?
  28. cerebral peduncles are part of what structure?
  29. the walls of the third ventricle are formed by the
  30. The midbrain can be divided into two mahor segments called the _____________________ and the __________________________________.
    Colliculi and peduncles
  31. The function of the cerebellum is to act as a center for ________________________________________.
    motor function
  32. The ____________________________ lobe deala with the sensation of smell, taste and hearing
  33. The _________________ fissure separates the frontal and parietal lobes from the temporal lobes.
  34. The ________________ is the middle menigngeal membrane.
  35. The basal ganglia consist of the _____________________________,
    ___________________________________ and the _______________________.
    caudate nucleus, lentiform nucleus, and the claustrum
    • a-fourth ventrical
    • b-tentorium
    • c-meadian fissure
    • d-corpus callosum
    • e-lateral ventrical
    • a-mamillary bodies
    • b-cerebellar tonsil
    • c-colliculi
    • d-fourth ventricle
    • e-optic nerve
    • a-anterior cerebral artery
    • b-middle cerebral artery
    • c-basilar artery
    • d-inferior cerebellar artery
    • a-internal capsule
    • b-head of caudate nucleus
    • c-lentiform nucleus
    • d-optic chiasm
    • a-cavernous portion of internal carotid artery
    • b-basilar artery
    • c-posterior inferior cerebellar artery
    • d-vertebral artery
    • A-superior sagittal sinus
    • B-vein of galen (great cerebral vein)
    • C-sigmoid sinus
    • D-Transverse sinus
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cross section test 2
cross section test 2