Axial System Bones

  1. Atlas - topmost vertebra
  2. Axis - 2nd vertebra, allows head to turn
  3. Occipital Bone - Back
  4. Sphenoid Bone - Behind eye socket
  5. Maxilla - Gum to behind nasal bone
  6. Ramus of the Mandible - Hinging point of mandible
  7. Zygomatic - Cheek
  8. Foramen Magnum - Cerebellum hole
  9. Optic Foramen - Tiny hole in eye socket
  10. Styloid Process
  11. Superior Orbital Fissure - Crack in eye socket
  12. Mental Foramen - Indention in jaw
  13. Zygomatic Arch - Up and Lateral (<-- , -->) of eye
  14. Occipital Condyle - Two symmetrical bumps outsidewhere cerebellum comes through
  15. Zygomatic Process - Extension of Cheek bone
  16. Mastoid Process - Bone behind ear (comes off of Temporal Bone)
  17. External Auditory Meatus - Hole in ear
  18. Coronal Suture - Line making rainbow over head
  19. Sagittal Suture - Connecting Coronal and Lamboidal Suture
  20. Lamboidal Suture - Makes arch on back of head
  21. Squamasal Suture - Outlins temporal, arch over ear
  22. Frontonasal Suture - Suture between eyes and in top of noze; horizontal
  23. Manubrium - On top of sternum (top of bowtie)
  24. Xyphoid Process - Tip of bowtie, below sternum
  25. True Ribs - #1-7 ribs
  26. False Ribs - #8-12 ribs
  27. Floating Ribs - #11-12 ribs
  28. Cervical Region - Top 7 Vertebrae
  29. Thoracic Region - Middle 12 Vertebrae
  30. Lumbar Region - Lower 5 Vertebrae
  31. Sacrum - 5 fused vertebrae, 2nd lowest
  32. Coccyx - 4 fused vertebrae, lowest, pointy end
  33. Dens of Atlas - Pointy top part of atlas
  34. Vertebral Body
  35. Lamina - Connects pointy part of vertebrae to wing things
  36. Transverse Property - Wing looking thing
  37. Superior Articular Process - In between lamina and transverse process
  38. Pedicle - In between transvers process and body
Card Set
Axial System Bones
Bones in the Axial System from Anatomy Chacklist