4 weeks
- about pea size
- primitive heart pumpimg blood
- simple digestive system
- parts of brain
- limb buds
- eyes, spine and kidneys begin to form
6 1/2 weeks
- first bone cells
- skeleton is recognizable
- visible with ultrasound
7 1/2 weeks
first fetal movement
8 weeks
- head is 1/2 of body size
- facial features begin
- brain develops in size and complexity
- all major body systems are present in some form
8-9 weeks
- quick startle movement and slow general movements
- hiccups
- 1 in/ 1/30th of an ounce
9 weeks
sensitive to touch
10 weeks
breathing movements
10 1/2 weeks
jaw opens and stretch
11-12 weeks
yawn, suck and swallow
11-14 weeks
spurt of brain growth
10 weeks
- brain tissue can be damaged
- can kick, turn, swallow, make fist
12 weeks
external sex organs visible
15 weeks
- taste buds develop
- fetus is 3 in/ 1 oz
16-20 weeks
- mother may feel moveent in 4th month
- may do amniocentisis
5th month
- fetus covered in vernixcaseosa
- development of lanugo
- 12 in/ 1 lb
6th month
- reflexive activities: sucking, swallowing, grasping
- eyes and eyelids formed
- moves and sleeps at regular intervals
- begins to be capable of auditory sound
- 14 in/ 2 lbs
7th month
- "age of viability"
- 16 in/ 3 lbs
8-9 months
- gains weight
- biological functions
- sensitive to light, sound and touch