Medical Terminology

  1. Inguinal (ING-gwih-nal)
    Relation to the groin, refers to the entire lower area fo the abdomen
  2. Pelv
  3. Abdomin/o
  4. Abdominopelvic (ab-dom-ih-noh-PEL-vick)
    Refers the the abdominal and pelvic cavities as a single unit
  5. Pelvic Cavity
    The space formed by the hip bones and it contains primarily the organs of the reproductive and excretory systems
  6. Abdominal Cavity
    Contains promarily the major organs of digestion. This cavity is frequently referred to as the abdomen
  7. Thoracic Cavity (thoh_RAS-ick)
    AKA: The chest cavity or thorax, surrounds and protects the heart and lungs.
  8. -Stasis
  9. Home/o
  10. Homostasis (hoh-mee-oh-STAY-sis)
    THe processes through which the body maintains a constant internal environment
  11. Ventral cavity
    Located alont the front of the body, contains that body organs that maintain homeostasis.
  12. Spinal Cavity
    Located within the spinal column, surrounds and protects the spinal cord
  13. Cranial Cavity
    Located withing the skull and surrounds and protects the brain
  14. Dorsal Cavity
    Located along the back of the body and head, contains organs of the nervous system that coordinate body functions and is divided into tow portions: Cranial Cavity and Spinal Cavity
  15. Body cavities
    The dorasl and the ventral cavities, are spaces within the body that contain and protect internal organs
  16. Bilateral
    Relating to or having two sides
  17. Lateral
    The direction toward or nearer the side and away from the midline.
  18. Medial (MEE-dee-al)
    The direction toward or nearer the midline
  19. Distal is opposite of.....
  20. Distal
    Situated farthest from the midline or beginning of a body sturcture.
  21. Proximal is the opposite of.....
  22. Proximal (PROCK-sih-mal)
    Situated nearest the midline or beginning of a body sturcture.
  23. Cephalic is opposite of.....
  24. Caudel is opposite of.....
  25. Caud
    Tail or lower part of the body
  26. Caudal (KAW-dal)
    Toward the lower part of the body
  27. Cephal
    Means head
  28. Cephalic (seh-FAL-ick)
    Toward the head
  29. Inferior
    Lowermost, below or toward the feet
  30. Superior is opposite to.....
  31. Superior
    Uppermost, above, or toward the head.
  32. Dorsal is opposite of.....
  33. Ventral is opposite of.....
  34. Posterior is opposite of....
  35. Poster
    Back or toward
  36. Posterior
    Situated in the back
  37. -Ior
    Pretaining to
  38. Anter
    Front or before
  39. Anterior
    Situated in the front. Also means front or forward part of an organ
  40. Dors
    Back of the body..... Dorsal is opposite of ventral
  41. Dorsal
    The back of the organ or body
  42. -Al
    Pretaining to
  43. Ventr
    Belly side of the body
  44. Ventral
    Refers to the front, or belly side, of the organ or body.
  45. Transverse Plane
    A horizontal plane that divides the body into superior (upper) and inferior (lower) portions.
  46. Horizontal Plane
    Flat crosswise plane, such as the horizon
  47. Frontal Plane
    A vertical plane that divides the body into anterior (front) and posterior (back) protions. Aka the coronal plane.
  48. Sagittal Plane
    A vertical plane that divides the body into unequal left and right portions.
  49. Midsagittal Plane
    • Aka: The middle line
    • The sagittal plane that divides the body into equal left and right halves.
  50. Vertical Plane
    An up and down plane that is a right angle to the horizon
  51. Embryonic stem cells
    Undifferentiated cells that are unlike and specific adult cell however they have the important ability to form any adult cell
  52. Anatomic Position
    • Describes the body assuming that the individual is standing in the standard position that includes: Standing up straight so that the body is erect and facing forward.
    • Holding the arms at the sides with the hands turned with the palms turned toward the front.
  53. Physiology
    The study of the functions of the structures of the body
  54. Cells
    The basic structural and functional units of the body
  55. Differentiated
    Having specalized function or sturcture
  56. Undifferentiated
    not having a specialized function or sturcture
  57. Adult Stem Cells
    Undifferentiated cells found among differentiated cells in a tissue or organ
  58. Stem cells
    Unspecialized cells that are able to renew thamselves for long periods of time by cell division
  59. Nucleus
    Surrounded by he nuclear membrane, a structure within the cell that has two important functions: controls the activities of the cell and helps the cell divide
  60. -Plasm
    Fromative material of cells
  61. Cytoplasm
    The material within the cell membrane that is notpart of the nucleus
  62. Cell Membrane
    The tissue that surrounds and protects the contents of the cell by separaing them form its external enviroment
  63. -Ology
    Study of
  64. Cyt
  65. Cytology
    The study of the anatomy, physiology, pathology and chemistry of the cell
  66. Peritonitis (pehr-ih-toh-NIGH-tis)
    Inflammnation of the peritoneum
  67. Geneticist
    A specialist in the field of Genes
  68. Gene
  69. Genetics
    The study of how genes are transferred from parents to their chilrenand the role of genes in health and disease
  70. Gene
    Fundamental physical and functional unit of heredity
  71. Anatomy
    The study of the sturctures of the body
Card Set
Medical Terminology
Chapter 2