
  1. Bipolar Leads
    • 1 positive and 1 negative electrode
    • RA always negative
    • LL always positive
  2. Deflection
    Positive = Upward

    Negative = Downward

    Absence = No impulse or perpendicular to lead
  3. Bipolar Leads
    Lead I

    Lead II

    Lead III
  4. Lead I
    - bipolar

    - Positive Left Arm, Negative Right Arm

    - left lateral wall view
  5. Lead II
    - bipolar

    - Positive Left Leg, Negative Right Arm

    - inferior view of heart
  6. Lead III
    - bipolar

    - Positive Left Leg, Negative Left Arm

    - inferior view of heart
  7. Unipolar Leads/Augmented Leads
    - calculated view, not direct

    • aVR
    • aVL
    • aVF
  8. aVR lead
    - augmented unipolar Right Arm

    - views right side of the heart in a vertical plane
  9. aVL
    - augmented unipolar Left Arm

    - views left side of the heart in a vertical plane
  10. aVF
    - augmented unipolar Left Foot

    - views inferior side of heart
  11. V1
    - placed on 4th intercostal space, right of sternum border

    - views right ventricle (septal)
  12. V2
    - placed on 4th intercostal space, left of sternum border

    - views the right ventricle (septal)
  13. V3
    - diagonally half way between V2 and V4

    - views the intraventricular septum and the anterior wall of the left ventricle (anterior)
  14. V4
    - 5th intercostal space, mid clavicular line

    - views the intraventricular septum and the anterior wall of the left ventricle (anterior)
  15. V5
    - placed on 5th intercostal space, anterior axillary line

    - lateral walls of left ventricle
  16. V6
    - placed on 5th intercostal space, mid axillary line

    - views lateral wall of left ventricle
  17. EKG Graph Paper Vertical Axis/ Voltage
    1 small box = 1mm = 0.1mV
  18. EKG Graph Paper Horizontal Axis/Time
    1 small box = 1mm = 0.04 seconds
  19. P Wave
    - first upward deflection


    - normal is 0.2 seconds or less
Card Set
ECG Monitoring Packet