Forms and reports.txt

  1. What is the instruction for Forms And Reports Management Program?
    BUMEDINST 5210.9
  2. Who shall assign responsibilities to specific individuals to ensure accountability for the implementation and administration of the forms and reports management program?
    NAVMED Regions Commanders
  3. Who shall assign responsibilities to specific individuals to ensure accountability for the implementationand administration of the forms and reports management programs?
    Navy Medical Department Activities Commanders
  4. Within how long shall you Appoint a Forms and Reports Management Officer with total program responsibility?
    Within 30 days
  5. Forms and Reports Management inspections will be included what future inspections?
    MEDINSGEN inspections
  6. T or F All copies must be generated from the latest edition of the form available from the approved source?
    True (you cannot make a copy of a copy)
  7. How many days supply can you maintain of forms copies at your workplace?
    30 Days
  8. How often should you chek for updates for any PDF form store in your computers?
    30 Days
  9. Whats FMO stand for?
  10. Whos is responsible for The administration of the Forms Management Program at Navy Medical Department activities (the NAVMED Forms Program). This includes issuing a program directive, assigningresponsibilities, and providing general program guidance?
    Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED) FMO
  11. Who is responsible for Ensuring all overprints to NAVMED, BUMED, and higher authority forms used by Navy Medical Department personnel have an appropriate form number, title, edition date, and receiveproper approval prior to their use as established in enclosure?
    Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED) FMO
  12. Who is responsible for Managing the inventory of all NAVMED and BUMED forms. The inventory includes paper forms, electronic forms, and automated forms included in all Navy Medical Departmentdeveloped applications?
    Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED) FMO
  13. Who is responsible for The administration of the Forms and Reports Management Program at their Navy Medicine Region, The management of all Region-created forms used by the Region�s Navy MedicalDepartment personnel?
    Region FMOs
  14. Who is responsible for Ensuring Region network servers do not store electronic versions of higher authority forms. Per reference (h), DoD components shall hyperlink to higher authority forms to avoiduser access to outdated and obsolete forms?
    Region FMOs
  15. All forms capturing an SSN require a?
    Flag or Senior Executive Service (SES) level approval prior to use
  16. T or F Navy Medical personal are required to use DD forms as prescribed or adopted and are not authorized to create any form that duplicates a DD form?
  17. Forms established by DON for use in more than one Naval command. Navy Medical Department personnel are required to use SECNAV, OPNAV, and NAVMC forms as prescribed and are not authorized to create any form that duplicates a SECNAV, OPNAV, or NAVMC form?
    Third Level Forms � DON forms (SECNAV, OPNAV, and Navy Marine Corps (NAVMC))
  18. What lvl Forms established by BUMED for use in more than one Navy Medicine command. Navy Medical Departmentpersonnel are required to use NAVMED forms as prescribed and are not authorized to create any form that duplicates a NAVMED form?
    Fourth Level Forms (Echelon II) � BUMED and NAVMED forms
  19. NAVMED Region forms?
    Fifth Level Forms (Echelon III)
  20. Navy Medicine Activity form. Forms established by a Navy Medicine Activity for use in more than one Navy Medicine command within a given Activity, What lvl form?
    Sixth Level Forms
  21. Appropriate SSN approval is determined by the level of the form and First, Second, Third, and Fourth Level Forms require whos approval?
    Vice Chief, BUMED approval
  22. Fifth and below Level Forms will require Region approval from either?
    a Flag or SES
  23. T or F NAVMED 6000/5 itself cannot be placed in a medical or dental record; only approved overprints or exceptions to NAVMED 6000/5 can be placed in a medical or dental record?
  24. T or F If the original form is cancelled, any exceptions to the cancelled form will need to be cancelled. For example, if SF 600 is cancelled, all previously approved exceptions to the SF 600will also be cancelled?
  25. An RCS may be used for __ years from the date of the requiring issuance?
    3 years
  26. The RCS or exemption is listed in the Forms and Reports paragraph of the requiring document. This paragraph is the last paragraph ____?
    Above the signature.
  27. An electronic listing of all forms (current and cancelled) under an FMO�s responsibility. The index will contain, at a minimum, the following information: form number, form title, form edition date, requiring document, cancellation document when appropriate?
    Forms Index.
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Forms and reports.txt
Bumed 5210.9