Nursing 202

  1. Describe mental status and mental health
    • Mental Status
    • - cognitive and emotional functioning

    • Mental Health
    • - how well one functions in social, personal and work situations
    • - dynamic (good days and bad days)
  2. Describe some stressors and the repercussions they cause.
    • Stressors: homelessnes, unemployment, death of a loved one
    • - may cause emotional-cognitive trauma and transient dysfunction
    • - Responses to traumatic events (grief reaction) are normal but may become pathologic if unable to cope effectively.
  3. Describe two components of the Mental Status Exam.
    1) General Appearance (e.g. motor functioning such as tremors, twitching, excessive movement, ability to sit still; degree of eye contact.)

    2) Consciousness (being aware of self and environment [LOC])
  4. What are 10 factors to look for associated with consciousness and describe each.
    • 1) Alert (awake or readily aroused)
    • 2) Lethargic
    • - somnolent (drifts off to sleep)
    • - can be aroused by name (when called in a normal voice)
    • - responds appropriately, but seems low
    • 3) Obtunded
    • - sleeps continuously, difficult to arouse
    • - arouses by shouting or vigorous shaking
    • - requires constant stimulation
    • - converses in monosyllables and mumbles
    • 4) Stupor or semi-coma
    • - unconscious
    • - responds only to vigorous shaking or pain
    • - withdraws from pain
    • - cannot converse; may groan or mumble
    • 5) Coma
    • - unconscious and unresponsive to pain
    • - light coma (may have reflexes)
    • - deep coma (no motor response)
    • 6) Delirium
    • - acute confusional state, hallucinations or impaired clouded consciousness 7) Mood (subjective; how a person feels)
    • - euthymic: normal
    • - euphoric (exaggerated feeling of wellbeing; mild elation)
    • - dysthymic (chronically depressed mood)
    • 8) Affect (objective)
    • - appropriate
    • - flat (no change in facial expression)
    • - labile (extreme swings or over reaction)
    • 9) thought processes
    • - delusion (false belief that appears real)
    • - paranoia (persectory thinking associated with feeling of being treated wrongly)
    • - confusion
    • 10) Cognition
    • - oriented x 3 (person, place, time) or x 4 (person, place, time, preceding events)
    • - short and long term memory
    • - field of knowledge (e.g. president; world events)
    • - insight
    • - judgement
  5. Define mood disorders, psychotic disorders, and ementia
    mood disorders: problems with mood or affect

    psychotic disorders: problems with thought processes

    dementia: problems with cognition
  6. What are four developmental considerations for aged adults?
    • 1. Mental status remains intact (no loss of general knowledge or vocabulary)
    • 2. slower response
    • 3. recent memory may be impaired (difficult 24 hr recall)
    • 4. age related sensory perceptions can affect mental status (change in hearing, change in vision
Card Set
Nursing 202
Mental Status