drivers license test

  1. The center marking for roads with 4 lanes consists of?
    2 solid yellow lines
  2. Dual use lanes have both a?
    turn arrow & straight arrow
  3. Reversible express lanes are marked by?
    double-dashed yellow lines
  4. Shared center lanes are marked on each side by?
    a solid yellow and dashed yellow lines
  5. Left turn signals-permissive looks like? means you can do?
    • circular green of flashing yellow arrow
    • wait for adequate gap to make turn
  6. Left turn signals-protected looks like? means what?
    • green arrow
    • turn only when see green arrow
  7. Left turn signals-protected/permissive means?
    • referred to as "left turn yield on green"
    • green arrow or circular green or flashing yellow arrow
    • wait for adequate gap
  8. steady yellow arrow?
    • appears after green arrow, soon will be circular green/flashing yellow arrow/red light
    • be ready to yield or stop
  9. flashing yellow arrow?
    can drive in that direction but wait for adequate gap
  10. Sign colors - red
    stop, yield or prohibited
  11. Sign colors - yellow
  12. Sign colors - black
  13. Sign colors - white
  14. Sign colors - orange
  15. Sign colors - green
    • direction
    • distance
  16. Sign color - blue
    motorist services

    square or rectangular, show location of - rest areas, gas stations, campgrounds, hospitals
  17. Sign colors - brown
    • public recreation
    • cultural interests
  18. Sign shapes - octogon
  19. Sign shapes - triangle
  20. Sign shapes - vertical rectangle
  21. Sign shapes - horizontal rectangle
    • guide
    • parks & recreation

    • green or brown with white lettering
    • direction & distance to various locations - cities, airports, state line, museum, parks
  22. Sign shapes - pentagon
  23. Sign shapes - round
  24. Sign shapes - crossbuck
  25. Sign shapes - pennant
    no passing zone
  26. Sign shapes - diamond
  27. warning signs look like?
    • diamond
    • yellow with black lettering
  28. warning signs - traffic control - examples?
    • bicycle crossing
    • signal ahead
    • pedestrian crossing
    • school crossing
  29. warning signs - traffic flow - examples?
    • speed advisory - highway ramp
    • added lane (traffic from another road will be entering, no merging)
    • begin divided highway
    • end divided highway
    • merge
    • lane ends/merge left
  30. warning signs - turns & curves - examples?
    • curve (slow down)
    • right angle turn (sharp turn, 30mph or less)
    • reverse turn (2 sharp turns, 30mph or less)
    • speed advisory (accompanies above 3 signs showing recommended speed)
    • large arrow (may be seen on outside of turn, slow down for sharp change of direction)
    • chevron (used instead of or in addition to large arrow, outline edge of curving road)
  31. warning signs - special road/traffic conditions
    object marker?
    • vertical rectangle, yellow w/ black angled stripes
    • objects in or close to road, don't leave land
  32. warning signs - special road/traffic conditions
    soft shoulder?
    • yellow triangle w/ black letters
    • don't leave pavement
  33. warning signs - special road/traffic conditions
    slow moving vehicle
    • reflective orange triangle
    • vehicles traveling less than 25mph
    • construction equipment, farm vehicles
  34. warning signs - special road/traffic conditions
    slippery when wet?
    • yellow triangle, black image
    • drive carefully
  35. warning signs - road intersections
    side road railroad crossing?
    • yellow triangle, black image
    • railway crossing very close to intersection
    • caution when crossing tracks
  36. warning signs - special road/traffic conditions
    other intersections?
    • intersection ahead
    • side road ahead
    • T intersection ahead
    • roundabout ahead

    all yellow triangles with black image
  37. regulatory signs
    • square or rectangle, white w/ black a/o red letters or symbols
    • info about rules for traffic direction, lane use, turning, speed, parking & other special situations

    may have red circle with slash over symbol
  38. Slowest speed allowed on interstate highways under normal roadway circumstances
  39. speed limit in any city, town or village (unless posted otherwise)
    25 mph
  40. speed limit - rural interstates & freeways?
    70 mph
  41. speed limit - rural expressways?
    65 mph
  42. speed limit - interstate highways/freeways/expressways within urbanized areas?
    60 mph
  43. speed limit - all other roads & highways not located in urban area?
    60 mph
  44. speed limit - lettered roads?
    55 mph
  45. stop within ? feet before railroad tracks
    15 to 50
  46. speeding or passing in construction or work zone?
    • fined minimum $250 for 1st offense
    • fined minimum $300 for 2nd and subsequent offenses
  47. railroad crossings - crossbuck means?
    yield to trains
  48. railroad crossings - red lights, gate, bell mean?
    stop until train has passed
  49. route signs - north/south routes identified by ? numbers
  50. route signs - east/west routes identified by ? numbers
  51. route signs - interstate highways that loop around cities are identified by ? numbers
    3-digit even numbers
  52. route signs - direct traffic into city's road system (spurs) are identified by ? numbers
    3-digit odd numbers
  53. route signs - exit numbers - interstates traveling west/east are numbered?
    starting from west (0) & going east (increase)
  54. route signs - exit numbers - interstates traveling north/south are numbered?
    • 0 at south, increase as go north
    • come in from north, decrease to 0 as go south
  55. emergency reference markers - located every ?
    tell ?
    • 2/10 of mile
    • tell direction of travel & route number
  56. The law says who must YIELD the right-of-way; it does not ? any driver the right-of-way.
  57. Can only pass on the right in 4 situations -
    • 1. when the vehicle in front is making or about to make a right turn
    • 2. city street with sufficient width for 2 or more lines of vehicles in each direction
    • 3. One-way street
    • 4. Hwy outside city w/ unobstructed pavement of sufficient width & clearly marked for 4 or more lanes of traffic
  58. Can never pass on right -
    by driving on shoulder
  59. Can never pass on left in 4 conditions -
    • 1. approaching crest or curve w/ obstructed view
    • 2. view obstructed upon approaching w/n 100' of bridge, viaduct or tunnel
    • 3. approaching w/n 100'- intersection or RR crossing
    • 4. solid yellow line
  60. 7 right-of-way rules at intersections -
    • 1. pedestrians legally crossing
    • 2. entering or exiting a driveway, alley, parking lot - yield to pedestrians
    • 3. when turning left - yield to oncoming vehicles going straight
    • 4. entering a road from driveway, alley or roadside - yield to vehicles onmain road
    • 5. if no stop sign or traffic signal - yield to vehicles coming from right
    • 6. 4-way stop - 1st come 1st serve
    • 7. roundabout - yield to traffic in circle & pedestrians
  61. emergency vehicles
    • 1. yield right-of-way to police, fire, ambulance or any other EVs
    • 2. stationary EV displaying lighted red or red&blue lights - proceed w/ caution
  62. school buses - amber warning lights will flash ? feet before bus comes to stop
  63. Don't have to stop for school buses in 3 instances.
    • 1. if traveling opposite direction on hwy divided by median
    • 2. if traveling opposite direction on hwy with 4 or more lanes of traffic
    • 3. if bus stopped in loading zone at school where students aren't permitted to cross roadway
  64. signal or signal & get into proper lane ? feet before a turn
  65. 3 U-turn rules -
    • 1. only if it's safe
    • 2. not on curve or crest of hill
    • 3. not if there's a sign
  66. 2-way left-turn lanes, don't travel in this lane for more than ?

    if entering roadway from side street - don't use this lane
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drivers license test
drivers license test