Science Midterm

  1. Students truly understand an idea when they can...
    Interpret what they learn and express it in their own words.

    Releate concepts to real-world experiences

    Find patterens in data collected

    Be able to draw inferences, make predictions, construct explanations, and solve problems by applying their knowledge and investigatiive findings.
  2. Levels of student understanding
    Proficient understanding - students use knowledge and skills they have gained in new problem situations.

    Satisfactory understanding - students's understanding enables them to succeed with new tasks with only minium amounts of techer scaffolding.

    Limited understanding - students succeed on new tasks, but only with teacher and peer support in the form of prompts, hints, and direct instruction.

    No understanding - students fail to succeed on new tasks.
  3. Scaffolding
    teacher supply external support that helps learners be successful.

    • Set challenging ind interesting learning tasks
    • Simplfy tasks for students
    • Ask meaningful questions
    • Supply necessary information, concepts, and principles for learning.
  4. Transfer
    Using previously learned knowledge in new situations.
  5. Conservation
    REfers to the recognition that if an object or situation is tranformed in some way, there still may be aspects of the objects or situation that remain the same.
  6. Learning
    The construction of knowledge in specific situations.
  7. Development
    Refers to the general growth and change of cognitive structures that allow knowledge and performance capabilitiesbto be exctended form particullar general cases.
  8. Graphic Organizers
    Concept Maps

    Venn diagrams

    Spider Maps

  9. Learning Communities
    In tradtional classrooms, students are treated as relatively passive learners who receive wisdom from teacchers, textbooks, or other media. In the community of learning classroom, students are encourged to engage in self-reflective learning and critical inquiry.
  10. Teachers can build learning communities by:
    Allowing students to copperativly work and think together.

    Arranging for students to engage in investigative activities in small groups.

    Allowing students to scaffold one another's learning.
  11. AA or AO
    Type A
  12. BO
    Type B
  13. OO
    Type O
  14. AB
    Type AB
  15. Allele
    An alternative form of a gene
  16. Dominant
    A gene that almost always results in a specific physical characteristic.
  17. Recessive
    A gene that is usually "masked" or hidden
  18. Gene
    Fundemental unit of heredity
  19. DNA
    The nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all living organisms.
  20. RNA
    Delivers DNA's gentic message to the cytoplasm of a cell.
  21. Codominant
    Situation in which alleles are equally strong
  22. Chromosome
    The self-replicating genetic structure of cells. (humans have 23 pairs.)
  23. Planning Science Lessons
    Select Content Consistant with State and National Standards

    Write learning objectives

    Select and design lesson activities

    Introduce lesson in an engaging manner

    Use discrepant events

    Present a varity of lesson activities

    Field Trips
  24. Formative Assessment
    Gathering assessment information during the instructional process
  25. Summative Assessment
    Assessment at the end of the instructional unit
  26. Rubrics
    Often used in inquiry learning
  27. Grouping students for learning
    Whole class structure

    Cooperative Group structure

    Pair Structure

    Individual Structure
  28. Whole Class structure
    Teacher lectures, demonstrates, or guides the entire class on discussion.
  29. Cooperative Group Structure
    Students work in small groups to collect data and exchange ideas.
  30. Managing Classroom rules
    Establish rules for behavior

    Monitor student's activities

    Enforce disciplinary consequences when necessary
  31. Implementing Learning Activities
    Teacher preperation


    Distribution and collection of matericals

    Beginning the Activity

    During the activity

    After the activity
  32. Teaching Preparation
    Formulate, organize, and dry run your lesson activities.
  33. Pre-Activity
    Give good working directions, establish grouping, and provide time for questions.
  34. Distribution and collection of matericals
    Establish an efficient method of distribution and collection
  35. Beginning the activity
    Check each group to ascertain their understanding of the directions
  36. During the activity
    Move about the room, don't spend too much timme with any one group, constantly access student behavior.
  37. After the activity
    Make sure students clean up their stations and return matericals to their proper place, help the students to access their proformannces concerning the activity.
  38. Arctic Tundra
    Found in Northern Alaska, Canada, and Siberia

    Less than 10 inches of rainfall per year

    Land of Permafrost

    Up to two months of darkness durung the year

    Three months growing season

    Home of the mush ox, arctic wolf, brown bear, lemming and ptarmigan

    Lichen, mosses, and low-growing shrubs and grasses (1700 kinds of plants).
  39. Tropical Savannah
    Found in parts of Africa, India, Southern Brazil, Australia, and the Everglades of Southern Florida

    10-50 inches of rainfall each year.

    Six to eight month wet summer season

    Frequent grass fires

    Elephants, wilderbeests, warthogs, zebras, rhinos, lions, weavers, and giraffes and found here.

    Variety of grasses along with acacia and baobab trees (africa).
  40. Tropical Rain Forest
    Found along the equator in Africa, South America, and Southeast Asia

    60-160 inches of rainfall per year (evenly distributed)

    No seasons - always hot

    Home of monkeys, toucans, poison dart frogs, sloths, and lizards

    Huge variety of tropical trees and plants

    Rain forests are being destroyed at the rate of 80 acres per minute.

    Most animals on the rain forest are tree dwellers

    There are more varieties of plant and animal life on one acre of the tropical rain forest than all of the other boimes put together.
  41. Desert
    Found in Australia, North Africa, and the western part of the U.S.

    Less than 10 inches of rainfall per year

    Hot during the day and cold at night

    Occasional flash flooding

    Jackrabbits, kangaroo rats, rattlesnakes, and gila monsters are found here

    Examples of vegitation are short grasses, sagebrush, and cacti
  42. Northen Evergrren Forest (Taiga)
    Found in northern parts of America, Europe, and Asia

    10-30 inches of rainfall per year

    Long, cold winters, with short, cool summers

    Moose, deer, bears, chipmunks, ermine, bald eagles, and woodpeackers are found here.

    Many trees including spruce, fur, and pine.
  43. Artic
    Found at the North and South Poles

    Land of eternal cold and snow, land of the midnight sun.

    Land of the penguin and polar bear

    Six months of daylight six months of darkness
  44. Temperate Hardwood Forest (Deciduous)
    Found at mid-latitudes in Europe and the united States

    30-50 inches of rainfall per year

    Mild summers and mild winters

    Bears, raccoons, squirrels, skunks, and coyotes are found here

    A variety of trees are found here including: maple, oak, hickory, and walnut

    the trees lose their leavves in the fall
  45. Temperate Grassland
    Found in central United States (prairies), Southern South America (pampas), and South Africa

    10-30 inches of rainfall per year

    Summers are hot and the winters are cold

    Animals including bison, antelopes, ground birds, gophers, and prairie dogs.

    Vegetation consists of foxtail, rye gress, and buffalo grass.
Card Set
Science Midterm
Chapter 3 and 5 for midterm