communication review

  1. Legitimate power
    Power that stems frombeing elected or appointed to a position of authority.
  2. Group Deviate
    a group member who holdsan opinion, attitude, or belief that is different from that of other groupmembers.
  3. Expert power
    power derived from havingexpertise and information
  4. Self esteem
    your assessment of yourworth or value as reflected in your perception of such things as your skills,abilities, talents and appearance
  5. Perception
    The arousal of any of your senses

    • Perception involves structuring and making sense out of information provided by the
    • senses.
  6. Perceptual process-
    • 1) Perception
    • 2)Attention and Selection
    • 3) Organization
    • 4) Interpretation
  7. Gender Vs. Sex
    Gender is a cultural construction that includes one’s biological sex, psychological characteristics,attitudes about appropriate roles, behavior for the sexes in society and sexualorientation. Gender is more board and all-inclusive it is a preferred term.

    While Sex is the biological and physiological characteristics that make aperson female or male.
  8. Attributing
    when you meet someone new,you notice certain basic attributes, like the person’s sex, general aspects ofphysical appearance, and the sounds of his of her voice. You also attend tospecific details that the person communicates, verbally and nonverbally.
  9. Organization
    converting information into convenient, understandable, and efficient patterns that allow us to make sense of what we have observed
  10. Avowed identity
    An identity you assignto yourself and portray.
  11. Information- giver role
    provides facts, examples, statists, or other evidence that relates to the task confronting the group.
  12. Self-Reflexiveness
    The human abilityto think about what you are doing while you are doing it.
  13. Importance of team ground rules
    the importance of team ground rules is that they help manage uncertainty when working with others.
  14. Norm:
    general standards that determine what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior in a group
  15. Low status:
    someone who is considered less important in society
  16. Clique:
    a smaller cohesive groupwithin a group
  17. define the journalist six questions
    • who
    • what
    • when
    • where
    • how
  18. problem analysis
    to analyze a problem is to consider the causes, effects, symptoms, history and other information that will inform the group about how to best solve the problem.
  19. Criteria:
    standards for acceptable solutions to a problem.
  20. Creativity:
    is the generation,application, combination, and extension of new ideas
  21. Force field analysis technique:
    amethod of analyzing a problem of issue by identifying forces that increases thelikelihood that the desired goal will occur driving forces and forces that decrease the probability that the goal will occur
  22. Understanding:
    to assign meaning to messages.
  23. Time oriented:
    those who prefer thatmessages communicated by others be brief
  24. being able to identify your listening goal
    Listen to someone else to open up more and increase self-awareness.
  25. People oriented listeners:
    Those who prefer to focuson the emotions and feelings communicated by others verbally and nonverbally.
  26. Public speaking
    a teachable, learnableprocess of developing, supporting, organizing, and orally presenting ideas.
  27. Redundancy
    speaking is moreredundant than writing. Unnecessary repetition is bad for writing but isessential in speaking.
  28. Considering your audience/central element
    it should reflect a topic in which the audience has a reason to be interested
  29. Speaker-centered vs. audience-centered
    • Audience centered speakers are people who consider and adapt to the audience at every stage of the presentational speaking process.
    • Speaker centered presentational speakers are people who consider themselves and assume the audience will adapt at every stage of the presentational speaking process.
  30. Speaker anxiety – (stage fright)
    anxiety about speaking in public that ismanifested in physiological symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, butterflies,shakiness, quivering voice.
  31. Process of problem solving
    the scientific methodthat scientists still use to solve problems: defining and analyzing a problem,identifying solutions, picking a solution, and putting the solution intopractice.
  32. Groups/ result driven –
    a group with aresults-driven structure is organized around the action steps that it needs totake to achieve its goal.
  33. Interaction
    the give and takediscussion and responsiveness to other group members. In an interactive group there are fewer long utterances, more people contribute, and more people taketurns talking. Manages relationships and reactions to the task.
  34. Reflective thinking
    a problem solving process based on the scientific method.
  35. How to deal with fear
    be prepared,focus on audience, focus on message, deep breathing, take advantage ofopportunities to speak, seek professional help
  36. Systematic desensitization
    an anxiety managementstrategy that includes general relaxation techniques and visualization of success
  37. Indirect perception checking:
    using your own perceptualabilities to seek additional information to confirm or refute your interpretations of someone’s behavior.
  38. Direct perception checking:
    asking someone elsewhether your interpretations of what you perceive are correct.
  39. Gender:
    A cultural construction that includes one’sbiological sex, psychological characteristics, attitudes about the sexes, andsexual orientation.
  40. Focus group:
    A group that is asked to discuss a particulartopic or issue so that others can better understand how the group membersrespond to the topic or issue presented to them.
  41. Social group:
    a group that exists to provide opportunities forgroup members to enjoy an activity in the company of others.
  42. Social roles:
    Roles that help groups manage relationship andaffects the group climate.
  43. Task roles:
    A role that helps a group achieves itsgoals and accomplishes its work.
  44. Self talk:
    inner speech, communication with the self; theprocess of mentally verbalizing messages that help a person become more awareor mindful of how he or she is processing information and reacting to lifesituations.
  45. WPM-
    Words Per Minute: Most people speak 125 words per minute. We have the ability to process four to tens timesthat amount of information. We can process 2,000 bits of information a minutefor short periods of time.
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communication review