Chapter 9-The Heirs of Rome

  1. Latin Christendom
    western and central europe
  2. Justinian
    • First great Byzantine ruler (r. 527-565)
    • relied on wife's advice
    • collection of Rome's ancient laws-Corpus Juris Civilis
  3. Theodora
    • Justinian's wife
    • actress, daughter of bear trainer
  4. Heraclius
    • Emperor (610-641)
    • defeated Persians
  5. Muhammad
    founder of Islam
  6. Allah
    Islamic god
  7. Koran
    Islamic holy book
  8. Five Pillars of Islam
    • 1. accept and repeat statement of faith (There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet)
    • 2. pray towards holy city (Mecca) five times a day
    • 3. give to the poor
    • 4. holy month Ramadan- no eating or drinking during day
    • 5. at least one pilgrimage to Mecca
  9. Hegira
    • Muhammad and followers emigrate from Mecca to Medina (622)
    • first year of Muslim calender
  10. jihad
    • Muslim war to spread Islam to nonbelievers
    • striving in the path of God
  11. Hadith
    Muhammad's unnofficial bio
  12. Ali
    • cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad
    • fourth caliph
  13. Al-Farabi
    • Muslim Hellenistic Philoshopher
    • wrote commentaries on Aristotle
    • based proof for God's existance on Aristotle
  14. Ibn-Sina
    • AKA Avicenna
    • poet, doctor, scientist, philosopher
  15. Ibn-Rushd
    • AKA Averroes
    • important figure of Muslim learning
    • "[Greeks were pretty close]"
  16. Gengis Khan
    leader of Mongols
  17. Theodoric the Great
    • Ostrogoth ruler of Italy
    • preserved much of Roman civilization
  18. Clovis
    • leader of Franks
    • wore Roman colors and took Roman titles
  19. Boethius
    • last Latin scholar with knowledge of Greek language and philosophy
    • wrote The Consolation of Philosophy while imprisoned
  20. Cassiodorus
    • Latin scholar
    • established monastic libraries with Greek and Latin manuscripts
    • pushed for higher education for clergymen
  21. Isidore of Saville
    • Spainiard
    • compiled enyclopedia- Etymologiae
  22. Venerable Bede
    • wrote commentaries on Scripture
    • translated Gospel of John into Anglo-Saxon
    • Ecclesiastical History of English People-history book
  23. Gregory I
    • pope (590-604)
    • used Roman methods of administration
  24. Boniface
  25. Charles Martel
    Frankish ruler
  26. Pepin the Short
    • took Frankish throne from father Charles Martel
    • gave Lombard's land to church
  27. Charlemagne
    • King of Franks
    • brutally conquered much land
  28. Alcuin of York
    • scholar hired by Charlemagne
    • given charge of palace school
    • expanded schools and libraries
  29. Louis the Pious
    • son of Charlemagne
    • tried to save empire but was nearly impossible
  30. Hroswitha
    • German nun
    • poet, historian, playwrite
  31. Adalbero
    • Bishop of Laon
    • The Tripartite Society
    • tripartite-three parts
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Chapter 9-The Heirs of Rome
Western Civ