panoramic radiography

  1. what does a panoramic film show?
    a wide view of the upper and lower jaws on one film
  2. T/F the panoramic film is used to supplement bitewing and selected periapical films
  3. the purpose of the pano film is to evaluate _________ teeth, _________, _________ ________, growth and development.
    It detects _______, lesions and conditions of the ____, and examine the extent of large _______.
    • impacted
    • trauma
    • eruption patterns
    • diseases
    • jaw
    • lesions
  4. T/F images on a pano are sharper than intraoral films
  5. the pano should not be used to evaluate and diagnose _______, _________ disease, or _________ lesions
    • caries
    • periodontal
    • periapical
  6. T/F a pano can be used as a substitute for intraoral films
  7. T/F the tubehead of a pano machine moves in one direction around the patients head and the film moves in the opposite direction.
  8. What is tomography and what does it do?
    tomo = section. it allows imaging of one layer or section of the body and blurs images from structures in other planes = shape of the dental arches
  9. name the three rotation centers
    • double-center rotation
    • triple-center rotation
    • moving-center rotation
  10. what is the rotation center?
    the pivotal point or axis around which the cassette carrier and x-ray tubehead rotate
  11. focal trough " ". what is it?
    • "image layer"
    • three dimensional curved zone in which structures are clearly demonstrated on a pano.
    • the structures positioned inside or outside of the focal trough appear blurred or indistinct and are not visible on the pano
  12. what three pieces of equipment are used for a pano x-ray unit?
    • screen film
    • intensifying screen
    • cassette
  13. what are the main components of the pano unit?
    • x-ray tubehead
    • head positioner
    • exposure controls
  14. T/F pano units may differ in the number of rotation centers, size and shape of the focal trough, and the type of film transport mechanism used.
  15. T/F the pano x-ray tubehead is similar to an intraoral tubehead; filaments produce electrons, and a target produces x-rays.
  16. T/F the collimator in the x-ray tubehead is similar to the one in the intraoral tubehead
    false! different
  17. the collimator in the pano unit is the shape of what
    • a narrow vertical slit
    • the x-ray beam = narrow band
    • the beam passes through the patient, to the film through another vertical slit in the cassette carrier
Card Set
panoramic radiography
panoramic radiography wk 7