Logic and Epistemology

  1. Define philosophy.
    • love of wisdom
    • search for self-understanding
    • means for understanding basic concepts
    • determining justified beliefs
  2. Skills of Philosophy?
    • analyzing
    • assessing
    • arguing
  3. What is analyzing?
    generally looking below the surface
  4. What is assessing?
    Is the thing in question complete, coherent, and correct?
  5. What is arguing?
    the ability to present your beliefs in a logical manner
  6. Major Areas of Philosophy
    • logic
    • epistemology
    • metaphysics
    • philosophy of religion
    • ethics
    • political philosophy
  7. Logic (basic)
    study of principles for determining correct from incorrect reasoning
  8. Epistemology (basic)
    concerns knowledge and theories of knowledge
  9. Metaphysics (basic)
    concerns the nature of reality
  10. P. of Religion (basic)
    concerns the relationship between faith and reason
  11. Ethics (basic)
    concerns the objectivity of ethics
  12. Political Philosophy (basic)
    concerns the legitimacy of government
  13. Major Socratic Teachings
    • the unexamined life is not worth living
    • life's most important task is caring for the soul
    • a good person cannot be harmed by others
  14. logic (definition)
    study of methods for evalutating arguments and reasoning
  15. deductive argument
    an argument in which it is claimed that the conclusion necessarily follows from the premises
Card Set
Logic and Epistemology
Ch 1-2