Bone Markings

  1. Tuberosity
    Large, rounded projection; may be roughened
  2. Crest
    Narrow ridge of bone; usually prominent
  3. Trochanter
    Very large, blunt, irregularly-shaped process (the only examples are on the femur)
  4. Line
    Narrow ridge of bone; less prominent than a crest
  5. Tubercle
    Small, rounded projection or process
  6. Epicondyle
    Raised area on or above a condyle
  7. Spine
    Sharp, slender, often pointed projection
  8. Process
    Any bony prominence
  9. Head
    Bony expansion carried on a narrow neck
  10. Facet
    Smooth, nearly flat articular surface
  11. Condyle
    Rounded, articular projection
  12. Ramus
    Arm-like bar of bone
  13. Groove
  14. Fissure
    Narrow, slit-like opening
  15. Foramen
    Round or oval opening through a bone
  16. Notch
    Indentation at the edge of a structure
  17. Meatus
    Canal-like passageway
  18. Sinus
    Cavity within a bone; filled with air, and lined with mucous membrane
  19. Fossah
    Shallow, basin-like depression in a bone, often serving as an articular surface
Card Set
Bone Markings
Items from Table 6.1