1. How are phospholipids arranged to make a membrane.
    Fatty acids attached to two of carbons, Phosphate atteshed to a third carbom
  2. What are the roles of protein in a membrane?
    Receptors to communnicate, imbedded in the membrane, outer surface flexable
  3. What is the cytoplasm?
    is the cell like material in which prganelles are suspended. Everything in the cell execpt the nucleolus
  4. Define the term organelle
    Little organelle; a structure in a cell that has a specialized function
  5. What is the function of mitochondria?
    Uses of fuel of sugar and oxygen, releases ATP and Carbon dixoide, Sausage shaped, outer membrane, Inner folded membrane, site for cellular respration
  6. What is the function of ribosomes?
    site for protein production, A cell quickly manufacture proteins required in large amounts, all ribosomes are composed of proteins and RNA molecules
  7. What is the function of the endoplasmic reticulum?
    protiens, lipids, and cardroydrates series of membrane, Factory of cells participates in the synthesis of protein and lipid molecules, network of membranes in cells
  8. What is the function of the Golgi apparatus (bodies)?
    Thin sacs of membrane, Packaging of material, package into vesicles for transport
  9. What is Lysome
    Vesicle containing digestive enzymes
  10. What is the function of a vesicle?
    membrane packaging for cellular transport
  11. Describe the nuclear membrane.
    • Maintains interity of the nucleus and controls passage of materials between nucleus and cytoplasm
    • special pores for stuff to get in and out
  12. What is chromatin?
    DNA fibers coiled around proteins, condense to chomosomes during cell division
  13. What is the function of the nucleolus?
    Make Ribosomes, contains DNA, controls of cell function
  14. Define the term diffusion
    Random movement of molecules from a region of higher concentration toward one of lower concentration
  15. Which types of molecules diffuse more easily through a membrane?
    Non charged particles, small molecules and random movement
  16. Define the term osmosis.
    Movement of water through a semipermeable membrane from an area of higher water concentration to an area of lower water concentration. Salt and sugar will not go through
  17. What is phagocytosis?
    • To big of stuff that can not move through the membrane
    • cell eating - movement into cells
  18. What is used up in aerobic respiration?
    • Uses Oxygen, and glucose
    • Put out carbon dioxide and ATP
  19. What are the products of aerobic respiration?
    Energy production with oxygen
  20. Under what circumstances would anaerobic respiration occur in a cell?
    No Oxygen and not enough ATP
  21. What toxic byproduct is produced by anaerobic respiration?
    Latic Acid
  22. Which is more efficient, aerobic or anaerobic respiration?
    Aerobic respiration
  23. What is the function of messenger RNA?
    make proteins and make messenger RNA
  24. What is the function of transfer RNA?
    moves complimentary amino acid into correct positions
  25. What is a codon and what molecules does it code for?
    codon three base sequences for amino acid
  26. Name the four steps of mitosis.
    Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase
  27. Describe the Prophase
    Divide Chromosome, each half call cromtid
  28. Describe the Metaphase
    chromosome line to meet in a row, getting ready to divide
  29. Describe the Antaphase
    one chromosome goes away and the other goes by spindle fibers
  30. Describe the Telophase
    splits apart
  31. Describe the structure of a chromosome during prophase.
    chromosomes condense
  32. What is the definition of a tissue?
    Groups of similar cells that peform a specialized function
  33. Where in the body are epithelial tissues found?
    Lines body surfaces, lines internal cavities and organs
  34. What cell shapes are possible in epithelial tissues?
    Squamous (flat) cells, Cuboidal (cube shaped) cells, Columnar (column shape) cell
  35. What is the difference between simple and stratified tissue?
    simple one layer, stratified several layers
  36. What is pseudostratified tissue?
    Appears as several layers, actually is one layer, often contain cilia and contain goblet cells
  37. What three things do all connective tissues contain?
    Cells, Ground substance, protein fibers, blood to bone
  38. Describe Fibroblast
    Produce other tissues parts
  39. Describe Mast cell
    Produce Histamine, Stimulate inflamnation
  40. Describe Macrophage
    Phagocytosis, eating dead cells
  41. Describe elastic fibers
    stretchable fibers
  42. Describe Collagen
    Most common fiber strength and flexibility
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