
  1. Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC)
    • focus on understanding how the disorder affects individuals' daily lives and identifying ways to help them participate more full in society
    • -considers the manifestation of a disorder and how activities and participation are impacted
  2. multimodal
    • -effective communication
    • -people use a combination of communication modalities to meet their inteded communication goals
  3. complex communication needs (CCNs)
    • -term for severe communication disorders
    • -emphasizes the importance of speech, language, and/or cognitive abilities for a person's participation in society rather than focusing solely on the disorder
  4. AAC system
    • -four different components that are used to enhance communication:
    • -symbols
    • -aids
    • -strategies
    • -techniques
  5. Symbol
    • -something that stands for something else
    • -each AAC system contains symbols that are typically classified as either aided or unaided
  6. Aided symbol
    • requires a device or accessory that is external to the body to transmit a message
    • Ex:typing a message, drawing a picture, pointing to photographs
  7. Unaided symbol
    • symbols requier only one's body
    • Ex: speaking, gesturing, vocalizing, and signing to represent meaning
  8. Acoustic Symbols
    • sounds or tones processed in the auditory system to interpret meaning
    • -In AAC systems, usually morse code
  9. Graphic Symbols
    • printed symbols that are usually represented on paper, boards or computer screens
    • -Common AAC include photographs, colored line drawings, and orthographic characters
  10. Manual Symbols
    • are produced using the body
    • Ex: gestures, sign language, facial expressions
  11. Tactile Symbols
    • can be physically manipulated
    • Ex: braille alphabet, other objects
  12. Static symbols
    • do not require movement or change to understand their meaning
    • EX: a photograph or illustration
    • AAC system uses static symbols might be one in which a child point to photos in a book to request to talk
  13. Dynamic symbol
    • require movement or change to understand their meaning
    • Ex: gestures
  14. Iconicity
    • degree to which symbols visually resemble what they refer to
    • iconic symbol is very transparent
  15. opaque symbol
    symbol has little resemblance to what it represents
  16. Aid
    • refers to a type of assistive device that is used to send or receive messages
    • -aids often supplement natural speech or writing and can augment input of information
  17. Strategy
    • the way symbols are effectively and efficiently conveyed
    • -AAC strategies intended to improve message transmission time, support grammatical formulation of messages, and enhance communication rates
  18. Technique
    • refers to the way in which messages are transmitted
    • -how an individual selects or accesses symbols
    • -2 types: direct and indirect selection
  19. direct selection
    • a direct motor act that is not dependent on time
    • -four types: physical pressure, physical contact, pointing without contact, speech or voice input
  20. Physical pressure (direct selection)
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