CSIS 1400

  1. Argument
    A data item specified in a method call
  2. Array
    A collection of data items all of the same type.
  3. Binary operator
    A operator that has two arguments
  4. Bit
    Smallest unit of information in a computer
  5. Code Block
    Any code between braces {}
  6. Boolean
    an expression that can only have values of T or F
  7. Break
    A statement used to get out of a loop
  8. Byte
    a sequence of 8 bits
  9. bytecode
    the code in which java.class files are written and the JVM understands
  10. Case
    Part of the switch statement
  11. Casting
    Conversion from one data type to another
  12. Char
    Keyword to declare a character data type
  13. Class
    a blueprint for an object
  14. Classpath
    An enviorment variable that tells the JVM where to find classes
  15. Compiler
    A program that translates our source code into code that can be executed by the computer
  16. Constructor
    A method that creates an object
  17. Declaration
    a statement that establishes an identifier and its type
  18. Encapsulation
    Localization of functionality within a module
  19. Field
    Data member of a class
  20. Import
    A keyword used at the beginning of a file to tell the JVM where to find packages and Classes
  21. Inheritance
    Allows a class to contain the variables and methods of another class
  22. JVM
    Java Virtual Machine- the software that runs our code
  23. Keyword
    reserved word of Java
  24. literal
    Expression that doesn't need to be evaluated, like 7.
  25. Method
    A function defined in a class
  26. New
    A keyword used to create a object
  27. Object
    The principle building block of object oriented programming. Each object is a programming unit containing fields, constructors, and methods.
  28. Return
    a Keyword used to finish the execution of a method, allowing it to provide the value defined by the method definition
  29. Super
    a Keyword used to access the fields and methods of a superclass
  30. Variable
    An item of data named by an identifier.
  31. Int
    Keyword indication of inter data type
  32. Double
    Keyword indication of a double precision data type (64 bits)
  33. Describe in detail the increment, arithmetic, relational, logical, assignment and concatenation operators.
    Increment: a++, adding by 1 after the results, and ++a is adding before the results. Arithmetic: + - * / % Logical: && (and), || (or), !(not) Relational: <, >, ==, <=, >=, != Concatenation: Combining 2 strings in Java. Assignment: c= c + 3, c + =3
  34. Describe in detail the three types of control structures
  35. Describe in detail the three major types of errors.
  36. Describe in detail the three sections of a class file
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CSIS 1400