ə ˈmēl yəˌ rāt
to improve, make better, correct a flaw or shortcoming
A hot meal can ___________ the discomforts of even the coldest day.
- synonyms: amend, make better
- antonyms: worsen, aggravate, exacerbate
ə ˈpläm
poise, assurance, great self-confidence; perpendicularity
Considering the family's tense mood, you handled the situation with ______.
- synonyms: composure, self possession, level headedness
- antonyms: confusion, embarrassment, abashment
bäm ˈbas tik
pompous or overblown in language; full of high-sounding words intended to conceal a lack of ideas.
He delivered a _________ speech that did not even address our problems.
- synonyms: inflated, highfalutin, high-flown, pretentious
- antonyms: unadorned, simple, plain, austere
ˈkal ō
without experience, immature, not fully developed, lacking sophistication and poise; without feathers
They entered the army as ______ recruits and let as seasoned veterans.
- synonyms: green, raw, unfledged, inexperienced
- antonyms: mature, grown-up, polished, sophisticated, experienced
drivel (1)
ˈdriv əl
saliva or mucus flowing from the mouth or nose; foolish, aimless talking or thinking; nonsense
To me, my dream make perfect sense, but when I told it to my friend, it sounded like ______.
- synonyms: balderdash, hogwash, tommyrot
- antonyms: sophisticated or analytical speech
drivel (2)
ˈdriv əl
to let saliva flow from the mouth; to utter nonsense or childish twaddle; to waste or fritter away foolishly
Knowing that his time was nearly up, we kept silent and let him ______ on.
- synonym: slaver, drool
- antonym: speak in a sophisticated sense
i ˈpit ə mē
a summary, condensed account; an instance that represents a larger reality
Admitting when you have fairly defeated is the _______ of sportsmanship.
- synonyms: abstract, digest, model, archetype
- antonyms: atypical, uncontroversial
ig ˈzôrt
to urge strongly, advise earnestly
With dramatic gestures, our fans vigorously ______ the team to play harder.
- synonyms: entreat, implore, adjure
- antonyms: discourage, advise against, depreciate
ex officio
ˈeks əˈfi sh ē ō
adjective; adverb
by virtue of holding a certain office
The president is the __________ commander-in-cheif of the armed forces in time of war.
synonym (definition): official person for an office in a given circumstance
in ˈfrinj
to violate, trespass, go beyond recognized bounds
If you continue to ________ on my responsibilities, will you also take the blame for any mistakes?
- synonyms: encroach, impinge, intrude, poach
- antonym: stay in bounds
in ˈgrā shē ˌāt
to make oneself agreeable and thus gain favor or acceptance by others (sometimes used in a critical or derogatory sense)
It is not a good idea to __________ oneself by paying cloying compliments.
- synonyms: cozy up to, curry favor with
- antonyms: alienate, humiliate oneself, mortify oneself
ˈin tər ˌlō pər
one who moves in where he or she is not wanted or has no right to be, an intruder
The crowd was so eager to see the band perform that they resented the opening singer as an _________.
- synonyms: trespasser, meddler, buttinsky
- antonyms: member, citizen
in ˈtrin zik
belonging to someone or something by its very nature, essential, inherent; originating in a bodily organ or part.
It had been my father's favorite book when he was my age, but for me it held little _________ interest.
- synonyms: immanent, organic
- antonyms: extrinsic, external, outward
in ˈvā
to make a violent attack in words, express strong disapproval
You should not _______ against the plan with quite so much vigor until you have read it.
- synonyms: rail, harangue, fulminate, remonstrate
- antonyms: acclaim, glorify, extol
ˈlas ə ˌtyōd
weariness of body or mind, lack of energy
On some days, I am overcome by _________ at the thought of so many more years of schooling.
- synonyms: fatigue, lethargy, torpor, langour
- antonyms: energy, vitality, animation, liveliness
mə ˈlen ē əm
a period of one thousand years; a period of great joy
In 1999, an argument raged over whether 2000 or 2001 would mark the new beginning of the new __________.
- synonyms: chiliad, golden age, prosperity, peace
- antonyms: doomsday, day of judgement
occult (1)
ə ˈkəlt
mysterious, magical, supernatural; secret, hidden from view; not detectable by ordinary means
One not need rely on ______ knowledge to grasp why things disappear in a house where two cats live.
- synonyms: supernatural, esoteric, abstruse, arcane
- antonyms: mundane, common, public, exoteric
occult (2)
ə ˈkəlt
to hide, conceal; eclipse
Serial killers will often try to ______ forensic evidence in order to remain uncaught.
- synonyms: to hide, conceal, stash
- antonyms: reveal, submit
occult (3)
ə ˈkəlt
matters involving the supernatural
Much of his talk about the ______ seems grounded in nothing but trick photography and folklore.
- synonyms: mythology, fables
- antonyms: realistic controversies
ˈpər mē ˌāt
spread through, penetrate, soak through
The rain _________ all of my clothing and reduced the map in my pocket to a pulpy mass.
- synonyms: soak, to enter or pass through
- antonym: block
precipitate (1)
pri ˈsip ə ˌtāt
to fall as moisture; to cause or bring about suddenly; to hurl down from great height; to give distinct from to
Scholars often disagree over which event or events ___________ a historic moment.
- synonyms: provoke, produce
- antonyms: follow, come after
precipitate (2)
pri ˈsip ət ət
characterized by excessive haste
I admit that my outburst was __________, however, I deem it probable, considering the current dire emergency.
- synonyms: reckless, impetuous
- antonyms: wary, cautious, circumspect
precipitate (3)
pri ˈsip ət ət
moisture; the product of an action or process
Too many eggs in this particular pudding will leave a messy __________ in the baking pan.
- synonyms: spilled liquid, mess
- antonym(?): clean
ˈstrin jənt
strict, severe; rigorously or urgently binding or compelling; sharp or bitter to the taste
Some argue that more _________laws against speeding will make our streets safer.
- synonyms: stern, tough, urgent, imperative
- antonyms: lenient, mild, lax, permissive
surmise (1)
sər ˈmīz
to think or believe without certain supporting evidence; to conjecture or guess
I cannot be sure, but I _______ that she would not accept my apology even if I made it on my knees.
- synonyms: infer, gather
- antonyms: concur, conclude with evidence
surmise (2)
sər ˈmīz
likely idea that lack definite proof
The police had no proof, nothing to go on but suspicion, a mere _______.
- synonyms: inference, presumption, theory
- antonyms: scientific law, proven fact