Chpt. 3 & 4 Questions

  1. the___nervous system is to excitement as the___ nervous system is to relaxation
    sympathetic, parasympathetic
  2. The peripheral nervous system is broken down into
    the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system
  3. When you move your arm, your brain is sending information yo your arm via
    efferent nerves
  4. One nerve cell communication with about____other nerve cells
  5. To what does the term plasticity refer
    the ability of the brain to change
  6. In what part of the neuron is the nucleus contained
    the cell body
  7. What is the direction of the neural impulse (from start to finish)
    dendrites, cell body,terminal buttons,and finally dednrites
  8. During the depolarization of a neuron, which of the following occurs
    the inside of the cell becomes positively charged,decreasing the charge difference across the membrane
  9. Cocaine acts as a(n)___on dopamine
  10. A person who experiences problems with visual stimuli may have damage to
    the occipital lobe
  11. Which of the following brain imaging techniques works by recording metabolic changes in the brain
    positron-emission tomography
  12. Tamara is studying for an important test and is attempting to remember a number of concepts. If Tamara suffered extensive damage to the___, she wouldn't remember any of the new concepts she is learning.
  13. Someone with damage to Wernicke's area would have problems
    understanding what others say
  14. In which part of the brain is the somatosensory cortex located
    parietal lobe
  15. Which part of the endocrine system is known as the master gland?
    pituitary gland
  16. Which structure controls the pituitary gland
  17. Statement that is true
    Epinephrine is created by both neurons and glands
  18. How many chrosomes do we have
  19. What is the relationship between chromosomes, gene, DNA
    chromosomes are made up of DNA, genes are DNA segments
  20. Stress relaxes which hormone
  21. Viewing an upcoming test as a challenge rather than something that will make you fail a course is an example
    cognitive restructuring
  22. What is the difference between stress and a stressor
    a stressor is an event that taxes resources; stress is the reaction to the stressor
  23. Why is the chronic stress harmful
    because it releases cortisol
  24. Nature is to___as nurture is to___
  25. Which of the following is not a development process
    genotype processes
  26. A parent who allows his children to make choices about their behavior but who still places limitations on what they can do is engaging in
  27. Erickson's stages of socioemotional development happens during the late adulthood
    integrity versus despair
  28. The first two weeks after conception are reffered to as the
    germinal period
  29. Who wrote man searching for Meaning
    Victor Franki
  30. Who is known for the theory of moral development
    Lawrence Kohlberg
  31. Who is associated with the thory that moral developlement
  32. Who is associated with the theory that moral development relies on individuals connectedness and relationships with other people
    Carol Gilligan
Card Set
Chpt. 3 & 4 Questions
Biological & Human Development