
  1. Accountability is
    taking responsibitlites for ones actions.
  2. Privilege is
    permission to do what is usually not permitted in other circumstances.
  3. Ethical codes are
    actions and beliefs approved by a particular group of people.
  4. Ethical Principles are
    rules of right and wrong from an ethical point of view.
  5. Ethics committee is
    a committee formed to consider ethical problems.
  6. Laws
    are rules of conduct that are established by our govt.
  7. Judicial Law
    results when a law or court decision is challenged in the courts and the judge affirms or reserves the decision.
  8. Advance directive is
    written statement expressing wishes of the patient regarding future consent for or refusal of trmnt if the pt is incapable of participating in decision making.
  9. Appeal is
    challenging a court decision. a higher court will judge whether the original decision is affirmed or reversed.
  10. Civil rights, civil law is
    personal or individual conditions (life, liberty) guaranteed by the constitution, bill of rights, and federal or regulatory law.
  11. Competent is
    mentally and emotionally able to understand and act (make choices).
  12. Controlled substance are
    specific drugs with a potential for abuse, such as narcotics, tranquilizers, stimulants, and sedatives.
  13. Crime is
    a violation of public law.
  14. Defendant is
    a person accused of violation of public law (crime) or civil law ( tort).
  15. Damages are
    the monetary award to an injured plaintiff when the defendant is found responsible for the injury.
  16. Emancipated minor is
    a person under 18 yrs of age who is legally considered an adult, usually because of marriage, parenthood, or enlistment in the armed services.
  17. Felony is
    a serious crime that may result in a prison term of more than a year.
  18. Health care agent is
    a person designated by the pt to make health care decisions when the pt is incapacitated.
  19. Liability is
    responsibility to pay or compensate for a loss or injury that results from one's negligence.
  20. Litigation are
    lawsuits; legal process to prove facts of a dispute.
  21. Malpractice is
    a failure to do, or doing, what a prudent (reasonable) pofessional would or would not do; results in harm or injury to a pt who is in the professional's care.
  22. Malpractice insurance is
    a policy that protects nurse from expense of defending self from lawsuit; will pay the amt awarded up to policy limits if nurse is found guilty of malpractice.
  23. Medical power of attorney is
    legal assignment of ability to make health care decisions for another person. similar to a health care agent.
  24. Misdemeanor is
    a less serious crime than a felony; may result in fines, imprisonment of 1 year or less or both.
  25. Negligence is
    a failure to do what a prudent person would do, or doing what a reasonable person would not do; results in harm or injury to another.
  26. Plaintiff is
    a person who belives he or she has been injured by the actions or another, and seeks to prove it in a court of law.
  27. Power of attorney is
    legal action to allow a person to conduct business matters for another.
  28. Precedent is
    a judicial decision that is used as a guide to interpreting the law and deciding cases afterward.
  29. Privileged relationship is
    one that requires confidentiality; trust info gained in the relationship will not be made public.
  30. Statute is
    a legal term for a law.
  31. Tort is
    a violation of a civil law, a wrong against an individual.
  32. Administrative Laws
    come from agencies created by the legislature to write regulations or rules that control the profession and its practice.
  33. Nurse Practice Act states
    licensure is required to practice nursing in the US and each state writes its own laws and regulations regarding licensure.
  34. Reciprocity is
    recognition of one state's nursing license by another state.
  35. Student nurses are
    held to the same standards as a licensed nurse.
  36. Delegation is
    the assignment of duties to another person.
  37. Assignment are
    which can be done to an unlicensed person such as a nursing assistant.
  38. Standards of Care are
    rules as defined in nursing procedure books, institutional manuals of policies and procedures and protocols and nursing journals that outline current skills or techniques.
  39. Negligence example is
    not to report another professional's misconduct.
  40. Occupational Safety and Health Act is
    a law that was passed in 1970 to improve the work environment in areas that affect the workers health or safety.
  41. Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act is
    a law passed in 1973 that defines child abuse and neglect as "any recent act, or failure to act that results in imminent risk of serious harm, death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse, or expoitation of a child by a parent or caretaker who is responsible for the child's welfare.
  42. Discrimination is
    making a decision or treating a person based on a class or group to which he belongs, such as race, religion, or sex, rather than on his individual qualities.
  43. Sexual harassment is
    defined by the Equal Employee Opportunity Commission as "unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.
  44. Good Samaritan Laws are
    those that protect health care professional from liability if she stops to provide aid in an emergency.
  45. Sentinel event is
    an unexpected patient care event that results in death or serious injury (or risk thereof) to the pt.
  46. SBAR (situation, background, assessment, and recommendations) method of communication is
    a stategy that reduces the likelihood of critical patients being lost.
  47. Confidential is
    kept private, only people directily associated with the care of that pt have legal access to the information in the chart.
  48. Consent is
    permission, given by the pt or his legal representative. legal documents that record the pt's permission to perform a trtmnt or surgery, or to give info to ensure companies or other health care providers.
  49. Competent is
    one who is legally fit (mentally and emotionally)
  50. Release is
    a legal form used to excuse one party from liability.
  51. Liability is
  52. Advance Directive sometimes called "living will" is
    a consent that has been constructed before the need for it arises. It spells a pt's wishes guarding surgery as well as diagnostic and therapeutic treatments.
  53. Durable power of attorney is
    a document that gives legal power to a health care agent (surrogate decision maker), who is a person chosen by the pt to follow the pt's advance directives and make medical decisions on his behalf.
  54. Health Care Agent is
    surrogate decision maker.
  55. Do Not Resuscitiate (DNR) are
    orders written by a physician when the pt has indicated a desire to be allowed to die if he stops breathing or his heart stops.
  56. Duty is
    the obligation to use due care. duty to monitor the condition of the pt for who she is caring.
  57. Breach of Duty is
    failure to use due care. fails to check vital signs or condition of the pt after surgery or a nurse begins cpr on a pt who has dnr.
  58. Causation is
    action or inaction by the nurse causes the injury, or harm to a pt.
  59. Patient Advocate is
    one who speaks for and protects the rights of the patient.
  60. Negligence is
    simply defined as failing to do something a reasonably prudent (sensible and careful) person would do, or doing soemthing a reasonably prudent person would not do.
  61. Assault is
    the threat to harm another, or even to threaten to touch another without that person's permission.
  62. Battery is
    the actual physical contact that has been refused or that is carried out against the persons will.
  63. Defamation is
    when one person makes remarks about another person that are untrue and the remarks damage that other person reputation.
  64. Slander (oral) and libel (written)
    two forms of defamation.
  65. Invasion of privacy
    occurs when there has been a violation of the confidential and priviledged nature of a professional relationship.
  66. False Imprisonment is
    preventing such a person from leaving, or restricting his movements in the facility.
  67. Protective Devices are
    mechanical such as locks, rails, belts, or garments that prevent a person from getting out a room, bed or chair or drugs.
  68. Incident Report is
    often used to document what happened, the facts about the incident and who was involved or witnessed it.
  69. Ethics or ethical principles are
    rules of conduct that have been agreed to by a particular group.
  70. Euthanasia or mercy killing is
    the act of ending another person's life, w/o the person's consent, to end actual or potential suffering.
  71. Whistle-blowing is
    reporting illegal or unethical actions and the provision of care.
  72. Nursing codes of ethics provide guidelines for
    behavior that promote excellence in pt care and the profession. they promote values such as dignity, honesty, integrity, and compassion.
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