A & P

  1. What is the basic sturctural unit of the body?
  2. List the body cavities and the organs in each.
    • A. Dorsal------brain and spinal
    • B. Thoracic---heart and lungs
    • C. Abdominal/pelvic--everything else
  3. Cell membrane
    • The outer covering of the cell (cell wall)
    • Encloses the cytoplasm. Enables particles to go in and out
    • semi-permible
  4. Nucleus
    Brains of the operation
  5. Cytoplasm
    Fluid inside cell
  6. Mitochondria
    Power or fuel source
  7. Endoplasmic reticulum
    • Transports substances from one part of the cell to another.
    • Is a network of tubes and channels.
  8. Define "energy"
    Ability to do work
  9. Define "metabolism".
    The total sum of all chemical reactions
  10. Which phase is the "building up" phase?
  11. Which phase is the "break down" phase?
  12. Which phase requires (uses) energy?
  13. Which phase gives off (produces) energy?
  14. List four types of tissue.
    • Epithelial
    • Connective
    • Muscle
    • Nervous
  15. Which type of tissue forms skin and membranes?
  16. Which type of tissue forms bone and fascia?
  17. Which type of tissue contracts, enabling movement?
  18. Which type of tissue relays electrical impulses?
  19. What are the three types of muscle? Are they voluntary or involuntary?
    • A. Skeletal--striated voluntary
    • B. Cardiac--both striated & smooth involuntary
    • C. Smooth/Visceral--smooth involuntary
  20. Which systems' organs are lined with all mucous membrane?
    • Digestive
    • Respitorary
    • Urinary
    • Reproductive
  21. Define "tissue".
    Group of cells that look & do the same thing.
  22. Define Organ
    2 or more tissues that look alike & do the same thing.
  23. Define a system.
    2 or more organs that look alike and do the same thing
  24. The maintenance of a steady state within the body's physical and chemical environment is termed:
    Homeostasis (Balance)
  25. A "useful substance" is called a:
  26. Define "diffusion"
    • A movement of a particle. Requires no energy.
    • A particle is anything besides water.
  27. Define "osmosis".
    • The movement of water.
    • Requires no energy.
  28. What is the difference between diffusion and active transport?
    Active transport requires energy to move particles.
  29. List a few examples of diffusion in everyday life.
    • turkey
    • skunk
    • perfume
  30. List the three serous membranes which line the body's cavities.
    • Pericardium--covers the heart
    • Pleura--covers the lungs
    • Peritoneum--covers the abdomino pelvic
  31. Body system: Integumentary
    Function: Protection, excretion, respiration
  32. Body system: Blood
    Function: Transportation and fighting infection
  33. Body system: Cardiovascular
    Function: Transportation, with the heart acting as a pump
  34. Body system: Respiratory
    Function: Obtaining oxygen from the environment and exhalation of carbon dioxide (a waste product)
  35. Body system: Urinary
    Function: Filtration, regulation of water balance and blood pressure
  36. Body system: Skeletal
    Function: Framework and support
  37. Body system: Muscle
    Function: Movement by way of contraction
  38. Body system: Digestive
    Function: Digestion, absorption and elimination
  39. Body system: Nervous
    Function: Provides communication throughout the body
  40. Body system: Endocrine
    • Function: Control, initiate and regulate all body activity.
    • (mate system to the nervous system), assist in communication.
  41. Body system: Reproductive
    Function: Propagation of the human race.
  42. Body system: Special Senses
    Function: Vision and Hearing
  43. Upper Right Region of Abdomen
    Right Hypochondriac Region
  44. Upper Center Region of Abdomen
    Epigastric Region
  45. Upper Left Region of Abdomen
    Left Hypochondriac Region
  46. Middle Right Region of Abdomen
    Right Lumbar Region
  47. Middle Center Region of Abdomen
    Umbilical Region
  48. Middle Left Region of Abdomen
    Left Lumbar Region
  49. Lower Right Region of Abdomen
    Right iliac (inguinal region)
  50. Lower Center Region of Abdomen
    Hypogastric Region
  51. Lower Left Region of Abdomen
    Left iliac (inguinal region)
  52. Which term describes a tumor that is life-threatening?
  53. Which term describes a tumor that is slower growing and not life-threatening?
  54. What is the term that designates the spread of a malignancy?
  55. What is the term for malignancies of the epithelial tissue?
  56. What is the term for malignancies of the connective tissue?
  57. Osteoma
    Tumor made of bone
  58. Myoma
    Tumor made of muscle tissue
  59. Lipoma
    Tumor made of fat tissue
  60. Papilloma
    Medical term for wart
  61. Nevus
    Medical term for mole
  62. Giloma
    Tumor made of nerve cells
  63. Adenoma
    Tumor made of gland tissue
  64. Angioma
    Tumor made of vessles
  65. Fluid found within a cell is called:
  66. Fluid found outside a cell is called:
  67. The study of cells:
  68. The study of tissues:
  69. The study of tumors:
  70. The study of blood:
  71. The study of disease:
  72. The study of forms or shapes of living organisms:
  73. List the four major elements of which the body is made.
    • Oxygen
    • Carbon
    • Nitrogen
    • Hydrogen
  74. Superior
  75. Inferior
  76. Anterior/Ventral
  77. Posterior/Dorsal
  78. Cranial
    toward the head
  79. Caudal
    toward the tailbone
  80. Central
    toward the trunk
  81. Peripheral
    toward the extremities
  82. Medial
    toward the midline
  83. Lateral
    toward the side
  84. Inner aspect
  85. Supine
    lying on back, face up
  86. Prone
    lying on abdomen
  87. Deep
    away from the surface
  88. Superficial
    toward the surface
  89. Proximal
    toward the origin of a structure
  90. Distal
    away from the origin of a structure
  91. Afferent
    conducting toward a structure (arrive) ex. veins
  92. Efferent
    conducting away from a structure (exit) ex. artery
  93. Spinal Region 1st set
  94. Spinal Region 2nd set
  95. Spinal Region 3rd set
  96. Spinal Region 4th set
    Sacral (sacrum)
  97. Spinal Region 5th set
  98. Anatomical Planes - Frontal (coronal)
    Plane that divides the body into anterior & posterior parts
  99. Anatomical Planes - Sagittal
    Plane that divides the body into right and left parts
  100. Anatomical Planes - Transverse
    Plane that divides the body into superior and inferior parts
Card Set
A & P
Medical Terminology, Anatomy & Physiology