
  1. Bones of the Skull
    • Frontal bone
    • Parietal Bone
    • Temporal Bone
    • zygomatic Bone
    • Occipital Bone
    • sphenoid Bone
    • Ethmoid Bone
    • Lacrimal Bone
    • Nasal Bone
    • Maxilla
    • Mandible
  2. places on the occipital bone
    • Superior nuchel line
    • inferior nuchel line
    • external occipital crest
    • occipital condyle
  3. name the sutures
    • sagital suture
    • squamous suture
    • occipitomastoid suture
    • lambdoid suture
    • coronal suture
  4. places on the temporal bone
    • external accoustic meatus
    • mastoid process
    • styloid process
    • zygomatic process
  5. places on the mandible bone
    • mandibular condyle
    • mandibular notch
    • coronoid process
    • mental foramen
    • mandibular symphysis
  6. places on the frontal bone
    • supraorbital foramen
    • supraorbital margin
    • supraorbital notch
  7. what are the places on the maxilla
    infraorbital foramen
  8. what are the places in the eye
    optic canal

    • superior orbital fissure
    • inferior orbital fissure
  9. places of the interior eye
    • greater wings
    • lesser wings
    • olfactory foramina
    • sella turcia
    • tuberculum sellae
    • jugular foramen
    • foramen magnum
  10. name the sinuses
    • frontal sinus
    • ethmoid sinus
    • sphnoid sinus
    • maxillary sinus
  11. name the nasal bones
    • perpendicular plate
    • vomer
    • inferior nasal concha
    • middle nasal concha
  12. only free floating bone inthe body
    hyoid bone
  13. what are the 5 parts to the vertebrae
    • cervical
    • thoracic
    • lumbar
    • sacral
    • coccyx
  14. how many vertebrae are in the cervical region
  15. how many vertebrae are in the thoracic region
  16. how many vertebrae are the in lumbar region
  17. how many vertebrae are in the sacral region
    5 fused vertebrae
  18. how many vertebrae are in the coccyx
    4 fused vertebrae

    * sometimes 5 or 6 which would give you a tail
  19. what is special about C1 and C2 vertebrae
    there is no disc between them
  20. C1

    • no body and no spinous process
    • responsible for you to move your head up and down
  21. C2
    • axial(axis)
    • acts as a pivot for rotation of atlas and skull, large vertical process called a dens.
    • responsible for moving head side to side`
  22. name the parts of the sacrum
  23. name the parts of the sacrum
    • sacral promontory
    • ala
    • sacral canal
    • apex
    • median sacral crest
    • sacral hiatus
    • sacral foramen
    • sacroiliac joint
  24. name the parts of the sternum
    • jugular notch
    • clavicular notch
    • manubrium
    • sternal angle
    • body
    • xiphoid process
    • costal cartilage
  25. name the parts of the rib
    • head
    • shaft
    • junction with costal cartilage
    • tubricle
    • costal facet
  26. what are the parts to the scapula
    • superior angle
    • inferior angle
    • medial border
    • lateral border
    • spine
    • acromion process
    • coracoid proccess
    • subscapular fossa (anterior)
    • suprascapular notch
    • supraspinous fossa
    • infraspinous fossa
    • glenoid cavity
  27. what are the parts to the clavicle
    • sternal end
    • acromion end
  28. what are the parts to the humerous
    • head
    • anatomical neck
    • surgical neck
    • greater tubericle
    • lesser tubericle
    • deltoid tuberosity
    • intertubercular sulcus
    • olecranon fossa
    • coronoid fossa
    • capitulum
    • trochlea
    • medial epicondyle
    • lateral epicondyle
  29. what are the 2 bones to the forearm
    • radius
    • ulna
  30. what are the parts to the forearm
    • - Ulna
    • olecranon process
    • trochlear notch
    • coronoid process
    • ulnar notch of the radius
    • styloid process of radius

    • - radius
    • head
    • radial notch of ulna
  31. what are the parts to the pelvic girdle
    • ilium
    • ischium
    • pubis
    • acetabulum
    • obturator foramen
    • iliac crest
    • anterior superior iliac spine
    • anterior inferior iliac spine
    • posterior superior iliac spine
    • posterior inferior iliac spine
    • greater sciatic notch
    • iliac fossa
    • lesser sciatic notch
    • ischial spine
    • ischial tuberosity
    • superior ramus of pubis
    • inferior ramis of pubis
  32. what are the parts of the femur
    • head
    • fora capitis
    • neck
    • greater trochanter
    • lesser trochanter
    • gluteal tuberosity
    • linea aspera
    • medial condyle
    • lateral condyle
    • intercondylar fossa
    • patellar surface
    • medial epicondyle
    • lateral condyle
  33. what are the parts of the tibia
    • medial condyle
    • lateral condyle
    • intercondylar eminence
    • tibial tuberosity
    • shaft
    • medial malleolus

    • - fibula
    • head
    • shaft
    • lateral malleolus
  34. what are the parts of the foot
    • metatarsal
    • proximal phalange
    • middle phalange
    • distal phalange
    • calcaneus
    • tallus
    • navicular
    • medial cuniform
    • intermediate cuniform
    • lateral cuniform
    • cuboid
  35. what are the parts of the hand
    • distal phalanges
    • middle phalanges
    • proximal phalanges
    • metacarpals
    • scaphoid
    • lunate
    • triquetetrum
    • pisiform triquetetrum
    • trapezium
    • trapizoid
    • capitate
    • hamate
  36. what is another name for thumb and what part do thumbs not have

    middle phalange
  37. what is the plasma membrane of the cell
    phospholipid bi-layer that surrounds the cell and controls movement of particles into and out of the cell
  38. what is the cytoplasm of the cell
    fluid component in which the organelles are suspended
  39. what is the nucleus of a cell
    control center of the cell and contains genetic material (DNA/RNA)
  40. what is the nucleolus of the cell
    site of rapid RNA production
  41. what is the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
    rough ER - site of protein synthesis

    smooth ER - site lipid and carbohydrate synthesis
  42. what are the ribo somes of the cell
    non-membranous organelle located within the rough ER and is the actual site of protein synthesis
  43. what is the golgi appartus
    processing, packaging, and distribution of substances made by the ER
  44. what is the mitochondria fo the cell
    site of ATP synthesis
  45. what are the lysosomes of the cell
    vesicle that contains hydrolytic enzymes
  46. what are the centrioles of the cell
    non-membranous organelle that forms mitotic spindle fibers
  47. what are the vesicles of the cell
    liquid-filled sac used for storage of various organic and inorganic compounds
  48. name the parts of a cell
    • plasma membrane
    • cytoplasm
    • nucleus
    • nucleous
    • endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
    • ribosomes
    • golgi apparatus
    • mitochondria
    • lysosomes
    • centrioles
    • vesicles
  49. name the parts of the microscope
    • nosepiece
    • objectives
    • stage clips
    • stage platform
    • condenser with iris diaphragm
    • light source/power source
    • base
    • ocular
    • arm
    • coarse adjustment knob
    • fine adjustment knob
    • body tube
    • mechanical stage knobs
    • power cord
  50. what happens during interphase
    DNA-containing material is in the form of chromatin. the nuclear envelope and one or more nucleoli are intact and visible
  51. what happens during prophase
    • chromatin condenses, forming barlike chromosomes that are visible with a light microscope
    • while the centrosomes are still moving apart, the nuclear envelope fragments, allowing the spindle to interact with chromosomes
  52. what happens during metaphase
    the 2 centrosomes are at opposite poles of the cell

    chromosomes cluster at the middle of the cell, with their centromeres precisely aligned at the equator or metaphase plate of the spindle.
  53. what happens during anaphase
    centromeres of the chromosomes split simultaneously. each chromatid now becomes a chromosome in its own right
  54. what happens during telophase
    chromosomes uncoil and resume their chromatin form

    new nuclear envelope forms around each chromatin mass, nucleoli reappear within the nuclei, and the spindle breaks down and disappears

    mitosis has now ended
  55. name the parts of the skin
    • epidermis
    • stratem cornium
    • stratem basale
    • dermis
    • sebacious gland
    • hair folicle
    • hair shaft
    • arrector pili muscle
    • messener corpuscle
    • pacinian corpuscle
    • dermal papillae
    • hypodermis
    • eccrine sweat gland
  56. what is the field of view of the microscope
    what you look into
  57. what type of microscope is it that we use in class
    compound light
  58. what are the 4 objective lenses
    • scanning
    • low-power
    • high-power
    • oil immersion
  59. what magnification is the scanning objective lens
  60. what magnification is the low power objective lens
  61. what is the magnification of the high- power objective lens of the microscope
  62. what is the base of the microscope
    supports the microscope
  63. what is the nosepiece of the microscope
    rotating mechanism at the base of the head. generally carries 3 or 4 objective lens
  64. what are the stage clips of the microscope
    holds the slide in place
  65. what is the condenser with iris diaphragm of the microscope
    arm attached to the base of the condenser that regulates the amount of light passing through the condenser
  66. what is the light source of the microscope
    located in the base. light passes directly passes directly upward.
  67. what are the ocular lens of the microscope
    lens that you look through. 10x mag
  68. what is the arm of the microscope
    vertical portion of the microscope connecting the base and head
  69. what is the coarse adjustment knob of the microscope
    used to focus on the specimen

    big knob located around the fine adjustment knob
  70. what is the fine adjustment knob of the microscope
    used for precise focusing once coarse focusing has been completed

    big knob that sticks out on left side of microscope
  71. what is the body tube of the microscope
  72. what is the stage platform of the microscope
    where the slide site
  73. what is the body tube of the microscope
    tube below the ocular lens
  74. what is are the mechanical stage knobs of the microscope
    moves the stage platform around
Card Set
lab practical