Chapter 27

  1. Total Parenteral Nutrition
    The technique of providing needed nutrients intravenously
  2. Residue
    Remains after digestion or evaporation
  3. Preoperatively
    Before Surgery
  4. Postoperative
    After Surgery
  5. Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tubes
    A feeding tube placed directly into the stomach
  6. NPO
    No food or fluids by mouth
  7. Nasogastric Tubes
    A type of tube that is placed through the nose into the stomach
  8. Myocardial Infarction
    Loss of blood supply to the muscle
  9. Jejunostomy or duodenal tubes
    A feeding tubeplaced directly into the intestine through the abdominal wall
  10. Hypertension
    Blood pressure elevated above the normal range.
  11. Hyperosmolality
    Increased concentration of solutes within the fluid.
  12. Glycosuria
    Glucose in the urine
  13. Gastrostomy tubes
    A feeding tube placed directly intothe stomach throught the abdominal wall
  14. Feeding Pump
    A pump used in continupus feedings that pumps the liquid formula, drop by drop, into the feeding tube
  15. Dysphagia
    Difficult swallowing
  16. Diabetes Mellitus
    A disturbance of the body metabolism of carbohydrates and the use of glucose by the body
  17. Congestive Heat Failure (CHF)
    Pump failure of the right or left ventricle associated with abnormal retention of fluid.
  18. Bulimia
    An eating disorder characterized by episodic binge eating, folloed by behaviors designed to prevent weight gain, including purging, fasting, use of laxatives, and excessive exercise.
  19. Atherosclerosis
    The accumulation of fatty deposites on the walls of blood vessels
  20. Anorexia Nervosa
    Disorder in which the focus is on remaining thin, causing restrictions of food intake to the point of danger
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Chapter 27