Philip II of Macedonia
conquers Greek mainland in 338 B.C.
Alexander the Great
- son of Philip II
- takes over at 21 years old
- Establishes a huge "empire"(from Greece to India)
- Began the spread of Hellenization
- Conquered Middle East
Jewish Controversies Related to Growing Hellenization
- Greek Religious Temples Constructed
- Desire to wipe out "obnoxious and intolerant" Jewish Monotheism
- Erects an Image of Zeus in Jewish Temple & Sacrifices a pig on Temple altar
Hellenistic Influence in Egypt
- Septuagint translation of the Hebrew Bible (disputed) into Greek
- Cult of Isis/Osiris-resurrection/immortality
Founding Myth of Rome
- Mythical founding of the City of rome by brother Romulus/Remus
- Locals were "Latin Speaking, faming people"/"City of 7 Hills"
- conquer Latius (central Italy)
- From Gaul (Celtic Origins?)
- build roads, especially in Rome
- Stern Monarchy
- Eventually overthrown
Republic of Rome
- In theory, a representative government with democracy, oligarchy, etc
- Two main classes: Patricians and Plebians
- Eventually developed a govermental structure
Consuls and Praetors
- Consuls-administered government, food, military
- Praetors(multiple)-enforce civil laws; rule in absence of consuls
Roman Senate
Patricians only; for life; very powerful
- aka Plebs
- middle to lower class citizens (majority)
noble birth; educated; cultured; property (minority)
Punic Wars
- 1st Punic War: Rome takes Sicily form Carthage(Italian ethnicity)
- 2nd Punic War: Punic General Hannibal goes north/around to cross Alps with army and elephants...Destroys much but eventually repelled...Roman genearl Scipio Africanus invaded/defeated Carthage
Overall Outcome of the Punic Wars
- Hannibal commits suicide
- Rome gets Sardinia, Spain, North Africa
Roman Slavery
- Usually captives in battle or piracy
- Sometimes, a citizen in huge debt could sell oneself into slavery
- Frequent manumission (freeing) after set term, exemplary work
- Variety of treatment(kind to cruel)
- Variety of Crimes committed: execution by crucifixion
- Wealthy had many slaves
Roman Classical Literary Tradition
- Cicero: rhetoric
- Virgil: Aeneid; Roman "glory"
- Horace: Social critic
- Ovid: frivolity; silly ormance; sarcasm
- Seneca: Stoic virtues
- A rising "new money" social class
- Wealth from trade/imports
- Want more input in government (growing internal tension)
Roman Public Religion vs. "Mystery" Religions
- Public Religion: local spirits; Greek gods "Romanized;" temples, special preists("pontiffs"); proper ritual vital; but also Mystery Cults
- Mystery Religion: often mixed/blended aspects of various religions; small/tight-knit/secretive/special "knowledge"/special rituals; often provide promise of immortality/eternal life; more personally exciting/meaningful to the individual
Julius Caesar
- Part of the "First Triumvirate" (didn't work)
- Each general had big egos/power ambitions
- Eventually rebelled against each other
- Fought for Rome
- Declares himself as Dictator
- Assassinated by Rival Senators
Octavian (Augustus)
- Biological heir to the throne
- He and Antony(close adviser to J.Caesar) began a civil war...Octavian Won.
- Becomes Sole Emperor and takes title as Caesar Augustus
- Invested Huge sums of money(including personal wealth) into military
- Worked to keep happy the various clsses in society
Pax Romana and the Roman Empire
- Peace of Rome (31BC-14AD)
- End of roman internal civil wars
- Expanded empire enormously through battle-but peace at "home"
- Enormous expansion of road projects throughout empire
Jesus and Early Christianity
- Jesus? uh-huh...
- EC: Term "Christians" first used for church at Antioch
- Paul had a huge influence on shaping early Chrsitian Theology
- Read over it in NOTES
- Lead the most widespread, vicious persecution of Chrisitanity
- Go after Church leaders, burn scripture, force sacrifices to gods, emperor; spies/moles
- General in Gaul, Britain, Spain
- Was a worshipper of Sol Invictus(sun-god), but mother was a Christian
- Makes a deal: If victory over Wager, then chrisitanity it is. He wins.
- Christianity now tolerated.
- His christianity was questioned? Still ruthless behavior
High Points of Reign: Constantine
- Moves imperial capital to Byzantium (Constantinople)
- Decrees Sunday as Christian "holy day"(shops close)
- Builds rooyal churches
- Favors Chirsitans in his court of influence/power
Theodosius I
Chrisitanity as Official Religion of Empire
- Disappointed/disillusioned Christians after the rise of Constantine
- Wanted a earlier "purity" of authentic Christianity
- Fasting, isolation, extreme self-denial
Christian Missions in converting "pagan" Europe
- Effective stragety: convert tribal chief/king
- Patriotic duty to follow the religion of one's leader
- Big conversion: Remigius converts clovis; all troops baptized
Problems of the Quick Religion Conversians of the Pagans
- Little Doctrinal Understanding
- Much of paganism remained engraned
- Will take generation to work through
Rise/Spread of Islam
- Emergence of Muhammad:
- Claims to receive prophetic visions
- Later collected/collated into Qu'ran
- Claims to be the final prophet
- Simple Monotheism (Allah)
- Five pillars of Islam
- Within 100 yrs., Islam spreading via conquest to Palesting, North Africa, W. Europe
- Islam: to submit
- Muslim: one who submits