Pol Sci 320

  1. Competitive Party Systems 3
    • 1. party chooses candidates
    • 2. electoral competition
    • 3. bargaining and coalition
  2. Single-member district plurality (SMDP) 2
    • 1. Candidate wins votes in districts.
    • 2. not majority but ahead of others.
  3. Majority Runoff
    1. Round 1, majority of votes to win.
  4. Proportional Representation PR 2
    • 1. Divided into a few districts.
    • 2. Number of represenatives a patty wins depends on overall votes receive.
  5. Duverger's Law
    Relationship between electoral system and party system that SMDP create two-party systems and PR creates mulitpary systems.
  6. Aggregation of interests at the executive rather than electoral level can have costs and benfits. 3
    • 1. Policies by elite coaltions may not account for voters
    • 2. Minority gets benfits when all parties are represented.
    • 3. Majority vote does not mean majority support.
  7. Consensual Party Sysytem
    Parties running legislative are not far apart on policies.
  8. Conflictual Party System
    Legilature has parties that are far apart on issues.
  9. Authoritarian party system degree of control. 2
    • Exclusive governing party
    • Inclusive governing party
  10. Democratic and Authoritarian rules 3
    • 1. Seperation of Powers
    • 2. Geographic distribution between nationl and state
    • 3. limitations on government authority
  11. Functions of Bureaucracy 3
    • 1. Alone in implementing laws.
    • 2. Articulate and aggergate interests
    • 3.Communicate interests.
  12. Things Public Policy is designed to do. 3
    • Strengthen national identity.
    • Promote economic policies.
    • enable citizens to control political decisions.
  13. Public Policy Outputs 4
    • 1. Distribution: to citizens of states
    • 2. Extraction: of goods from domestic enviorment.
    • 3. Regulation: desired human behavior.
    • 4. Symbloic outputs: symbols to engage citizens in good behavior.
  14. Nightwatch State
    State sought to regulate enough to preserve law, order, a good business climate, and security.
  15. Three things govern welfare state provisions
    • 1. Need
    • 2. Contribution
    • 3. Entitlement
  16. Challenges in Welfare State. 2
    Ration to elderly and workers is uneven making not enough money going into system.

    Few incentives to work.
  17. Symbloic outputs are intended to enhance performance, people pay taxes, comply with laws, and accept hardship.
  18. European Union members 27
    France, Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, West Germany, Britain, Denmark, Ireland, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Austria, Finland, Sweden, Cyprus, Czech, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, and Romania
  19. First six EU countries
    Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, and West Germany
  20. What was the ECSC?
    European Coal and Steel Community
  21. What did the EEC do?
    Single market to insure free market of goods, captial, and services with common economic services.
  22. What was the EAEC?
    European Atomic Energy Community
  23. The ECSC, EEC, and EAEC became known as the Treaty of Rome and united the six countries through European Community.
  24. Maastricht treaty 3 pillars. This made modern EU.
    Pillar 1: Based on founding treaties.

    Pillar 2: Common and security policy and defense policy.

    Pillar 3: Rules on boarder crossing, immigration, home affairs.
  25. EU Parliament 4
    • 1. democratic with directly elected officials.
    • 2.co-decision making of EU laws along with other 2 institutions
    • 3. consultative body
    • 4. rep. big states get smaller rep. than small states.
  26. Council of Ministers 4
    • 1. deals with issues at hand: fishing, transportation, ect.
    • 2. co-decision making with other 2 instituions
    • 3. legislature
    • 4. Qualified Majority Voting based on population of state.
  27. Commission 2
    • 1. Executive branch
    • 2. co-decision making with other 2 instituions
  28. Euorpean Court of Justice 2
    • 1. Supremacy of EU law is important
    • 2. judments are secert along with justices
  29. 4 themes in European politics
    • 1. Interaction within states
    • 2. Economic Management
    • 3. Challenges of European Democracies
    • 4. impact of diverse sources, such as class, gender, ect.
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Pol Sci 320