The Nervous System

  1. -fugal
    to flee, move away
  2. Cerebr/o
  3. Cerebell/o
  4. Pectal
    to seek (L. petere)
  5. Afferent
    bringing forward toward the brain
  6. Efferent
    bringing signal away from the brain to body
  7. Crani/o
  8. Medulla
    oblong piece in the middle
  9. Pons
    Bridge - connecting part of the lower brain function
  10. Encephal/o
    entire brain
  11. Diencephalon
    through the brain
  12. Telencephalo
    End brain
  13. Ventricul/o
    ventricle (little belly or pouch)
  14. Coritc/o
  15. Thalam/o
  16. Mening/o, miningi/o
  17. Dura mater
    outer layer of the membran of the brain
  18. Arachnoid
    spider-like, web looking
  19. Pia mater
    inner membrane
  20. Gangli/o
  21. Gnos/o
  22. Esthesi/o
  23. somat/o
  24. stere/o
    3 dimensional or solid
  25. top/o
  26. narc/o
    sleep, stupor
  27. Somn/o
  28. Hypn/o
    hypnosis, sleep, sleep-inducing
  29. -lepsy
  30. neur/o, neur/i
  31. tax/o
    order or coordination
  32. lex/o
    word or phrase
  33. phas/o
  34. syncope
  35. polyneuritis
    inflammation of two or more nerves
  36. delerium
    more and less temporary disorder of the mental faculties and disturbances of conciousness
  37. dementia
    permanent loss of mental function (out of mind)
  38. concussion
    injury to the brain or spinal cord due to jarring from a blow, fall
  39. emesis
  40. nausea
    uneasiness in stomach
  41. Amnesia
    condition with loss of memory
  42. -mnesia, -mnesis
  43. subdural
    bleeding in the space between the dura mater and the brain itself
  44. epidural
    bleedning into the space between the dura mater and the skull
  45. Ataxia
    loss of coordination
  46. Cephalgia
  47. Cerebral thrombosis (ischemia stroke)
    thrombus gradually builds, blocking artery
  48. Cerebral embolism (ischemia stroke)
    moving embolus creates damage where it lodges
  49. Intracranial hemorrhage (hemorrhagic stroke)
    rupture or bleed of an artery
  50. Broca's area
    speech production
  51. Eury-, Eur/o
  52. Oligodendrocytes
    Myelinated nerve cells send signals faster
  53. Astrocytes
    star shaped cell, especially one of the glial cells that support the tissue of the central nervous system
  54. Microglial cells
    engulfing invading microbes and dead tissues
  55. Glioma
    Tumor of the nervous system
  56. Spinal bifida occulta
    The outer part of some of the vertebrae are not completely closed. The split in the vertebrae is so small that the spinal cord does not protrude.
  57. Meningocele
    A protrusion of the meninges through an opening in the skull or spinal column
  58. Huntington's chorea
    • Progressive neurodegenerative genetic disorder
    • Some dementia and coordination problems, weird awkward movements
  59. Alzeimer's disease
    Most common form of dementia

    • o Stage 1 memory loss
    • oStage 2 personality change
    • o Stage 3 all daily activities must be done by someone else
  60. Parkinson's disease
    • Areas that produce dopamine deteriorate
    • Problem with coordination and rotation
  61. Poliomyelitis
    inflamed grey matter of the spine
  62. Epilepsy, Seizure
    Believed that people with this condition were seized by the gods and given messages, Sacred Disease
  63. Pathos
    • Lovesickness
    • -Any strong emotion can affect the body and disturb the soul
    • -Must cure by learning how to control the body and emotions
  64. Phrenitis
    Emotions go out of the control and "infects" body's cognition
  65. Choleric
    excess of yellow bile, angry and hot-tempered
  66. Melancholic
    black bile, depressed and can't sleep, melancholy of genius
  67. Phlegmatic
    phlegm, sluggish
  68. Sanguine
    blood bile, romantic, amorous
  69. psych/o
    soul, mind
  70. phren/o
    midriff, mind, diaphragm
  71. Thym/o
    emotion, mind
  72. Ment/a
    thought, mind
  73. No/o
    intellect, mind
  74. Dysphoria
    how you carry yourself or emotions, uneasiness and never in a good state
  75. Euphoria
    holding yourself well, over estimate of one's well-being, disconnect with how things are
  76. Catatonia
    state where person is unrepsonsive to stimuli, rigid
  77. Apathy
    unemotional person
  78. Delusion
    a belief that has no true basis or fact
  79. Paranoia
    type of delusion, someone who has persecutory thoughts - someone is pursuing one constantly
  80. Hallucination
    sensory perceptions that are not based on reality
  81. Ideation
    idea or thought that one can't shake or get rid of, suicidal tendency
  82. Psychosis
    distortion of reality and inablility to interact in reality
  83. Neurosis
    elevated fears
  84. Mania
    elevation of emotions, excessive activity
  85. Thanatomania
    abnormal attraction to and fascination with death and suicide
  86. Necromania
    fascination with dead bodies
  87. Pyromania
    obsession with fire
  88. Egomania
    fascination of oneself
  89. Megalomania
    delusions of grandiose, "king of the universe"
  90. Sophomania
    person who thinks they are wise
  91. Bi-polar disorder
    mood swings, manic depressive
  92. OCD
    Anxiety disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts that produce uneasiness, apprehension, fear, or worry, by repetitive behaviors aimed at reducing anxiety, or by a combination of such thoughts (obsessions) and behaviors (compulsions).
  93. Post-traumatic stress disorder
    A severe anxiety disorder that can develop after exposure to any event that results in psychological trauma. This event may involve the threat of death to oneself or to someone else, or to one's own or someone else's physical, sexual, or psychological integrity, overwhelming the individual's ability to cope.
  94. Phobias
    A persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to a compelling desire to avoid it
  95. Hypochondriasis
    person who thinks they are ill all of the time, morbid fascination with being sick, associated with black bile
  96. Agoraphobia
    fear of wide open public spaces
  97. Acrophobia
    fear of heights
  98. Photophobia
    fear of light, medical condition of eye sensitivity to light
  99. Psychrophobia
    fear of cold temperature
  100. Oikophobia
    fear of home
  101. Coprophobia
    fear of poop
  102. Autism
    diffculty communicating with people other than oneself
  103. Mental retardation
    delay in mental development
  104. Dyslexia
    Any of various reading disorders associated with impairment of the ability to interpret spatial relationships or to integrate auditory and visual information.
  105. Anorexia nervosa
    An eating disorder characterized by pathological fear of becoming fat, distorted body image, excessive dieting, and emaciation.
  106. Bulimia nervosa
    Eating disorder characterized by recurrent binge eating, followed by compensatory behaviors. The most common form is defensive vomiting, sometimes called purging; fasting, the use of laxatives, enemas, diuretics, and over exercising are also common.
  107. Orthorexia nervosa
    Describe people who have developed a fixation with healthy or righteous eating and is commonly referred to as a mental disorder
  108. Exocrine
    Duct glands, going outside, sweat
  109. Endocrine
    Endocrine glands have no ducts. They secrete what is called hormone. The hormone is released in the blood stream and is circulated in the blood where it finds a particular organ, called target organ, to which goes and influences its physiology.
  110. Crin/o, -crine
    to secrete
  111. Holocrine
    cell that produces the hormone and is part of the hormone and is released
  112. Merocrine
    Of or relating to a gland whose secretory cells remain undamaged during secretion
  113. Aden/o
  114. Pine/o
    pineal gland
  115. Pitu/i, pituit/o
    pituitary gland
  116. Thyr/o, thyroid/o
    thyroid gland
  117. Adren/o, adrenal/o
    adrenal gland
  118. Pancreat/o,
  119. Test/o, testicul/o
  120. Ovary/o, ovar/i
  121. Andr/o
  122. Gyn/o
  123. Arachn/o
  124. Cortic/o
    outer layer or covering
  125. Ment/o
    referring to the mind
  126. gli/o
  127. hydr/o
  128. -oid
  129. Spin/o
    referring to the spinal cord
  130. iatr/o
    physician; to treat
  131. -paresis
    weakness, loss of movement
  132. -plegia
  133. dips/o
  134. -uria
  135. Gluc/o, glucos/o, glyc/o, glycos/o
  136. ket/o
    ketone bodies
  137. calc/i
  138. Kal/i
  139. Natr/o
  140. -liberin
  141. -statin
  142. tocin
    labor/to give birth
  143. -poietin
  144. -tropin
  145. -gen
  146. -agon
    • convey/leads something
  147. Exophthalmos
    bulging eyes
  148. Acromegaly
    • extremities become big because of excess of growth hormone
    • (adults)
  149. Gigantism
    excessive growth hormone throughout their lives since childhood
Card Set
The Nervous System
The nervous system