Professionalism of Nursing

  1. What is professionalism?
    It is a set of attributes, a way of life that implies responsiblity and commitment. It is a process of becoming professional (acquiring characteritics considered to be professional)
  2. What is a profession?
    • It is a distinguishable from other occupations.
    • -It's requirements
    • -orientation of individuals toward service
    • -standard's of education and practice are determined by it's members, not outsiders.
  3. What is professionalism's relevance to social values?
    • A profession justifies its existence by close association with values that society as a whole embrace, such as life and happiness.
    • Nursing serves others.
  4. Where can you find the standards of professional performance?
    The ANA gives us guidelines for our professional performance. These can be found in tables in your text.
  5. Education Period
    • Educational content
    • Length of education
    • The use of symbolic and ideational processes
    • Degree of specialization tha tis related to practice
  6. MOtivation
    As a group, to what extent is service to others emphasized rather than service to self.
  7. Autonomy
    The freedom to regulate and control its own work behavior
  8. Commitment
    Committing to work over a lifetime.
  9. Sense of COmmunity
    Members of the group share a common identity. It is a distinct subculture
  10. Code of Ethics
    Established professions have a formal code of ethics.
  11. Quality of Care
    • The RN systematically enhances the quality and effectivesness of nursing practice.
    • -Participates in quality care activities.
    • -uses results of quality of care activities to initiate changes in nursing practice
    • -uses results to initiate changes throughout the healthcare system.
  12. Education
    The RN attains knowledge and competency that reflects current nursing practice
  13. Professional Practice evaluation
    The RN evaluates one's own nursing practice in relation to professional practice standards and guidelines, relevant statues, rules, and regulations.
  14. Collegiatlity
    The nurse interacts with and contributes to the professional development of peers and other healthcare providers as colleagues.
  15. Collaboration
    THe RN collaborates with the patient, family, and other healthcare providers in providing patient care.
  16. Ethics
    The RN integrates ethical provisions in all areas of practice
  17. Research
    The RN integrates research findsing into practice.
  18. Resource Utilization
    The RN considers factors related to safety, effectiveness, cost, and impact on practice in planning and delivery of nursing services.
  19. Leadership
    The RN provides leadership in the professional practice setting and the profession.
Card Set
Professionalism of Nursing
Powerpoint questions