Intestinal protozoa
- E. histolytica
- Coccidia
- Giardia lamblia
Urogenital protozoa
Trichomonas vaginalis
Blood and tissue protozoa
- Toxoplasma gondii
- Naegleria
- Plasmodium
- Multicellular
- Helminths
- Nematodes (round worms)
- Trematodes (flukes)
E. histolytica
- Intestinal protozoa
- Cysts and sporozoite form
- Tropical and subtropical
- Countries without sanitation
- Can be asymptomatic or BAD- liver, lungs, brain and heart
- Intestinal protozoa
- Important AIDS pathogen
- -Cryptosporidium parvum: water supplies, mild to severe (immunocomp)
- -Isospora belli: like Giardia, mild to severe GI (immunocomp)
Giardia lamblia
- Flagellate
- Cyst and trophozoite
- GI: mild to severe malabsorption
- Frothy greasy stool
Trichomonas vaginalis
- Urogenital protozoa
- Sexual contact
- Males: asymptomatic
- Females: vaginitis, post-menstrual bleeding, strawberry cervix
- No cyst stage
Toxoplasma gondii
- Blood and tissue protozoa
- Cat feces
- Most asymptomatic
- Acute: flu-like symptoms
- Congenital: if exposed during pregnancy, spontaneous abortion or CNS problems in neonate
- Immunocompromised- reactivated, brain eye and lung.
- Blood and tissue protozoa
- Free living amoeba- lakes
- Acute meningoencephalitis: BAD especially in children
- Blood and tissue protozoa
- #1 cause of parasitic death in the world
- -Malaria
- -Bloodstream
Can leave the GI tract, go to lungs, and be swallowed
Enterobius vermicularis
- Nematode (round worm)
- Pinworms- children
- Small white worm
- Rectum itching- females come out at night and lay eggs
- Can be asymptomatic
Ascaris lumbricoides
- Large worm (50 cm)
- Most common helminth
- Intestinal disease
- Pulmonary disease
- Hookworms- bloodsuckers
- Dermatologic- penetrate intact skin
Strongyloides Like hookworm- live in soil
- Most likely to see in US
- "ground itch" -skin penetration
- Larvae secreted
- Larva can enter circulation and live in gut
- Transplant patients will be checked
Trichinella spiralis
- Uncooked pork
- Cysts in muscle tissue
- Tapeworm
- Raw or undercooked meats
- Cysts in brain