What is the Abydos Passion Play?
It was an Egyptian Play. It was a performance to Osiris. It was performed between 2500 to 550 BCE. There is a lot of debate about the interpretation of this play.
What is Cultural Darwinism?
It is a theory of evolution applied to cultural phenomena. Assumes that humans evolve from simple to complex. It assumes that societies that evolved autonomous institutions are superior than those that have not yet separated art and theater from religion.
What is City of Dionysia?
It was the most important festival in Athens. It held contest between the tribes, during the spring time it was opened to the whole Greek world.
What events occurs during 534 BCE?
Athenian government sanction to theater. Thespis join recitation and character verse to create a primitive drama in this year.
What is the Lenaia Festival?
It celebrates the end of January. It was a city festival, primarily local. Comedy became heavily associated with this festival.
Who is Arion?
He the first to record dithyrambs on well defined heroic subjects and to give them titles. Arion is associated to drama, because his performers were called tragodoi and songs tragikon.
Who is Aeschylus?
He was the first of the holy trinity of Greek playwrights. He wrote Orestia and Persians.
Who is Sophocles?
He wrote Antigone and Oedipus. He wrote very individual characters that were complex and motivated.
Who was Euripides?
He was very popular among the people but didn't win many prizes. He was responsible for Trojan Women and Alcestis.
Who was Epicharmus?
Poet mentioned by Aristotle, Credited as the first writer of comedies.
Old Comedy and Aristophanes
Animals chorus, prologue, happy idea theme, emphasis on sex drinking wealth and leisure.
Dealt with political issues. Clouds, Wasps, Birds.
new Comedy, Menander
Domestic in nature. Love financial worries and family.
Menander's Grouch was the only extant complete work of new comedy. Menander wrote over 100 plays and was highly regarded.
Satyr Play
Play done following a tragedy. Cleanse the palate for the next tragedy.
Pronomos vase
depiction of satry actors. Provides information on number of chorus and costuming mask and other information.
From southern Italy. Rustic farce performed in Greek colonies in southern Italy.
Toga or outer wear of actors
Artists of Dionysus
The guild of actors in Hellenistic era. All the personnel needed for stage plays and give recitations at festivals.
Orchestra and Skene
The two main play areas in Greek. Orchestra is the flat surface out front and the skene is a wall or back room behind the playing space.
Oldest extant theater in Attica. Semi-rectangular orchestra.
The seeing space in Greek theaters.
Pinakes and Periakoti
part of Hellenistic theaters. Pinakes were like flats-painted panels inserted from the rear. periakoti was painted on both sides that changed from play to play.
Ekkyklema and Machine
The device for revealing tableaus. A wagon where it came from is up for debate.
Proskenion and Episkenion
- The front of the stage was supported by the Proskenion-facade of the lower story.
- The Epikenion rose the back of the stage on the second story facade.
This is a Hellenistic theater that is not Greek and compared with Dionysus.
Atellan farce
course farces presenting stock characters. Exodia or after pieces to the longer drama.
Roman historian. Wrote about the plague and how entertainment was brought in to try and cure it.
Livius Andronicus
A Greek captured at Tarentum, produced the first translation of a Greek play in Latin.
Roman play write for the intellectual elite. Drowned at early age.
Roman playwright drama and republic. 130 plays, comedy.
Caecilius Statius
Comic writer, dramatist.
The only roman tragedian we have. Famous for his works on rhetoric and philosophy.
Pantomime Lucian
Wrote the dance. A dance with a plot.
acrobatic street performers. Very popular.
gladiators, venations, naumachiae.
Theatre of Pompey
First permanent theatre in Rome. Built with state money to venus.
Siparium and Auleum
back ground cutrain of the stage.
The curtain in the front.
Roman architect provided information about roman theater structure and audiences, acoustics. and settings related to genre how to book for building the perfect theater.
Early Christian Arthur who argued against the theater.
476 BCE
fall to the Goths. Fall of the Roman empire. Collapse of the existing social structures.
Stock Characters
Fictional Characters based on a common literary or social stereotype. Names come from personality or characteristics.
Structure of greek theater that arched and opened in the orchestra
Miniature proscenium arch behind the individual setting oculd be erected.
Fabula Palliate
Roman comedies that were translations or adaptations of Greek New comedies.
fabula Togoata
Roman materials similar to Fabula Palliate
Fabula Praetxta
adapted from Greek originals based on Roman subjects.
Scaenae ductillis
sliding scenery
Circus Maximus
Ancient Roman chariot raving stadium in Rome.
Flavian Amphitheatre
Theatre that eventually became the coliseum. Latin.
Turkish shadow puppets.
Closet Tragedy
Play not intended for stage but read by a solitary reader or out loud in a small group.
massive screen constructed out of stone.
Scaena frons
The basic scenic back ground in roman theatre.
type of public spectacle that feature animal huts
game intended to mock naval battles.
Collegium poetarum
guild that met in Tome that poets and actors belonged to.
Gnaeus Naevius
Roman epic poet and dramatist of the old Latin period. Angered the Metelli family, went to prison and set free.
The Brothers Manaechmus
A comedy about mistaken identity involving a set of twins, most of the dialog was sung.