Gestational Conditions - Ch.14

  1. Pregnancy induced hypertension can lead to these 3 conditions?
    • Pre-eclampsia
    • Eclampsia
    • HELLP syndrome
  2. What does HEELP stand for?
    Hemolysis of RBCs

    • Elevated
    • Liver
    • Enzymes

  3. What are the signs and symptoms of pregnancy induced hypertension.

    Mild vs Severe?
    • Mild
    • BP 140/90
    • > 300mg protein in 24hr urine
    • edema

    • Severe
    • BP 160/110
    • > 2g protein in 24hr urine
    • IUGR
  4. In preeclampsia, when does hypertension develop?
    After 20 weeks
  5. What medication is given for pre/eclampsia patients?
    Magnesium sulfate infusion

    (Keep labor/delivery room quiet and peaceful)
  6. What are fluid filled vesicles with abnormal chromosomal numbers?

    What is the number?
    Hydatidiform Mole

    69 XXY or 69 XXX
  7. What is the difference between abruptio placentae vs placenta previa?
    A - Placenta pulls away from the uterus

    P - Placenta implants over the cervix or lower part of the uterus
  8. How do you treat hydatidiform mole?
    Chemotherapy - Methotrexate
  9. Oligohydramnios vs Polyhydramnios

    What are the consequences of each?
    O - Poor lung, extremities and GI development

    P - Decrease maternal lung capacity, associated with diabets and congenital anomalies
  10. What are the 3 main causes of maternal death in the world vs U.S.?
    • World
    • #1 Hypertension
    • #2 Infection
    • #3 Hemorrhage

    • U.S.
    • #1 Hypertension
    • #2 Pulmonary embolism
    • #3 Hemorrhage
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Gestational Conditions - Ch.14