Extra Questions (Exam 1)

  1. Tuning fork
    measure hearing by AC (air conduction) and BC (bone conductivity)
  2. Weber's test
    • Place tuning fork on top of head in the center, patient should be able to feel the vibrations in both ears.
    • determines conductive or sensorineural hearing loss
    • Conductive loss = client “hears” the sounds in their poor ear. The good ear is distracted
    • by background noise, conducted air, which the poor ear has trouble hearing. Thus the poor ear receives most of the sound conducted by bone vibration.
    • With sensorineural loss the client reports lateralization of sound to the good ear, because of limited perception of the sound due to nerve damage in the bad ear, making sound seem louder in
    • the unaffected ear.
  3. Conductive hearing loss
    hearing loss due to problems with the bones of the middle ear

    • Weber's : CAM
    • Conductive - Affected ear - Mechanical problem
  4. Sensorineural hearing loss
    hearing loss due to failure of the auditory nerve

    • Weber's test : SUN
    • Sensorineural - Unaffected ear - Nerve damage
  5. Rinne Test
    • striking a tuning fork and placing behind the person's ear (mastoid) to measure BC. ask the person to tell you when they cannot hear the sound anymore, then move the fork right by the ear canal to measure AC.
    • AC is normally twice as long as BC
  6. Aging adult ear
    • ear drum may be more opaque, thicker, and duller than in younger adult
    • coarse hair at ear canal
    • elasticity loss of pinna (wrinkling)
  7. Presbycusis
    gradual nerve degeneration in ear
  8. Labyrinthitis
    • inflammation of the bony labyrinth, which are a series of intricate structures in the inner ear that play a role in hearing and balance.
    • causes vertigo
  9. Relationship-based healthcare focuses on
    holistic health
  10. What question would the nurse ask to determine the patient’s ADL?
    Do you need assistance getting bathed?
  11. According to Leavell & Clark levels of prevention a patient receiving a vaccine is utilizing
    primary prevention
  12. The nurse is caring for a patient with a infectious drainage from an abdominal wound. The nurse would wear gloves and
    a gown
  13. What website would you access to determine the status of an ecoli outbreak in Mexico?
  14. Skin Physical Exam
    • Inspect and Palpate
    • Color
    • Temperature
    • Moisture
    • Texture
    • Edema
    • Bruising
    • Lesions
  15. Measuring Edema
    • press down on area and measure:
    • +1 : 2 mm
    • +2 : 4 mm
    • +3 : 6 mm
    • +4 : 8 mm
  16. Inspecting Nails
    • •Shape and contour: profile
    • •Consistency
    • •Color: Capillary
    • refill
  17. Aging Skin
    Loss of elastin, collagen, subcutaneous fat

    Reduction of muscle tone

    Wrinkling occurs because the underlying dermis thins

    Sweat glands decrease in number

    Senile purpura - skin discoloration (purple marks)
  18. Aging Hair/Nails
    • Decreased functioning melanocytes causing hair to turn grey and thin
    • Change in hair distribution
    • Female facial hair
    • Nails may appear thickened, yellow, and brittle because
    • of decreased circulation in extremities.
  19. Convergence
    • the occurrence of two or more things coming together
    • happens with accommodation
  20. Consensual
    light on opposite pupil
  21. Macular Degeneration
    loss of central vision
  22. Cataract
    • an eye disease that involves the clouding or opacification of the natural lens of the eye
    • decreases night vision
  23. Peripheral Vision Test
    confrontation test (moving objects)
  24. Red Reflex
    light off inner retina
  25. Extraocular eye muscles test
    6 cardinal fields of gaze (H test)
  26. Anisocria
    pupils unequal
  27. Aphthous Ulcers
    canker sore
  28. Older Adult (nose, mouth, and throat)
    • Oral mucosa is often drier and more fragile due to degeneration of epithelial lining
    • of salivary glands.
    • Ability to smell and taste decreases with age.
    • Tooth surface become abraded.
    • Gums recede and the teeth erode at the gum line
    • Cavities form around the neck of the tooth, exposing the nerve and making the tooth hypersensitive.
    • Some tooth loss may occur from bone resorption (osteoporosis)
    • Natural tooth loss is exacerbated by years of inadequate dental care
  29. Early signs of oral cancer include:
    • A sore that does not seem to heal
    • A smooth or leathery white patch or lump
    • A prolonged sore throat or feeling that something is in the throat
    • Difficulty chewing
    • Restricted movement of the tongue or jaw
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Extra Questions (Exam 1)
Extra info from quiz 1 blueprint