Health Edocrine

  1. What is the function of the glands that make up the endocrine system?
    to realse chemicals that will travel through the bloodstream and affect the ativities of other cells
  2. What are hormones?
    chemical messages released by the endocrine system that affect the activities of other cells.
  3. Why does the endocrin system have to be controlled?
    the powerful hromones of this system must be closely monitered in order to keep the functions of various organs in balance.
  4. How is the endocrine system regulated?
    regulated by feedback mechanisms that function to maintain homeostasis
  5. describe the process of feedback inhibition
    process in which a hormone communicates or "feeds back" to stop the cland that is producing the hormone in the 1st place.
  6. Feedback inhibition takes place both in our bodies and in the world around us. Use your own expereince to give one example of feedback inhibitions.
    An air conditioner uses a thermostat to measure air temperature. Once the desired temp. is reached, the thermostat "feeds back" to the air conditioner to stop producing cold or hot air.
  7. If it took the body several hours to respond to a particular stimulus, which system was mostlikely involved in the response, the nervous system or tthe endocrine system?
    Endocrine system responded. A nervous system response would have occurred within a fraction of a second.
  8. What is the fucntion of the male reproductive system?
    to produce and deliver sperm
  9. What is the function of the female repoductive system?
    to produce eggs and perpare the body to nourish an embryo
  10. organ that produces sperm
  11. structure where sperm fully mature and are stored
  12. tube that carries sperm from the epididymis to the urethra
    vas defrens
  13. tube through which urine and sperm are release from the body
  14. external male reproductive organ that contains the urethra
  15. organ that produces eggs
  16. site where eggs are fertilized
  17. eternal sac containing testes
  18. canal that leads to the outside of a woman's body
  19. organ in which a fertilized egg can develop
  20. What occurs when the hormone LH peaks?
    ovulation occurs
  21. What day on the chart show the menstruation phase?
    day 1-5
  22. semen is ejaculated through the penis into the vagina. Sperm swim through the utuerus into the Fallopian tubes. a sperm attaches to a binding site on an egg. a sac in the sperm head ruptures and releases powerful enzymes that break down the protective layer of the egg. the sperm nucleus enters the egg. The cell membrane of the egg changes, preventing other sperm from entering the cell
  23. What are the three purposes of the placenta?
    • Embryo's means of
    • 1. respiration
    • 2. nourishment
    • 3. excretion
  24. How does a pregnant woman endanger her embryo or fetus by smoking tobacco?
    harmful substances enter bloodstream where they are passed to the embryo through the placenta.
  25. Since calcium is important to bone formation, why would doctors encourage teens to eat foods containing calcium?
    Adolecence - growth spurts
  26. Describe the effect of aging on the body at age 35 and 65
    • 35 - peak of physical strength and development
    • 65 - most systems of body have become less efficent - menopause
  27. How do type I and type II diabetes mellitus differ
    • Type I - develops before age 15 caused by little or no secretion of inslin by the pancreas.
    • Type II - develops in people after age of 40 and is caused by cells not respnding to normal levels of insulin in the body.
  28. An ________ is an organ that produces and releases hormones directly into the bloodstream.
    endocrine gland
  29. A ________ is a homonelike modified fatty acid that is produced by a wide range of cells. ________ affect only nearby cells and tissue
  30. The ________ is the endocine gland found at the base of the skull that regulates many bodily functions and controls the actions of several other endocrine glands.
    Pituitary gland
  31. ________ is a condition in which the pancreas produces too little insulin.
    Diabetes mellius
  32. ________ is the period of rapid growth and sexual maturation during which the reproductive system becomes fully functional.
  33. The ________ is an organ through which nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and wasts are exchanged between embryo and mother
  34. Explain the relationship betweeen hormones and target cells.
    Hormones are chemicals that travel through the bloodstream and affect the activities of cells. Cells that have receptors for a partiular hormone are target cells.
  35. Explain how a male produces ad releases sperm.
    Testes ar found in the scrotum. Within each testis, sperm are producedd in seminiferous tubules. Sperm mature and are stored in teh epidiymis. From there, sperm travel through the vas deferins then the urethra and leave the body though the penis.
  36. Organs that release their secretions through ducts are called
    exocrin glands
  37. Clusters of cells surrounding a single egg are called
  38. What process occurs when an egg is released from the ovary
  39. Whne a ruptured follicle turns yellow it becomes known as the
    corpus luteum
  40. The stage of the menstural cycle, in which the uterine lining is dischaged from the body is called
  41. a fertilized egg is galled a
  42. What occurs when the blastocyst attaches itself to the wlal of the utuerus?
  43. What process forms the three cell layers known as the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm?
  44. After eight weeks of development, the embryo is called a
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Health Edocrine