ENGL midterm study guide

  1. Poem
    A composition, a work of verse, which may be in rhyme or may be blank verse or a combination of the two. Or it may depend on having a fixed number of syllables, like the haiku.
  2. What makes a poem different from any other kind of composition?
    the difference is its a species of magic, the secret to which lies in the way the words lean upon each other, are linked and interlocked in sense and rhythm, and thus elicit from each other's syllables a kind of tune whose beat and melody varies subtly and which is different from that of prose
  3. stanza
    A group of lines of verse. It may be of any number but more than twelve is uncommon; four is the commonest. The stanza is the unit of structure in a poem and most poets do not vary the unit within a poem.
  4. What determines a stanza pattern?
    A stanza pattern is determined by the number of lines, the number of feet in each line and the metrical and rhyming schemes
  5. quatrain
    a stanza of four lines, rhymed or unrhymed. The commonest of all stanzaic forms in European poetry, it lends itself to wide variation in meter and rhyme.
  6. what are the most common rhyming patterns?
    • 1)abab
    • 2) xbyb
    • 3) aabb,
    • 4) abba
    • 5) aaxa
  7. dipththong
    an unsegmentable, gliding speech sound varyingcontinuously in phonetic quality but held to be a single sound or phoneme and identified by its apparent beginning andending sound, as the oi- sound of toy or boil.
  8. meter
    The term refers to the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in verse. In English verse, meter is based on stress rather than quantity. A line maybe have a fixed number of syllables and yet have a varying number of stresses. As a rule meter keeps to a basic pattern, within which there are many variations. A common form of variation is substitution.
  9. In english verse the following meters are the most commonest:
    • 1) iambic
    • 2) trophaic
    • 3) anapaestic
    • 4) dacytlic
    • 5) spondaic
    • 6) paeonic
  10. the following terms denote the number of feet per line: monometer-
    • 1) dimeter
    • 2) trimeter
    • 3) tetrameter
    • 4) pentameter
    • 5) hexameter
    • 6) heptameter
    • 7) octameter
  11. scanning
    to analyze (verse) as to its prosodic or metrical structure;read or recite (verse) so as to indicate or test the metricalform.
  12. accentual syllable
  13. monosyllabic
  14. euphony
  15. cacophony
  16. sonnet form
  17. villanelle
  18. end rhyme
  19. perfect rhyme
  20. slant rhyme
  21. internal rhyme
  22. caesura
  23. symbols
  24. allusions
  25. anecdote
  26. genre
  27. literary allusion
  28. volta
  29. personification
  30. representation
  31. representation
  32. semiotics
  33. figuration
  34. sign
  35. symbols
  36. signify
  37. aesthetic value
  38. icon
  39. index
  40. symbolic
  41. Trope
  42. Couplet
  43. Apposition
  44. Metaphor (vehicle & tenor)
  45. Image/symbol
  46. anthropomorphism
  47. apostrophe
  48. simile
  49. metonymy
  50. synechdoche
  51. hyperbole
  52. paradox
  53. pun
  54. irony (dramatical, sarcasm, situational)
  55. interpretation
  56. volta
  57. iambic pentameter
  58. blank verse
  59. open form or free verse
  60. scansion
  61. alliteration
  62. stanza
  63. enjambment
  64. justification
  65. plot summary
  66. narrative
  67. novel
  68. fiction
  69. non fiction
  70. short story
  71. fabula
  72. sjuzet
  73. plot arc
  74. beginning
  75. conflict/climax
  76. denoument
  77. resolution
  78. signifier/signified
  79. referent
  80. setting
  81. analepsis
  82. ellipsis
  83. prolepsis
  84. formal analysis
  85. internal analysis
  86. literal meaning
  87. figurative meaning
  88. literary value
  89. implicit evaluation
  90. explicit evaluation
  91. figuration
  92. style/voice
  93. ideology
  94. argument = claim (why does text matter) + grounds (careful description)
  95. plot- simple + complex
  96. flat characters
  97. round characters
  98. extended metaphor
  99. synaesthesia
  100. subjectivity (decarte- " ithink therefore i am")
  101. speech acts
  102. declarative
  103. imperative
  104. interrogative
  105. exclamatory
  106. elegy
  107. tragedy
  108. comedy
  109. hubris
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ENGL midterm study guide
engl 301 terms