Pol Test 2

  1. What tools are available to the president?
    • executive order
    • executive privilege
    • chief legislator status
    • "presidential persuasion"
    • judicial power
    • chief politician
  2. What is an executive order?
    a directive from the president for members of the executive branch to take some sort of action
  3. Why does anyone bother with executive orders?
    • They have force of law (unless Congress messes with them).
    • Ex. Dept of Homeland Security was created by executive order.
  4. What is executive privilege?
    • A president's claim to privacy
    • Protect whatever from interference
    • Weakened by US v. Nixon (1974)
  5. What does it mean to be chief legislator?
    • Gives State of Union Address
    • Veto Power
    • Can add signing statements
  6. What are signing statements?
    A statement added to a bill by the president stating how he intends to enforce the bill when he signs it.
  7. When does presidential persuasion come in handy?
    • divided government
    • gridlock
  8. What does "divided government" mean?
    Majority party of Congress is not the president's party
  9. What is "gridlock"?
    passing of legislation slows or stops
  10. What judicial powers does the president have?
    • making appointments to the judiciary
    • pardoning folks
    • solicitor general
  11. Why are 1/10 of judiciary positions vacant?
    Presidential appointments are awaiting congressional confirmations
  12. Why does the president have pardoning power?
    Monarchs had that power.
  13. What does the solicitor general do?
    • takes up the position of government and arguing before a court
    • amicus briefs
  14. What are amicus briefs?
    arguing for another party in a case
  15. What does the president do as chief politician?
    • maintain public opinion (approval ratings)
    • maintain good communication (effective media use)
  16. What are the constitutional requirements for presidency?
    • 35 years old
    • 14 year resident of the States
    • natural born citizen
    • electoral college
  17. Electors weren't required by law to be chosen by popular vote until
  18. Campaign Tools
    • money
    • media
  19. Where does campaign money come from?
    • party
    • private donors
    • interest groups
  20. Where is bureaucracy found in the Constitution?
    No where, but it is important in the daily functioning of our lives
  21. Patronage/Spoils System
    • awarding jobs as political prizes
    • spawned rampant corruption
  22. What did the Progessive Movement do?
    Civil Service Reform
  23. Pendleton Act (1883)
    officially established the merit system
  24. Hatch Act
    designed to protect civil servants from political pressure and keep them from using their jobs to influence others
  25. Bureaucratic Characteristics
    • hierarchical authority
    • job specialization
    • professionalism
    • formalized rules
    • specific goals
  26. Hierarchical Authority
    Everyone has to answer to someone else.
  27. Job Specialization
    defined division of labor among employees
  28. Professionalism
    elimination of patronage = qualified employees
  29. Formalized Rules
    help the organization run smoothly
  30. Specific Goals
    • both for individual workers and the organization as a whole.
    • Ultimate goal: implementing policy
  31. Pros of Bureaucracy
    • Stability
    • Coordination
  32. Cons of Bureaucracy
    • Inefficiency
    • Unresponsive to change
  33. Federal Bureaucracy
    • President's Cabinet
    • Independent Executive Agencies
    • Regulatory Agencies
    • Government Corporations
    • Presidential Commissions
  34. President's Cabinet
    • appointed by president, confirmed by Senate
    • State, Treasury, War/Defense, Justice, Interior
    • Each dept serves a particular clientele
    • Iron triangle between cabinet, congressional committees, and clientele
  35. Independent Executive Agencies
    • narrower scope of authority
    • outside cabinet depts for political reasons
    • NASA, CIA, FEMA, Peace Corps, Small Business Association
  36. Regulatory Agencies
    • independent from the executive branch
    • much more answerable to Congress
    • SEC, FDIC, Federal Reserve Board, EPA, EEOC, NTSB
  37. Government Corporations
    • run like private businesses, but funded by the government (at least partially)
    • USPS, Amtrak, TVA
  38. Presidential Commissions
    • mostly temporary advisory things
    • not much authority
    • Presidential Commission on Civil Rights
  39. Bureaucrats are usually
    typical Americans, 30% minority, 45% women
  40. Bureaucratic Culture
    loyalty to the agency, reinforced by professionalism
  41. Pros of Bureaucracy in Action
    • professionalism
    • efficiency
  42. Cons of Bureaucracy in Action
  43. Political Side of Bureaucracy
    • lobbying
    • clientele groups
  44. Congressional Oversight
    • authorization
    • funding
    • hearings and investigations
    • mandatory reports
    • inspectors general
    • legislative veto
    • Government Accountability Office
    • Congressional Budget Office
  45. INS v. Chadha (1983)
    SC ruled congressional vetos unconstitutional, but Congress continues to use them because there's nothing the SC can do about it
  46. Government Accountability Office
    keeps track of funds
  47. Presidential Appointments
    • need Senate approval
    • recess appointments
    • EOP
    • OMB
  48. What are recess appointments?
    The President appoints someone while Congress is in recess. Congress often lets them keep the job.
  49. The American legal system is a
    common law tradition (as opposed to a civil law tradition).
  50. Codified
    stuff is put in a Codex, which judges are to consult before ruling
  51. Stare decisis
    • Latin for "precedent"
    • body of law created by judges' decisions
    • judges are not legally bound to follow precedents, but they are free to interpret them however they wish
  52. Adversarial Tradition (as opposed to Inquisitorial)
    • conflict resolved by conflicting parties presenting their arguments before a neutral judge
    • procedural due process
  53. Inquisitorial Tradtion
    The judge takes a more active role in the precedings (questioning witnesses, doing research)
  54. Litigious Americans
    • comparitively easy access to courts
    • strong sense of individual rights
    • lack of other mechanisms to protect from risk
  55. Types of Laws
    • substantive
    • procedural
    • criminal
    • civil
    • constitutional
    • statutory
  56. Substantive Law
    substance of law outlines legality of action
  57. Procedural Law
    • how law should be enforced (esp. court setting)
    • procedural due process
  58. Criminal Law
    prohibits actions deemed detrimental to society (crimes)
  59. Civil Law
    regulates interactions between idividuals (tort)
  60. Constitutional Law
    outlining basic powers and limitations of government and rights of citizens
  61. Statutory Law
    any law passed by legislature
  62. Constitutional Supreme Court Stuff
    Article III
  63. Judiciary Act of 1789
    • established the rest of the federal judiciary
    • Courts of Appeal, District Courts
  64. Original Jurisdiction
    • cases can go directly to the SC with no preliminary trials
    • usually suits between state governments
  65. Appellate Jurisdiction
    • All other cases get to the SC by appeals
    • Review matters at law
  66. Marbury v. Madison (1803)
    • Established judicial review
    • nothing in Constitution says judiciary can overturn acts of Congress
  67. writ of mandamus
    court order that compels someone to take a certain action, which he or she is legally required to complete
  68. Supreme Court History
    • Nation vs. State (1800-1860s)
    • Regulating National Economy (1900-1940s)
    • Civil Rights/Liberties (1940s-1970s)
  69. SC Nation vs. State
    • Early cases were all about states fighting for power against the national government
    • McCollugh v. Maryland (1819)
    • Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857)
  70. SC Regulating the National Economy
    • National government's ability to interfere in private business (usually ruled in favor of business)
    • Lochner v. New York (1925)
  71. Lochner v. New York
    New York tried to set a 12-hour work day, but the court struck it down, saying that it violated the rights of the businessmen (based on substantive due process)
  72. SC Civil Liberties
    Brown v. Board (1954)
  73. Structure of the Federal Judiciary
    • Supreme Court
    • Courts of Appeal ("circuit courts")
    • District Courts
    • State Supreme Court
    • State Courts of Appeal
    • State District Courts
  74. Dual Judicial System
    States and Feds have their own court systems
  75. writ of habeas corpus (def)
    protects citizens from unlawful inprisonment
  76. SC Structure
    • 9 justices (subject to change)
    • President appoints, Senate confirms
    • lifetime tenure
    • impeachment possible, but has never happened
  77. Courts of Appeal Structure
    • based on geographic areas
    • 13 courts of appeal, federal and DC
  78. District Court Structure
    • 94 in all
    • 1-4 in each state
    • federal trial courts
    • usually heard by single judge, but for more serious things, you can have jury
  79. State SC Structure
    • cases about the Constitution
    • usually go on the SC
  80. Writ of Habeas Corpus
    • 5th and 14th Amendments
    • You can file a writ of habeas corpus to move from state to federal courts.
    • Particularly important to Civil Rights Era, now mostly when the case has some important relationship to constitutional issues
  81. 5th and 14th Amendments
    • due process
    • no witnessing against self
  82. SC decision making
    • court of last resort in all matters of US law
    • rulings affect all lower courts
    • their decisions/opinions make policy
    • power of judicial review
  83. Judicial Review
    gives SC the power in rule on the Constitution and Presidential and Congressional acts
  84. SC Development
    • Become more powerful recently
    • gave themselves JR
    • took control of their docket in the 1920s
  85. SC Decision Process
    • 1. Writ of certiorari
    • 2. Conference Vote
    • 3. Oral Arguments
    • 4. Vote on Merits
    • 5. Opinion Writing
  86. Writ of Certiorari/Set the Docket
    • Petitioners ask the court to look over a badly ruled case
    • Law clerks/cert pool- LC's decide what cases the court should/wants to look at. Sends the good ones to the cert pool, bad ones to the dead pool
  87. Conference Vote
    • Justices gather to discuss stuff (cases, memos, etc.)
    • Rule of Four- if 4 Justices vote to hear a case, they take it
    • Cases that make it are docketed, rejects move to the dead pool
    • amicus curiae briefs-briefs filed with the court on behalf of the petitioners on one side of the argument
    • Solicitor General- government's lawyer to the court, usually has a lot of sway
  88. Oral Arguments
    • Justices listen to arguments
    • ask questions, generally to embarrass lawyers involved
  89. Vote on Merits
    • final vote for disposition
    • winner decided by simple majority
  90. Opinion Writing
    • After the winner is decided, the Justices have to issue an opinion to help guide and set the law
    • Majority opinion sets binding precedent
    • Chief Justice decides who writes the opinion (usually CJ or next most senior justice)
    • Concurring opinion issued by a Justice who voted with the majority, but still wants to issue his/her own opinion
    • Dissenting opinion issued by a justice who thinks the case was decided wrongly
  91. SC Making Doctrine/Policy
    • Setting Precedent
    • Setting Policy
  92. Setting Precedent
    • legal consideration
    • overturning cases (Brown v. Board overturned Plessy v. Ferguson)
    • building common law
  93. Setting Policy
    • Political considerations
    • other branches
    • public opinion
  94. Judicial Philosophy
    • strict constructionism
    • judicial interpretivism
    • judicial activism
    • judicial restraint
    • liberal ideology
    • conservative ideology
  95. Strict Constructionism
    rule according to the original intent of the law
  96. Judicial Interpretivism
    change with the times
  97. Judicial Activism
    want an active role in setting laws and policies; proactive role
  98. Judicial Restraint
    reactive role
  99. Justices pretend that
    their own ideas do affect their decisions.
  100. Selecting Federal Judges
    • Appointed by President, confirmed by Senate
    • Judging Credential
    • Political ideology
    • Senate Judiciary Committee
  101. SFJ Judging Credentials
    Most start from state courts, well-reputed lawyers
  102. SFJ Political Ideology
    • The president tries to choose people who similar PI to his own, who will rule in his favor
    • Senate opposition
  103. SFJ Senate Judiciary Committee
    • Have hearing to talk to the judges and decide if they want to confirm or not
    • One of the more prestigious committees
    • Made mostly of former lawyers
    • Full Senate confirmation vote
  104. Bork Confirmation
    • Good Credentials
    • Got through the Committee hearing
    • Spouted weirdness before the full Senate, was not confirmed
  105. Thomas Confirmation
    • A woman came forward accusing Thomas of sexual misconduct
    • Threw a massive spotlight onto the precedings
    • Thomas was still appointed
  106. SC and Separation of Powers
    • unelected ("non-political")
    • judicial review
    • Legitimacy balances Review
    • Court lacks enforcement power
    • If other branches disagree, they don't have to listen
    • Congress can always amend the Constitution
  107. Political Parties
    Ongoinc coalition of interests with common goal of getting candidates elected to pursue policy interests
  108. Parts of a Party
    • 1. Organization (from chairperson to door knockers)
    • 2. Party-in-Government (ones trying to accomplish the goals in government)
    • 3. Party-in-the-Electorate (everyone who considers him/herslf affiliated with the party)
  109. party affliation/partisanship
    self-identification with the party
  110. What do parties do?
    • recruit and train leaders
    • foster political participation among the masses
    • connect citizens to leaders in electorate and policy coalitions
    • allow citizens to hold leaders responsible for their actions
    • channel and constrain political conflict
    • organize the activities of government
  111. Party labels make it easier for
    people to identify with leaders.
  112. Historical Development
    • No one intended parties, but the way the political system is set up made them necessary
    • Federalists and Jeffersonian Democrats
    • Jacksonian Era
    • Progressive Movement
    • Australian Ballot
  113. Federalists vs. Jeffersonian Democrats
    Major beef- state and national government power
  114. Jacksonian Era
    • Grassroots Movement-someone out of the political elite becoming involved in party issues
    • National Conventions-then to choose candidates, now just a big party
    • Party Machines-party organization controlled everything that went on in politics. Lead to corruption and the spoils system.
  115. Progressive Movement
    • Attempt to overturn some of the bad stuff from the Jacksonian Era
    • Populist Party- attempt to get agrarian interests heard in government
    • Progressive Party- encouraged civil and social reform
    • Primary elections begin, so instead of the machine choosing all the candidates, the citizenry gets a say
  116. initiatives and referenda
    Instead of having politicians pass all laws, citizens can write laws and petition to get them put on the ballot. DIRECT DEMOCRACY
  117. Australian (Secret) Ballot
    • rise in party ideology- parties began using political ideology to influence constituents
    • decline in political participation- no more jobs attached, voting became less important
  118. Party Realignments
    major disruption of the existing political order usually through a particularly divisive issue bringing about significant policy changes at the national level, reflected in enduring change in party colaitions and usually started during a "critical" election. Comes down to a change in party system.
  119. Two-Party System
    • Found in countries that took cues from GB
    • tend to go with the SMD style
  120. Multi-Party System
    tend to go with proportional representation- all seats are up for grabs. Proportion of votes a party recieves is equated into the number of seats it gets
  121. Duverger's Law
    • Proportional representation = multi-party system
    • Single member district = two-party system
    • These two parties tend to converge at an ideological center while maintaining differences to get votes
  122. Third Parties
    • Usually not very successful
    • They keep rising up only to be squashed by the US system.
  123. Third Party Types
    • 1. Reform parties- usually come from eras when one party system has been in place long enough to be corrupted
    • 2. Single-Issue Parties-only concerned with one thing
    • 3. Ideological Parties- usually on the fringe
  124. Party Decline
    • Rise in candidate-centered elections
    • professional political consultants (campaign managers, media experts, etc.)
    • Volunteers often rounded up by the national party
    • campaign finance
    • get out the vote (calling, visiting, mail)
    • utilizing media better
  125. Parties in Government
    • The American government cannot exist without political parties.
    • Structure political conflict
    • Majority party decides who gets to speak in Congress etc.
    • Party Responsibility
  126. Party Responsibility
    • idea of what the parties are supposed to do for the citzens and how the citizens should connect to the party
    • 1. present clear ideological platform
    • 2. candidates faithfully implement policies
    • 3. voters hold elected officials responsible by voting them out
    • 4. parties hold sway over elected officals, keeping them in line with party beliefs.
  127. Platform
    statement of the ideological stands of the party
  128. Congress
    • intended to be the branch with the most responsibility
    • national lawmaking body
    • policy making (large-scale impact)
    • enumerated powers
    • implied powers
    • fiscla power
  129. pork barrel spending
    projects, grants, expenditures for someone's home state rather than the whole country
  130. How many representatives are in the House?
  131. What other requirements do reps have?
    • 25 years old
    • live in the US for 7 years or more
  132. How long is a representative's term?
    2 years
  133. Representation in the House is
    proportional by state populations
  134. How many Senators are there?
    100, 2 per state
  135. What are the Constitutional requirements for Senators?
    • 30 years old
    • lived in US 9 years or more
  136. How long is a Senator's term?
    6 years
  137. Special Responsibilites of the Senate
    • impeachment
    • confirmation
    • approve treaties
    • equal representation
  138. Presidential System
    • executive and legislative members elected seperately
    • executive and legislature often at odds about who can do what--different agendas
  139. Results of the Presidential System
    • Potential for gridlock in policy creation
    • more freedom to cater to constituents
  140. Parliamentary System
    • used in most older western democracies
    • mostly in Europe
    • Prime Minisiter is a member of the legislative body
    • ensures that lead and body are the same party and agenda
  141. Electoral System
    • single member district
    • simple majority
    • run-off = must have 50% of the vote
  142. Redistricting happens
    every 10 years after the census to keep equal representation among districts
  143. Redistricting is decided by
    State legislatures
  144. gerrymandering
    redistricting to the advantage of a particular person or party
  145. Wesberry v. Sanders (1964)
    • all districts must have equal representation
    • makes gerrymandering more difficult
  146. Majority-Minority Districts
    • District lines are drawn to equally represent races
    • Good in theory, but not cool in practice.
    • Often violated one person, one vote.
  147. Thornburg v. Gingles (1986)
    • Louisianna Zorro Districts ruled too ridiculous to be allowed.
    • Districts cannot be drawn to dilute minority representation, but race can no longer be a primary concern in drawing district lines
  148. Majoritarian Institution Benefits
    • setting agenda
    • setting rules and procedures to an extent
    • chairin committees
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Pol Test 2
Political Science Notes