DH theory

  1. Adult body temperature (oral)
    • 37*C (96.8*F)
    • range from- 35.5 to 37.5*C (96* to 99.5*F)
  2. Normal temperature for first year children
    37.3*C (99.1*F)
  3. Normal temperature for children in their 4th year
    37.5*C (99.4*F)
  4. Normal temperature for children in their 5th year
    37*C (98.6*F)
  5. Normal temperature for children in their 12th year
    36.7*C (98*F)
  6. Normal adult pulse rate
    normal range 60 to 100 beats per minute
  7. Is the normal pulse rate slightly higher for women or men?
  8. normal pulse for children in utero
    150 beats per minute
  9. normal pulse for children at birth
    130 bpm
  10. normal pulse for children in 2nd year
    105 bpm
  11. normal pulse for children in 4th year
    90 bpm
  12. normal pulse for children in 10th year
    70 bpm
  13. normal adult respiration level
    normal range from 14 to 20 breaths per minute
  14. Is the normal respiration rate higher for women or men?
  15. normal respiration rate for children in first year
    30 per minute
  16. normal respiration rate for children in second year
    25 per minute
  17. normal respiration rate for children in 8th year
    20 per minute
  18. normal respiration rate for children in 15th year
    18 per minute
  19. normal adult systolic blood pressure
    less than 120 mmHg
  20. normal diastolic blood pressure for adults
    less than 80 mmHg
  21. What systolic rate indicates prehypertension in adults?
    120-139 mmHg
  22. what diastolic rate indicates prehypertension in adults?
    80-89 mmHg
  23. what systolic rate indicates stage 1 hypertension in adults?
    140-159 mmHg
  24. What diastolic rate indicates stage 1 hypertension in adults/
    90-99 mmHg
  25. What systolic rate indicates stage 2 hypertension in adults?
    greater than 160 mmHg
  26. What diastolic rate indicates stage 2 hypertension in adults?
    greater than 100 mmHg
Card Set
DH theory
normal rates