Cognitive Science

  1. Cognitive Science
    • 1. Studies how we think and understand
    • 2. Studies abilities that allow us to think and understand
    • 3. Interdisciplinary approach
  2. What are the tenets of Cognitive Science?
    • 1. Mental Representations exist and can be studies scientifically
    • 2. The mind can be modeled as a computer
    • 3. Interdisciplinary approach
  3. Cognition
    How we think and understand, and the abilities that allow us to think and understand.
  4. Classical Conditioning
    Creates an association between a natural reaction to a stimulus and an arbitrary reaction to a stimulus.
  5. Behaviorism
    States that human behavior is a series of learned associations. Developed by Watson and Skinner.
  6. Information Processing
    States that the mind is like a computer. In a computer there are rules and operations that guide tasks, therefore, the mind can be modeled with computational programming.
  7. Nativism
    States that all knowledge is there from birth. Ex. reflexes
  8. Empiricism
    States that knowledge is gained through experience
  9. Multiple Intelligences
    • Developed by Gardner
    • States that there are different intelligences, such as logical, musical, spatial, kinesthetic, etc.
    • Drawbacks: Some prized intelligences, Talent or Intelligence?
  10. Sternberg's Theory
    • "Goal-Oriented Adaptive Behavior"
    • States that Intelligence is:
    • Things humans are good at
    • Ability to create routines
    • Ability to deal with new situations
    • Categorizing
    • Inferring
    • Planning
Card Set
Cognitive Science
COGS terms, Midterm exam