Anaerobes 7.12

  1. An organism, such as a bacterium, that live only in the presence of oxygen.
    obligate aerobe
  2. What are two examples of obligate aerobes?
    • pseudomonas
    • micrococcus
  3. Living without oxygen.
  4. Can only live in the absence of oxygen.
    obligate anaerobe
  5. No growth on agar surfaces exposed to O2 levels higher than 0.5%
    strick obligate anaerobe
  6. Strict obligate anaerobes lack what three enzymes?
    • superoxide dismutase
    • catalase
    • peroxidase (possibly)
  7. Can grow when exposed to oxygen levels ranging from about 2% to 8% (3%).
    moderate obligate anaerobes
  8. What are four examples of moderate obligate anaerobes?
    • B. fragilis
    • Prevotella-porphyromonas
    • Fusobacterium
    • C. perfringens
  9. This enzyme catalyses the conversion of superoxide radicals to less toxic hydrogen peroxide and molecular oxygen.
    sueroxide dismutase
  10. Limited or scant growth on agar at room air or in a 5%-10% CO2 incubator
    Aerotolerant anaerobe
  11. Aerotolerant anerobes show good growth under _________ conditions.
  12. Can live in the absence as well as in the presence of atmospheric O2.
    falcultative anaerobe
  13. what are two examples of falcultative anerobes?
    • S. aureus
    • E. coli
  14. Grows only under reduced oxygen tension.
    obligate microaerophile
  15. This is also known as Redox.
    oxidation-reduction potential
  16. How is oxidation-reduction potential measured?
  17. oxidation-reduction potential is affected by what?
  18. oxidation-reduction potential is expressed as what pH?
    neutral (7.0)
  19. In oxydation-reduction potential the higher the pH the ______ O2 level and vice versa.
  20. what are two media used for oxidation-reduction potential?
    • thioglycolate
    • L-cystine
  21. This bacteria is formally Bacteroides melaninogenicus group.
    Prevotella melaninogenica group
  22. What is the species of Bacteroides?
    B. fragilis
  23. what are the two species of Fusobacterium?
    • F. neucrophorum
    • F. nucleatum
  24. What are the five Clostridium species?
    • C. perfingens
    • C. botulinum
    • C. tetani
    • C. septicum
    • C. difficile
  25. What are the two Peptostreptoccus species?
    • P. anaerobius
    • P. magnus
  26. What is the Veillonella species?
    V. parvula
  27. What are the two Propionibacterium species?
    • P. acnes
    • P. propionicum
  28. what is the Actinomyces species?
    A. israelii
  29. True or false
    B. fragilis is a nonmotile, GNR, cocobacilli, or straight bacilli, that is encapsulated.
  30. B. Fragilis group growth is enhance by what?
  31. B. fragilis is resistant to what three antibiotics?
    • Kanamycin
    • Vancomycin
    • Colistin
  32. B. fragilis is predominant flora of _______.
  33. B. fragilis is found in what three infections below the diaphragm?
    • intra-abdominal and liver abscesses
    • Decubitus ulcer
    • soft tissue infections and bacteremia
  34. B. fragilis is found in what dental and oral infection?
    root canal
  35. This is the most common species found on the CDC anaerobic blood agar.
    B. fragilis
  36. This anaerobe is 1-4 mm, nonhemolytic, gray entire, semi-opaque, concentric whorls, ringlike structure on the CDC anaerobic blood agar.
    B. fragilis
  37. What are the following results for B. fragilis?
    • Indole: =
    • BEM: +
    • H2S: =
    • Cat: +
    • Lipase: =
    • Glucose: +
    • Lact: +
  38. These anaerobic, pleomorphic GNB are nonmotile, long, slender rods with tapered ends. Found in the gastrointestinal, genitourinary, and upper respiratory tract.
  39. Fusobacterium are resistant to what antibiotic? susceptible to?
    • Resistant: Vancomycin
    • Susceptible: Kanamycin and Colistin
  40. These anarobes are implicated in lower respiratory tact, head and neck, perodontium, gingivae, and CNS, but most frequently involved in pleuroplumonary infections.
    • F. nucleatum
    • F. necrophorum
  41. What three pleuropulmonary infections are Fusobacterium associated with?
    • aspiration pneumonia
    • Lung abscess
    • Necrotizing Pneumonia
  42. This is the most common species of Fusobacterium and is important in head, neck and lower respiratory infections.
    F. nucleatum
  43. This Anaerobe appears as rough breadcrumbs, convex, and glistening on the BAP and fluoresce under UV light.
    F. nucleatum
  44. Early detection of F. nucleatum is made durring ______ microscopic exam.
  45. What are the following results for F. nuicleatum?
    Bile susceptibility:
    • Indole: +
    • Lipase: =
    • Bile susceptiblity: =
  46. This anaerobe has the ability to cause serious infections, especially post-anginal sepsis (Lemierre's syndrome).
    F. necrophorum
  47. this Anaerobe is slightly hemolytic (greenish) on the BAP and produces lipase on the LD egg yolk agar.
  48. F. necrophorum is susceptible to what antibiotic?
  49. how many Biovars of F. necrophorum exist?
    3 (A,B,C)
  50. What are the following results for F. necrophorum?
    20% bile:
    • Indole: +
    • 20% bile: S
    • Lipase: +
  51. What three tests differentiate F. necrophorum from F. nucleatum?
    • Indole
    • 20% bile
    • Lipase
  52. How many species of the Prevotella melaninogenica group have been isolated?
  53. This anaerobe has a tan to light brown pigment demonstated on the laked rabbit blood agar.
    Prevotella melaninogenica group
  54. Pigment of Prevotella melaninogenica group requires how many days?
  55. colonies of Prevotella melaninogenica group floresce what color in UV light?
    brick red
  56. This gram positive aerobe may resemble a tennis racket.
    C. botulinum
  57. This gram positive aerobe may resemble a spindle.
    C. tetani
  58. These gram positive aerobes live in soil and sludge, human and animal intestinal tract, and fecal organisms.
  59. 80% of this aerobe is involved with gas gangrene.
    C. perfingens
  60. C. perfringens is the ___ common agent of food-borne disease from contaminated meat.
  61. This anaerobe causes necrotizing bowel disease, Darmrand (fire bowels) disease, septicemia, and intravascular hemolysis following abortion
    C. perfringens
  62. This anaerobe has a double zone of hemolysis on the blood agar, 1-3 mm, flat, rhizoid, and raised centrally. It spreads but does not swarm and is non motile. It has lecithinase production of the egg-yolk agar.
    C. perfringens.
  63. This organism is a GPR that resembles a box car, it is reverse camp positive, and lecithinase positive.
    C. perfringens
  64. This is a life threatening, heat labile toxin that causes a neuroparalytic, decending flaccid paralysis, with death due to respiratory paralysis.
    botulinial neurotoxin
  65. This occurs in children less than one year old, due to a lack of normal flora to suppress clostridium, neurotoxin multiplies in the gut.
    infant botulism
  66. infant botulism is frequently seen caused by what food product?
  67. This botulism is caused by toxins in imporoperly prepared/stored food.
    food borne botulism
  68. C. botulinum is isolated from feces, serum or gastric contents and confirmed in ________ lab.
  69. This anaerobe is seen in puncture wounds, laceration, crush injuries and fecal contamination of umbilical cord, it may cause tetanospasmin.
    C. tetani
  70. Symptoms of this anerobe include spastic muscle contractions, lockjaw, trismus (risus sardonicus) smile, and contractions of back muscle.
    C. tetani
  71. true or false
    C. tetani is preventable via vaccine.
  72. What is the appearance of C. tetani on the anerobe blood agar?
    swarming, produces spores
  73. This anaerobe is isolated from fatal infections of malignancy, carcinoma of colon, cecum, and breast, or hematologic malignancies.
    C. septicum
  74. This is a swarmer that resembles a "medusa head" on the CDC anaerobic blood agar.
    C. septicum
  75. This is an agent in AAD and PMC associated with relapse of nonspecific inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis), strangulation of bowel, and SIDS
    C. difficile
  76. This anaerobic GPC makes up 30% of anaerobes isolated from infections, and is normal flora of the bowel, female genital tract, and oral cavity.
  77. Presence of gram positve cocci on GS and NO GROWTH recovered on aerobic culture suggests the presence of what?
    Peptostreptococcus spp.
  78. This Anaerobe produces larger and more opaque colonies on the BAP, is susceptible to sodium polyanetholsulfonate, and produces isocaproic acid.
    P. anaerobius
  79. This appears to be the most virulent Peptostreptococcus, it is isolated in pure culture especially bone and joint infections, produces collagenase.
    P. magnus
  80. This anaerobic GNC is seldom seen as a pathogen, produces a Red fluorescence under UV light.
    Veillonella parvula
  81. V. parvula are differentiated by their _____ products of metabolism.
  82. what are the following results for Veillonella parvula?
    Nitrate reduction:
    • Nitrate reduction: +
    • Catalase: V
    • Glucose: =
  83. This is the most common GP, non spore former encountered. It resembles chinese letters, birds of flight, and picket fence.
    Propionibacterium acnes
  84. Propionibacterium acnes is a contaminant of ________ cultures, associated with endocarditis and CNS shunts.
  85. Propionibacterium acnes is a punctiform obligate anaerobe that may produce a zone of _________ on the anerobic blood agar.
  86. This GPR is a variable short diptheroid that causes actinomycosis and produces sulfer granules.
    Actinomyces israelii
  87. This anaerobie appears as rough colonies or branched rods known as spider colonies.
    Actinomyces israelii
  88. After 7-14 days, colonies of Actinomyces israelii appear raised with irregular or lobate margins called what?
    molar tooth colonies
  89. This is an anaerobic GP diphtheroid, forms rods that terminate in clubs or thick bifurcated ends that resemble dog bones.
    Bifidobacterium spp.
  90. This is a broad spectrum, non-inhibitory media used for anaerobic isolation.
    CDC anaerobic blood agar
  91. This is a non selective solid media used to determine lecithinase and lipase production of anaerobes.
    egg yolk agar
  92. which anaerobic media contains 5% sheeps blood, yeast extract, hemin, L-cystine, Vit K1.
    CDC anaerobic blood agar
  93. This selective solid media is used to differentiate bacteroides group.
    bacteroides bile esculin (BBE)
  94. This Selective solid media is used to inhibit GNR and Swarming Clostridia.
    Anaerobe Phenylethyl Alcohol Blood Agar
  95. The Laked Kanamycin-Vancomycin Blood Agar is selective for what two anaerobes.
    • Bacteroides spp.
    • Prevotella spp.
  96. The Anaerobe Paromomycin Vancomycin Laked blood agar is selective for what three Anaerobes?
    • Bacteroides fragilis group
    • Prevotella
    • Fusobacterium spp.
  97. This non-selective liquid media is used for good growth of essentially all anaerobes.
    Enriched thio
  98. This non-selective liquid media is used for cultivation of anaerobes.
    Chopped meat-glucose medium
  99. What are the three approved anaerobic collection and transport kits?
    • rubber stoppered vails
    • O2-free transport systems for swabs
    • anaerobic plastic pouch
  100. if anaerobes are _____ borne, send to public health.
  101. CO2 and H2 generated in a closed environment containing a palladium catalyst is the principle of what?
    anaerobe jar
  102. in the presence of fresh _______ catalyst, H2 combines elemental oxygen= water, removing O2 from system, leaving CO2 as primary gas.
  103. true or false
    surfaces of decubitus ulcers can be cultured anaerobically.
  104. Anaerobe jars should be secured ______ tight.
  105. Anaerobe jar should be check how soon after closing to assure proper condition is present.
    30-60 min
  106. what is the indicator strip used in the anaerobe jar?
    methylene blue strip
  107. when is the indicator strip checked in the anaerobe jar?
    24-48 hours
  108. what color on the indicator strip indicates anaerobic conditon?
    white color
  109. what color on the indicator strip indicates the anaerobe jar failed.
    • blue
    • red
  110. how many swabs are submitted for anaerobic gram stains?
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Anaerobes 7.12
Microbiology Unit 7.12 Anaerobes