
  1. What are the advantages of the deductive outline?
    • -Begins with an easy to write sentence.
    • -Gets attention by responding to audience's desire to know
    • -Puts reader in good frame of mind in order to be receptive to details.
    • -Allows easy movement through the details after main idea is presented.
  2. List types of good news messages.
    • Positive news messages.
    • Thank you and appreciation messages.
    • Apologies.
    • Routine claims
    • Routine requests
    • Order acknowledgments
    • Credit information messages.
    • Messages extending credit.
  3. What are 3 rules to follow when writing a thank you note for complaining customers?
    • Complaints are a valuable gift.
    • Thank them for giving you the chance to correct the problem.
    • Assure them that you want to do everything you can to make them happy.
  4. What are 3 guidelines for procedural messages?
    • Begin each numbered step with action statement.
    • Place each step on separate line for easy reading
    • Consider preparing flow chart.
  5. What are 3 rules for corporate apologies?
    • Don't blame someone else.
    • Be sincere
    • Be specific and clear.
  6. Describe a deductive outline.
    The message begins with the main idea. To present good news and neutral information deductively, begin with the major idea, followed by supporting details.
  7. What is in the opening of a good news message?
    States the pleasant or main idea.
  8. What is in the body of a good news message?
    Provides details and explanation.
  9. What is in the closing of a good news message?
    Reminds receiver of the good news or main idea and includes a future-oriented closing thought.
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