chapter 7

  1. How many bones are in the axial skeleton?
  2. What bones make up the skull?
    Cranial and facial bones
  3. What accessory bones are associated with the skull?
    The hyoid bone and auditory ossicles
  4. What type of bones are in the vertebral column?
    The sacrum, coccyx, and vertabrae
  5. What two types of bones are found in the thoracic cage?
    The sternum and ribs
  6. What are the four different sutral bones?
    lambdoid, coronal, sagittal, and squamous
  7. What separates occipital from perital bones?
    The lambdoid suture
  8. What attaches frontal bone to pental bones?
    Coronal suture
  9. What suture is between the parietal bones?
  10. What suture forms boundaries between temporal and parietal bones?
  11. What does the foreman do?
    Makes holes/passageways for blood vessels and nerves
  12. What age is the skull completely finished?
    age 5
  13. What allows the skull to flex during birth?
  14. What is an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine?
  15. What are the five regions of the vertebral column?
    Cervical (c), Thoracic (t), Lumbar (l), Sacral (s), and Coccygeal (co)
  16. What is the name of the first vertebrae?
    C1 the atlas
  17. What is the name of the second vertebrae?
    C2 the Axis
  18. What type of ribs are connected to the sternum?
    True ribs
  19. What type of ribs are not directly connected to the sternum?
    False ribs
  20. What are the 3 parts of the sternum?
    Manubrim, Sternal body, and the Xyphoid process
  21. If CPR isn't performed correctly what damage can it cause?
    It can easily break away the xyphoid process
Card Set
chapter 7
test 2 ch 7