PSY Chapter 7 Study Guide

  1. Cross-sectional design (include advantages/disadvantages):
  2. Longitudinal design (include advantages/disadvantages):
  3. Cross- sequential (include advantages/disadvantages):
  4. Monozygotic twins (identical twins):
  5. Dizygotic twins (fraternal twins):
  6. Gene:
  7. How many pairs of chromosomes do humans have?
  8. How many chromosomes do the sperm and the egg contains?
  9. Sex chromosomes for men and for women?
  10. Dominant Recessive Principle:
  11. Fetal alcohol syndrome:
  12. Sex:
  13. Gender:
  14. Describe development through each of these stages:
  15. Describe development through each of these stages:
  16. Describe development through each of these stages:
  17. Teratogen:
  18. Reflexes:
  19. Piaget’s Theory:
  20. Schemas:
  21. Assimilation
  22. Accommodation
  23. Sensory-motor stage (include abilities and inabilities):
  24. object permanence:
  25. Pre-operational stage (include abilities and inabilities):
  26. Egocentrism:
  27. Conservation:
  28. Centration
  29. Reversibility in thinking:
  30. Concrete operational stage (include abilities and inabilities):
  31. Formal operational stage:
  32. Egocentrism:
  33. Personal fable
  34. Imaginary audience:
  35. Zone of proximal development:
  36. Language Development:
  37. Child-directed speech:
  38. Stages (list and describe)
  39. Temperament:
  40. Easy:
  41. Difficult:
  42. Slow to warm up:
  43. Attachment:
  44. Ainsworth:
  45. Secure:
  46. Avoidant:
  47. Ambivalent:
  48. Disorganized-disorganized:
  49. Erikson: know name and characteristics of each of the 8 stage.
    Trust v. Mistrust:
  50. Autonomy v. shame and doubt:
  51. Initiative v. guilt
  52. Industry v. inferiority:
  53. Identity v. Role Confusion:
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PSY Chapter 7 Study Guide
Study Guide Chapter 7