Pulmonary Disease:
- Acute or Chronic
- Obstructive or Restrictive
- Infectious or Noninfectious
Lung disease:
is greatly influenced by conditions of the environment, occupation, and personal and/or social habits
Signs/Symptoms of Pulmonary Disease:
- Dyspnea
- Abnormal Breathing Patterns
- Hypoventilation
- Hyperventilation
- Cough
- Hemoptysis
- Cyanosis
- Pain
- Clubbing
Dyspnea as a s/s of Pulmonary Disease:
- SOB; air hunger
- Can be dyspnea on exertion; orthopnea (lying down); paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
Abnormal Breathing Patterns as s/s of Pulmonary Disease:
- Kussmaul respirations (hyperpnea-breathe too quickly)
- Cheyne-Stokes Repirations (time breaks between breathing)
Hypoventialtion as s/s of Pulmonary Disease:
- hypercapnia-too much CO2
- (not breathing enough)
Hyperventilation as s/s of Pulmonary Disease:
- Paper bag
- Hypocapnia
- too little CO2
Cough as s/s of Pulmonary Disease:
- reproductive reflex
- acute or chronic
Hemoptysis as s/s of Pulmonary Disease
- Coughing up bloody sputum
- not same as vomiting blood
- (ex-TB, chronic bronchitis)
Cyanosis as s/s of Pulmonary Disease:
- Turning blue
- blood doesn't have enough oxygen
Pain as s/s of Pulmonary disease:
- friction rub
- pleural effusion
- chest tube
Clubbing as a s/s of Pulmonary Disease:
- painless
- chronic oxygen loss
Conditions cause by Pulmonary Disease or Injury:
- Hypercapnia
- Hypoxemia
- Acute Respiratory Failure
- Pulmonary Edema
- Hypoxia
increased CO2
Pulmonary Edema:
- excess water in lungs
- Hypoxemia versus hypoxia
- reduced arterial blood
- PaO2 (amount of O2 in alveoli)
- caused by respiratory alterations
- decreased oxygen in tissues
- can be caused by hypoxemia
- decreased cardiac output, cyanide poisoning
Pulmonary Edema:
- Excess water in lungs
- most common cause is heart disease
- Left ventricle fails-pressures on left side of heart fail-fluid from capillaries in lung pushed back into lungs
Maifestations of Pulmonary Edema:
- Tumors
- Edema
- Fibrotic tissue
Signs and Symptoms of Pulmonary Edema:
- Drowning feeling
- Dyspnea
- Inspiratory crackles (alveoli stuck together, breathe in "pop")
- Pink frothy sputum (if severe)
Acute Respiratory Failure
- inadequate gas exchange leading to tissue hypoxia and hypoxemia
- PaO2 less than 60 mmHg or PaCO2 greater than 50 with pH less than 7.25
the passage of fluid and solid foods into the lungs
- collapse of lung tissue
- -OR-
- incomplete expansion of a lung
Causes of Atelectasis:
- Airway Obstruction- most common
- Lung compression (pneumothorax)
- Pleural Effusion
Manifestations of Atelectasis:
- tachypnea
- tachycardia
- dyspnea
- cyanosis
- signs of hypoxemia
- diminished chest expansion
- absence of breathe sounds
Atelectasis can be cause by:
a thrombus obstructing flow to upper lobe
(child disorder)
- aka Acute Laryngotracheobronchitis
- common in children 6 months to 5 years
- commonly cause by virus (parainfluenza, flu A or RSV)
- caused by subglottic edema
- usually occurs after an episode of rhinorrhea, dore throat or fever
Signs and Symptoms of Croup:
- Seal-like barking cough
- nasal flaring indicates worsening of symptoms
- presence of inspiratory stridor or respiratory ditress-severe croup
Manifestations of Severe Croup:
- deep retractions
- stridor
- aditation
- tachycardia
- pallor or cyanosis
Spasmodic Croup:
- similar hoarseness, cough and stridor to croup
- usually in older children
- sudden onset, usually at night, and with no previoius viral illness
- resolves quickly
Acute Epligottitis:
- sever, rapidly progressive, LIFE-THREATENING infection of the epiglottis and surrounding area
- death can occur in a few hours
- Children 2 to 7 years old
Causes of Acute Epiglottitis:
- historically caused by Haemophilius influenzae type B
- decreased incidence due to HIB vaccination
- current cases caused primarily by group A strep
Manifestations of Acute Epiglottitis:
- sudden onset
- fever
- sore throat
- inspiratory stridor
- severe respiratory distress
- muffled voice
- drooling
Treatment for Acute Epiglottitis:
- keep child calm and undisturbed
- do NOT attempt to examine throat
- emergency airway and antibiotics
Cystic Fibrosis:
- autosomal recessive multisystem disease
- exocrine or mucus-producing glands secrete abnormally thick mucus
- obstructs airway
- obstructs pancreatic and biliary ducts
- Thick secretions obstruct the bronchioles and predispose the lungs to chronic infections
Manifestations of Cystic Fibrosis:
- High concentrations of NaCl in sweat
- Less Na and water in respiratory mucus and in pancreatic secretions
- Mucus is thicker
- *Children are ar greater risk for salt depletion episodes
- *chronic bronchiolitis and bronchitits are the initial lung manifestations
SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Symdrome):
- Disease of unknown cause
- Incidence lower during first month of life, increases in the second month, and peaks at 3 to 4 months; more common in male infants
- Unexplained sudden death of an infant under 1 year of age
- Seasonal variation- higher in winter months
- ----possible relationship to respiratory infections
- ----wide range of risk factors
Acute Respiratory Failure:
inadequate gas exchange leading to tissue hypoxia and hypoxemia
the passage of fluid and solid foods into the lungs
collapse of lung tissue or incomplete expansion of a lung
Acute Respiratory Failure can result from:
- direct injury to lungs, airways, or chestwall
- indirect injury elsewhere- brain or spinal cord
Most pulmonary diseases can cause episodes of:
Acute Respiratory Failure
Acute Respiratory Failure is a potential complication of any major surgical procedure. The most common postoperative pulomnary problems:
- atelectasis
- pneumonia
- pulmonaary edema
- pulmonary emboli
Prevention techniques of postop respiratory failure:
- frequent turning
- deep breathing
- early ambulation
- humidified air (loosens secretions)
- incentive spirometer
- supplemental oxygen
- antibiotics
- passage of fluid and solid particles into the lungs
- when normal swallowing mechanisms and cough reflexes impaired by CNS, PNS
Problems of Aspiration:
- Right lung more than Left lung--causes Obstruction
- (the right is starighter)
Clinical Manifestations of Aspiration:
- choking
- cough
- vomiting
- dyspnea
- wheezing
Aspiration Pneumonia:
occurs after inhaling foreign matter into the lungs
Gastric acid fluid is very damaging and can cause:
- Bronchial damage-inflammation, loss of ciliary function, bronchospasm
- Alveoli damage-alveolocapillary membrane damage; leads to hemorrhagic pneumonitis
Preventive measures for patients at risk:
- semirecumbent position
- monitor patients on enteral tube feeding
- use of promotility agents (speed digestion)
- avoid excessive sedation
- Collapse of lung tissue
- 2 types:
- Compression-tumor, fluid, or air in pleural space, or abdominal distention
- Absorption-removal of air from alveoli-(anesthesia or concentrated oxygen)
S/S of Atelectasis:
- tachypnea
- tachycardia
- dyspnea
- cyanosis
- signs of hypoxemia
- diminished chest expansion
- absence of breath sounds
- dyspnea
- cough
- fever
- leukocytosis
persistent abnormal dilation of bronchi
Obstruction of airway can be caused by:
- plugs
- atelectasis
- aspiration of foreign body
- infection
- cystic fibrosis
- TB
- weakened immunity
- bronchietasis
- obstruction of small airways
- inflammatory obstruction of the small airways bronchioles
- most common in children
- Adults=seen with chronic bronchitis, viral infection, or with inhalation of toxic gases
presence of air or gas in pleural space
Pneumothorax is caused by:
- rupture in parietal pleura or visceral pleura
- Air seperates the visceral and parietal pleura
- Can cause partial or complete collapse of the affected lung
Kinds of Pneumothorax:
- open pneumothorax
- tension pneumothorax
- spontaneous pneumothorax
- secondary pneumothorax (trauma)
Tension Pneumothorax:
- causes a mediastinal shift
- heart, vessels, trachea are compressed and displaced from midline
- Tx-chest tube
Pleural Effusion:
- presence of fluid in pleural space
- fluids migrate through walls of capillaries bordering pleura
- Transudative-watery
- Exudative-WBCx, plasma proteins
Sx of Pleural Effusion:
- if large will see:
- Dyspnea
- Compression Atelectasis
- Mediastinal shift
- Pleural pain (if pleura inflammed)
Names for kinds of pleural effusions
- hydrothorax: serous fluid
- empyema: pus, infection
- chylothorax: lymph
- hemothorax: blood
- exam will reveal decreased breath sounds and pleural friction rub heard
Chest Wall Restriction:
- compromised chest wall
- deformation, immobilization, and obesity
Flail Chest:
- instability of a portion of the chest wall
- (put on vent until they go to surgery)
ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome)
- acute lung inflammation
- dyspnea
- rapid shallow breathing
- crackles on inspiration
- unresponsive to oxygen therapy
- Evaluation and tx: tests, oxygenation and ventilation, surfactant
Postop Respiratory Failure:
- atelectasis
- pneumonia
- pulmonary edema
- pulmonary emboli
Prevention of postop respiratory failure
- frequent turning
- deep breathing
- early ambulation
- air humidification
- incentive spirometer
Obstructive Lung Disease:
- airwawy obstruction that is worse with expiration
- common s/s: dyspnea and wheezing
Common Obstructive Disorders:
- asthma
- emphysema
- chronic bronchitis
Manifestations of Asthma:
- wheezing
- chest tightness
- breathlessness
- coughing that is worse at night and in the early morning
If asthma is severe then:
- use of accessory muscles
- distant breath sounds
- loud wheezing
- fatigue
- anxiety
Etiology of Asthma
unknown; although if other people in your family have asthma, you are more likely to develop it. Being exposed early in life to things like tobacco smoke, infections, and some allergens may also increase your chances of developing asthma. Some of the more common things that bring on asthma syptoms include exercise, allergens, irritants, and viral infections
responds to a variety of stimuli. Chronic inflammatory disease that affects airways causing them to become narrower allowing less air flow through the lungs
Sx and Tx of Asthma:
- Sx: expiratory wheezing, dyspnea, and tachypnea
- Tx: peak flow meters, oral corticosteroids, inhaled beta-agonists, and anti-inflammatories used to treat
Chronic Bronchitis:
(Blue Bloaters)
Hypersecretion of mucus and chronic productive cough that lasts 3 consecutive months for at least two consecutive years
Risk factors for Chronic Bronchitis:
- middle aged men
- smokers
- expose to air pollutants
- mucus is thicker than normal
- Tx: Bronchodilators, expectorants, and chest physical therapy used to treat
abnormal permanent enlargement of the gas-exchange airways accompanied by destruction of alveolar walls without obvious fibrosis
Emphysema (pink puffers)
- loss of elastic recoil
- obstruction occurs from changes in lung tissues rather than mucus production and inflammation
risk factors, patho, and manifestations of Emphysema:
- risk factors: smokers, inhaled irritants, elderly
- patho: traps air, difficult to expel the trapped air due to less elasticity
- manifests: dyspnea, thin, tachypnea, use of accessory muscles (barrel chest)
- infection of lower resp tract
- causes: bacteria, virus, fungi, protozoa, and parasites
- 6th leading cause of death in US
Respiratory Tract Infections:
- cause of TB= mycobacterium tuberculosis
- acid faast bacillus
- airborne transmission
- tubercle formation
- positive PPD
- sputum
Sx of TB:
- fatigue
- weight loss
- lethargy
- anorexia
- night sweats
- fever
- cough
- directly observed therapy
- tx after you have been diagnosed with tb
Pulmonary Embolism:
- occlusion
- lungs
- thrombus
- embolus
- tissue fragment
- lipids
- air bubble
- (can arise from the deep veins in the thigh)
Pulmonary embolism manifestations and risk factors:
- DEATH is imminent
- sudden chest pain, dyspnea, and tachypnea
- obese, immobile, ortho surgery, cancer, oral contraceptives, smokers