Menstrual Cycle

  1. After puberty, the interaction of the ________ system and the ________ system in females takes the form of a complex series of events called the menstrual cycle.
    reproductive; endocrine
  2. After puberty, the interaction of the ________ system and the ________ system in females.
    reproductive; endocrine
  3. __________ comes from the Latin word mensis, meaning month. The average cycle is 28 days.
  4. The menstrual cycle is regulated by hormone made by the ________, ________, and ________.
    Hypothalamus; Pituitary; ovaries
  5. The ________ is controlled by internal ________ mechanisms.
    hypothalamus; feedback
  6. The permanent stopping of the menstural cycle is called ________and it can occur anytime between the late thirties and late fifites.
  7. The menstural cycle has 4 phases: ________, ________, ________, and ________.
    follicular (proliferative), ovulation, secretory (luteal), mensturation
  8. The follicular phase begins when the ________ recieves feedback for the blood stream saying the ________ level is ________.
    hypothalamus; estrogen; low
  9. The hypothalamus stimulates the anterior ________ to secrete ________.
    pituitary; FSH
  10. These hormones trael through the bloodstream to the ________ where generally they cause a single ________ to mature.
    ovaries; follicle
  11. Think of the vollicle as a cluster of cells surrounding the ________. These cells enlarge and produce increased amounts of ________ which is sent into the bloodstream.
    egg; estrogen
  12. This dramatic increase of ________ in the bloodstream causes the lining (endometrium) of the ________ to thicken with tissue and blood vessels.
    estrogen; uterus
  13. The increased amount of estrogen also causes ________ to be produced.
    cervical mucus
  14. Cervical mucus allows the ________ to become alkaline and therefore receptive to sperm.
  15. Cervical mucus nourishes the ________, thus permitting them to live until the egg is ready for ovulation.
  16. Cervical mucus provides transport for the sperm through the cervix by setting up ________ through which they can swim.
  17. Cervical mucus filters out irrecularly formed ________ cells.
  18. Ovulation occurs in the ________ of a menstural cycle, lasting 3-4 days.
  19. During this phase, the ________ sends a large amount of releasing hormone to the ________ gland causing it to produce ________ into the bloodsream.
    hypothalamus; pituitary; FSH
  20. These tow very important hormones cuases the mature egg to ________ from the ovary and then be gently pulled into the fallopian tube.
  21. As the egg moves through the Fallopian tube, the cells making up the follice (which stayed in the ovary) turns a yellow color and the follicle is renamed ________ which is why the 3rd phase is named ________. Corpus means body and luteum means yellow.
    corpus luteum; secretory (luteual)
  22. As the ________, it continues releasing ________ but more importantly is now produces ________.
    corpus luteum; estrogen; progesterone
  23. After ________ of the egg, the next 2 days are the best tome for ________ to occur. Conception is the uniorn of sperm (23 chromosomes) and egg ( 23 chromosomes) to complete the human total of 46.
    ovulation; conception
  24. ________ stimulates the important, ginal growth of the blood supply in the ________ of the ________.
    Estrogen; lining; uterus
  25. Within hours after conception (also known as fertilization), cell division by ________ begins.
  26. The embryo continues to grow through mitosis to form a ________ of cells. By day 5 or 6 after conception, the baby will enter the uterus and begin ________. SWince this marks the next stage of develoment in a different enviornment from the fallopian tube, scientists now call the developing baby, ________. This word comes from the Latin which means "to grow"
    hollow ball; implantation; embryo
  27. ________ involves the outermost extraembryonic membrane called the chorion, (which is developing around the baby for nourishment and protection) extending its small, fingerlike projections (called villi) into the uterine ________. This connection forms the ________ which is the baby's vital organ of respiration, nourishment and excretion.
    Implantation; lining; placenta
  28. The ________ develops an ________ allowing the child to be "tethered" and float in the protective sac of the amnion. Baby's blood and mother's blood will remin separate from each other as diffusion will occur only with the nutrients, gases and waste products. Just as important, the placenta (the cells of which contain the DNA of the child) is producing hihg levels of ________ and ________ into the mother's bloodstream.
    placenta; umbilical chord; estrogen; progesterone
  29. This, the living ________ causes the high levels of these 2 hormones to be maintained and literally takes charge of the mom's jormone system so that the baby will be nutured and protected in the womb for the remaining eight and one half months.
  30. If there is no conception, the egg will ________ within 2 days after ovulation, The ________ will break down, releasing les and less ________ and ________.
    disintegrate; corupus luteum; estrogen; progesterone
  31. When the levels of ________ and ________ in the blood stream fall below a certain point, the ________ of the uterus begins to detach from the uterus. The tissue and the blood supporting it are discharged through the ________. The phase of mensturation lasts on average 5-7 days. A new cycle begins on the ________ day of menstruation.
    estrogen; progesterone; lining; vagina; first
  32. A few days after menstruation ends, the levels of ________ in the bloodstream are once again ________ enough to stimulate the ________ to release a hormone to cause the ________ to release ________ and ________ and the cycle starts all over.
    estrogen; low; hypothalamus; pituitary gland; LH; FSH
  33. FSH
    Follicle stimulating hormone
  34. LH
    Luteinizing hormone
Card Set
Menstrual Cycle
Mrs. Goodwin