
  1. Pathos
    Emotions of situation
  2. Ethos
    Character of speaker
  3. Logos-logic
    Reasoning in the persuasion
  4. Truth
    Property of propositins or statements. One says it is true if it is the case and if not the case it is false
  5. Validity
    Valid if and only if the premises are true and must lead to conclusion to be true
  6. Soundness
    Valid and premises are actually true in reality
  7. Properties of an argument
    Validity truth and soundness
  8. Features of deductive argument
    Syllogisms. Set of propositions and conclusion
  9. Valinity
    Property of arguement that supports the good arguement which makes it valid not true.
  10. Syllogisms
    Major premis, minor premis, and conclusion
  11. Major premis
    Contains middle and major term and quantifier (all, no, some) or conditional (either or, if then, when)
  12. Minor premis
    Contains minor and major terms. Points to one thing person or instance
  13. Conclusion
    Contains minor and major premis. Something that is being proved.
  14. Types of syllogisms
    Categorical (all, every, no), disjunctive (either or), hypothetical (if then, when, in case of).
  15. Inductive arguments
    No certainty, specific to general, like the $2 bottle of wine
  16. Enthymeme
    Like a sylligism but fails to include one of the three parts.
  17. Proposition
    A decorative statement whichbis either true or false. Simple propsitions have subject and a predicate.
  18. Tautology
    When truth table reveals all truth values
  19. Contradiction
    When truth table reveals not All truth values
  20. P^Q
    T if only both or more are T. Conjunction~and
  21. P u Q
    T only if a T is present. Disjunction~or
  22. PQ
    T unless the horse is dancin the tuti fruti cause he cant. Implication~if, then.
  23. PQ
    T only when P and Q are the same. Equivalence.
  24. Membership : Venn Diagram
    Image Upload 2a is apart of a circle, b is apart of a circle, and c is apart of a circle.
  25. Containment : Venn Diagram
    Image Upload 4All A is B but not all B is A
  26. Negation : Venn Diagram
    Image Upload 6Yellow = negation
  27. Intersection : Venn Diagram
    Image Upload 8 all blue is intersection
  28. Union : Venn Diagram
    Image Upload 10all A and B and intersection of the two
  29. Truth value
    T - true as F- false; the relation of proposition to truth.
  30. If and only if...truth table
    equivalence, or If P and Q are the same then T
  31. if, then....truth table
    the horse can't dance the tuti fruti, implication
  32. not...truth table
    ~P, or not P means the opposite of P
  33. or...truth table
    the v, disjunction, T if a T is present
  34. and...truth table
    all have to be T to be T; conjunction
  35. Modus Ponens
    Affirming the antecedent where ((P->Q)^P)->Q Image Upload 120=F 1=T
  36. Basic kinds of induction aruements
    Generalization, analogy, causality
  37. Generalization
    • one or more examples to general case.
    • (i.e. that cat has fur, that cat has fur, ...., all cats have fur.)
  38. Analogy
    one specific case to another specific case A<----->C
  39. Causality
    makes or produces another thing....cause to affect or affect to cause, usually involves a generalization about the unknown occurrence to the known occurrence.
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