Genetics Chapter 9

  1. Functional Genomics
    The comprehensive analysis of the functions of genes and of non-gene sequences in entire genomes.
  2. Comparative Genomics
    The comparison of entire genomes (or parts of genomes) from different species, strains, or individuals, with the goal of enhancing our understanding of the functions of each genome (or parts of each genome), including evolutionary relationships
  3. Reverse Genetics
    Investigators attempted to find what phenotype, if any, would be associated with a gene.

    Generally, investigators attempt to; First, create mutations in cloned genes, and then try to introduce those mutations in an organism.
  4. Bioinformatics
    Computer aided analysis of a sequence.
  5. RNA Interference (RNAi)
    Called RNA silencing, is a technique where small regulatory RNAs are used to silence gene expression in eukaryotes.
  6. Polymerase Chain Reaction
    PCR is a way of amplifying a small (less than 10kb) region of DNA - the target sequence- allowing us to make an unlimited number of copies of that DNA without cloning the region.
  7. Homologus Recombination
    The recombination between similar sequences, and it is most common during meiosis.
  8. Nonhomologous recombination
    A proces involving crossing-over betwen sequences that are not similar.
  9. Embryonic Stem cells
    An ES is a cell derived from a very early embryo that retains the ability to differentiate into a cell type characteristic of any part of the organism.
  10. Transgene
    A gene introduced by artificial means into a cell or organism. A cell with this gene is called a transgenic cell.
  11. Transcriptome
    The set of all mRNA transcripts in a cell.
  12. Transcriptomics
    The study of the transcriptome
  13. Proteome
    The complete set of proteins in a cell
  14. Pharmacogenomics
    The study of how an individuals genome affects the body's response.
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Genetics Chapter 9
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