Disaster Response Ch 1-4

  1. Agent generated Demands
    The needs made evident by the hazard. Problems resulting from the disaster agent itself.
  2. Atmospheric Hazards
    A hazard agent that is produced in or by the earth's atmosphere
  3. Biological Hazards
    Agents that spread disease or are otherwise poisonous
  4. Civil/ Conflict Hazards
    Violent events that have the potential to produce mass casualties
  5. Computer Hazards
    A disruptive hazard associated with computer hardware and software
  6. Disasters
    • Deadly
    • Destructive
    • Disruptive
    • Occur when a hazard interacts with human vulnerability.
  7. Emergency Managers
    • Public servants that help jurisdictions reduce the liabilities that lead to disasters.
    • Help build community disaster capabilities.
  8. Environmental Hazards
    Agents that involve degradation of the environment.
  9. First Responders
    • Public Safety personnel such as
    • Police
    • EMS
  10. Geological Hazards
    Earth's Soil and rock
  11. Hazard
    • A physical
    • technological
    • or intentional agent
  12. Hydro Hazards
    Earth's water systems
  13. Industrial Hazards
    Produced by the extraction, creation, distribution, storage, use, and disposal of chemicals
  14. Mercalli scale
    Scale that measures earthquakes based on physical observation
  15. Mitigation
    Activities that attempt to prevent disasters or reduce potential for loss
  16. Mitigation-generated demands
    The desire to learn from the disaster and avoid making similar mistakes.
  17. Natural Hazards
    • physical environment .
    • Radiation
    • Heat Flow
    • Gravity
  18. Narmalcy-Generated Demands
    The pressures to get things back to pre-disaster conditions.
  19. Response
    Activity in the IMMEDIATE aftermath to protect life and property
  20. Response-generated Demands
    The needs that are made evident as we try to meet agent-generated demands
  21. Safir-Simpson Scale
    Explain the magnitude of hurricane in terms of wind and storm surge.
  22. Technological Hazard
    Hazard Agents related to industry, structures, haz mat, computers
  23. Terrorism
    The threat or use of violence to intimidate someone or a government
  24. Toxins
    Poisons created by plants and animals
  25. CERT
    Concerned Citizens who receive some basic disaster training.
  26. Emergency Management Assistance Compact
    Similar to a mutual aid agreement but for states
  27. Emergent Org.
    Individuals who work together to perform common goals but do not have a formalized org.
  28. Established Org.
    Groups that perform routine tasks with existing structures
  29. Expanding Org.
    Groups that perform routine task with new structures.
  30. Extending Org.
    Groups that perform nonroutine tasks with existing structures.
  31. FEMA
    Created late 70s by Carter
  32. Mutual Aid
    The sharing of personnel, gear, and facilities.
  33. Nat'l Guard
    Military under the Governor
  34. National Response Plan
    A document that describes what the gov. will do in catastrophic disasters
  35. Private Sector
    Businesses and corporations
  36. Public Sector
    Government offices, departments, and agencies
  37. Features of Traditional Model
    • 1. Highest priority to War Disasters
    • 2. Gov. is most reliable due to social chaos.
    • 3. Strict Hierarchy and SOPs
    • 4. EM cares about first-responder issues only
  38. Strengths of Trad. Model
    • War May have most adverse impact on disaster
    • Government is important actor
    • SOPs provide logical guidelines
    • Hierarchy may save lives
    • Natural desire to bring order
  39. Weakness of Trad. Model
    • Nat. and Tech. disasters are more common.
    • Gov. is NOT the only actor
    • SOPs cannot provide all guidance
    • Top-Down structures may slow down response
    • It may be impossible to control a disaster
  40. Features of Prof. Model
    • 1. Nobody responds alone
    • 2. Emergence cannot be prevented
    • 3. The public is a resource
    • 4. Hierarchical and top-down relations is sometimes impossible
    • 5. No emergency plan will account for all types of disasters
    • 6. Willingness to adapt.
  41. Strengths of Prof. Model
    • All-Hazards approach
    • Acknowledges many actors
    • Stresses integration of involved Parties
    • Allows for Improv
    • Broad picture of disasters
  42. Weakness of Prof. Model
    • Downplays wartime disasters
    • Downplays Gov. Response
    • Fails to recognize importance of hierarchical leadership
    • Overlooks benefits of SOPs
    • Fails to see details of field level operations
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Disaster Response Ch 1-4
Useful terms from Chapters 1-4 of Disaster Response and Recovery by David McEntire